Describes various attributes for an IDebugProperty2 or an IDebugReference2 interface. Member of the DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO structure.
#define DBG_ATTRIB_NONE 0x0000000000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ALL 0x00000000ffffffff,
// Attributes about the object itself
#define DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE 0x0000000000000001,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_HAS_ID 0x0000000000000002,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_CAN_HAVE_ID 0x0000000000000004,
// Attributes about the value of the object
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_READONLY 0x0000000000000010,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_ERROR 0x0000000000000020,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_SIDE_EFFECT 0x0000000000000040,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_OVERLOADED_CONTAINER 0x0000000000000080,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN 0x0000000000000100,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN_TRUE 0x0000000000000200,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_INVALID 0x0000000000000400,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_NAT 0x0000000000000800,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_AUTOEXPANDED 0x0000000000001000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_TIMEOUT 0x0000000000002000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_RAW_STRING 0x0000000000004000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWER 0x0000000000008000,
// Attributes about field access types for the object
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_NONE 0x0000000000010000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PUBLIC 0x0000000000020000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PRIVATE 0x0000000000040000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PROTECTED 0x0000000000080000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_FINAL 0x0000000000100000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_ALL 0x00000000001f0000,
// Attributes for the storage types of the object
#define DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_NONE 0x0000000001000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_GLOBAL 0x0000000002000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_STATIC 0x0000000004000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_REGISTER 0x0000000008000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_ALL 0x000000000f000000,
// Attributes for the type modifiers on the object
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_NONE 0x0000000100000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VIRTUAL 0x0000000200000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_CONSTANT 0x0000000400000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZED 0x0000000800000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VOLATILE 0x0000001000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_ALL 0x0000001f00000000,
// Attributes that describe the type of object
#define DBG_ATTRIB_DATA 0x0000010000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_METHOD 0x0000020000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_PROPERTY 0x0000040000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_CLASS 0x0000080000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_BASECLASS 0x0000100000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_INTERFACE 0x0000200000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_INNERCLASS 0x0000400000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_MOSTDERIVED 0x0000800000000000,
#define DBG_ATTRIB_CHILD_ALL 0x0000ff0000000000,
// Miscellaneous attributes
#define DBG_ATTRIB_MULTI_CUSTOM_VIEWERS 0x0001000000000000
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_NONE = 0x0000000000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ALL = 0x00000000ffffffff,
// Attributes about the object itself
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE = 0x0000000000000001,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_HAS_ID = 0x0000000000000002,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_CAN_HAVE_ID = 0x0000000000000004,
// Attributes about the value of the object
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_READONLY = 0x0000000000000010,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_ERROR = 0x0000000000000020,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_SIDE_EFFECT = 0x0000000000000040,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_OVERLOADED_CONTAINER = 0x0000000000000080,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN = 0x0000000000000100,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = 0x0000000000000200,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_INVALID = 0x0000000000000400,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_NAT = 0x0000000000000800,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_AUTOEXPANDED = 0x0000000000001000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_TIMEOUT = 0x0000000000002000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_RAW_STRING = 0x0000000000004000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWER = 0x0000000000008000,
// Attributes about field access types for the object
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_NONE = 0x0000000000010000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PUBLIC = 0x0000000000020000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PRIVATE = 0x0000000000040000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PROTECTED = 0x0000000000080000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_FINAL = 0x0000000000100000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_ALL = 0x00000000001f0000,
// Attributes for the storage types of the object
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_NONE = 0x0000000001000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_GLOBAL = 0x0000000002000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_STATIC = 0x0000000004000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_REGISTER = 0x0000000008000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_ALL = 0x000000000f000000,
// Attributes for the type modifiers on the object
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_NONE = 0x0000000100000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VIRTUAL = 0x0000000200000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_CONSTANT = 0x0000000400000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x0000000800000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VOLATILE = 0x0000001000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_ALL = 0x0000001f00000000,
// Attributes that describe the type of object
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_DATA = 0x0000010000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_METHOD = 0x0000020000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_PROPERTY = 0x0000040000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_CLASS = 0x0000080000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_BASECLASS = 0x0000100000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_INTERFACE = 0x0000200000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_INNERCLASS = 0x0000400000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_MOSTDERIVED = 0x0000800000000000,
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_CHILD_ALL = 0x0000ff0000000000,
// Miscellaneous attributes
public const int DBG_ATTRIB_MULTI_CUSTOM_VIEWERS = 0x0001000000000000
Indicates no attributes.DBG_ATTRIB_ALL
Indicates all attributes.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE
Indicates that the reference or property has children.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_HAS_ID
Indicates that an ID for this object has been created.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_CAN_HAVE_ID
Indicates that an ID for this object can be created.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_READONLY
Indicates that the value is read-only.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_ERROR
Indicates that the value is an error.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_SIDE_EFFECT
Indicates that the evaluation had a side effect.DBG_ATTRIB_OVERLOADED_CONTAINER
Indicates that this property is really a container of overloads.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue is Boolean.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN_TRUE
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue is Boolean and TRUE.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_INVALID
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue is not valid.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_NAT
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue is "not a thing" (NAT). NAT describes a register flag in Intel 64-bit processors that indicates deferred speculative exceptions.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_AUTOEXPANDED
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue has possibly been auto-expanded.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_TIMEOUT
Indicates that an evaluation has timed-out.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_RAW_STRING
Indicates that the value in DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO::bstrValue can be represented by a raw string.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWER
Indicates that this property has at least one custom viewer associated with it.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_NONE
Indicates an object that has neither public, private, nor protected type access.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PUBLIC
Indicates an object that has public access.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PRIVATE
Indicates an object that has private access.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PROTECTED
Indicates an object that has protected access.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_FINAL
Indicates an object that has final access.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_ALL
Mask to extract the access attributes from DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_NONE
Indicates that there is no storage type specified.DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_GLOBAL
Indicates global storage.DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_STATIC
Indicates static storage.DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_REGISTER
Indicates storage in the register.DBG_ATTRIB_STORAGE_ALL
Mask to extract the storage attributes from DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_NONE
Indicates that there is no type modifier.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VIRTUAL
Indicates that the type of object is virtual.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_CONSTANT
Indicates that the type of object is constant.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZED
Indicates that the type of object is synchronized.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_VOLATILE
Indicates that the type of object is volatile.DBG_ATTRIB_TYPE_ALL
Mask to extract the type attributes from DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_DATA
Indicates that this object is a data field.DBG_ATTRIB_METHOD
Indicates that this object is a method.DBG_ATTRIB_PROPERTY
Indicates that this object is a property.DBG_ATTRIB_CLASS
Indicates that this object is a class.DBG_ATTRIB_BASECLASS
Indicates that this object is a base class.DBG_ATTRIB_INTERFACE
Indicates that this object is an interface.DBG_ATTRIB_INNERCLASS
Indicates that this object is an inner class.DBG_ATTRIB_MOSTDERIVED
Indicates that this object is ‘most-derived’. The term "most-derived" means the actual type of the object, and not the type of its reference.DBG_ATTRIB_CHILD_ALL
Indicates that the object has multiple custom viewers associated with it.
The values in this enumeration are not actually defined in the assembly for C#. Instead, you must copy the definitions to your source file.
These flags are also used to filter children of an object, for example, when passed as an argument to IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren. The values may be combined with a bitwise OR.
The DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWER flag is an indication to Visual Studio to obtain the IDebugProperty3 interface from the IDebugProperty2 interface and call IDebugProperty3::GetCustomViewerList for a list of custom viewers.
Header: msdbg.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll