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Gewusst wie: Binden von Objekten an das DataGridView-Steuerelement in Windows Forms

Aktualisiert: November 2007

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie eine Auflistung von Objekten an ein DataGridView-Steuerelement gebunden wird, sodass jedes Objekt als separate Zeile angezeigt wird. Des Weiteren veranschaulicht dieses Beispiel, wie eine Eigenschaft mit einem Enumerationstyp in einer DataGridViewComboBoxColumn angezeigt wird, sodass das die Dropdownliste des Kombinationsfelds die Enumerationswerte enthält.


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Enum Title
End Enum

Public Class EnumsAndComboBox
    Inherits Form

    Private flow As New FlowLayoutPanel()
    Private WithEvents checkForChange As Button = New Button()
    Private knights As List(Of Knight)
    Private dataGridView1 As New DataGridView()

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetupForm()
        AutoSize = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetupGrid()
        knights = New List(Of Knight)
        knights.Add(New Knight(Title.King, "Uther", True))
        knights.Add(New Knight(Title.King, "Arthur", True))
        knights.Add(New Knight(Title.Sir, "Mordred", False))
        knights.Add(New Knight(Title.Sir, "Gawain", True))
        knights.Add(New Knight(Title.Sir, "Galahad", True))

        ' Initialize the DataGridView.
        dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False
        dataGridView1.AutoSize = True
        dataGridView1.DataSource = knights


        ' Initialize and add a text box column.
        Dim column As DataGridViewColumn = _
            New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        column.DataPropertyName = "Name"
        column.Name = "Knight"

        ' Initialize and add a check box column.
        column = New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()
        column.DataPropertyName = "GoodGuy"
        column.Name = "Good"

        ' Initialize the form.
        Me.AutoSize = True
        Me.Text = "DataGridView object binding demo"
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateComboBoxWithEnums() As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
        Dim combo As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn()
        combo.DataSource = [Enum].GetValues(GetType(Title))
        combo.DataPropertyName = "Title"
        combo.Name = "Title"
        Return combo
    End Function

#Region "business object"
    Private Class Knight
        Private hisName As String
        Private good As Boolean
        Private hisTitle As Title

        Public Sub New(ByVal title As Title, ByVal name As String, _
            ByVal good As Boolean)

            hisTitle = title
            hisName = name
            Me.good = good
        End Sub

        Public Property Name() As String
                Return hisName
            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                hisName = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property GoodGuy() As Boolean
                Return good
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
                good = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property Title() As Title
                Return hisTitle
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Title)
                hisTitle = Value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
#End Region

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New EnumsAndComboBox())
    End Sub

End Class
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public enum Title

public class EnumsAndComboBox : Form
    private DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
    private BindingSource bindingSource1 = new BindingSource();

    public EnumsAndComboBox()
        this.Load += new System.EventHandler(EnumsAndComboBox_Load);

    private void EnumsAndComboBox_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Populate the data source.
        bindingSource1.Add(new Knight(Title.King, "Uther", true));
        bindingSource1.Add(new Knight(Title.King, "Arthur", true));
        bindingSource1.Add(new Knight(Title.Sir, "Mordred", false));
        bindingSource1.Add(new Knight(Title.Sir, "Gawain", true));
        bindingSource1.Add(new Knight(Title.Sir, "Galahad", true));

        // Initialize the DataGridView.
        dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        dataGridView1.AutoSize = true;
        dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;


        // Initialize and add a text box column.
        DataGridViewColumn column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
        column.DataPropertyName = "Name";
        column.Name = "Knight";

        // Initialize and add a check box column.
        column = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
        column.DataPropertyName = "GoodGuy";
        column.Name = "Good";

        // Initialize the form.
        this.AutoSize = true;
        this.Text = "DataGridView object binding demo";

    DataGridViewComboBoxColumn CreateComboBoxWithEnums()
        DataGridViewComboBoxColumn combo = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
        combo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Title));
        combo.DataPropertyName = "Title";
        combo.Name = "Title";
        return combo;
    #region "business object"
    private class Knight
        private string hisName;
        private bool good;
        private Title hisTitle;

        public Knight(Title title, string name, bool good)
            hisTitle = title;
            hisName = name;
            this.good = good;

        public Knight()
            hisTitle = Title.Sir;
            hisName = "<enter name>";
            good = true;

        public string Name
                return hisName;

                hisName = value;

        public bool GoodGuy
                return good;
                good = value;

        public Title Title
                return hisTitle;
                hisTitle = value;

    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new EnumsAndComboBox());


Kompilieren des Codes

Für dieses Beispiel ist Folgendes erforderlich:

  • Verweise auf die Assemblys System und System.Windows.Forms.

Informationen zum Erstellen dieses Beispiels über die Befehlszeile für Visual Basic oder Visual C# finden Sie unter Erstellen von der Befehlszeile aus (Visual Basic) und Erstellen über die Befehlszeile mit csc.exe. Sie können dieses Beispiel auch in Visual Studio erstellen, indem Sie den Code in ein neues Projekt einfügen.

Siehe auch


Gewusst wie: Aufrufen von Objekten, die an DataGridView-Zeilen in Windows Forms gebunden sind



Weitere Ressourcen

Anzeigen von Daten im DataGridView-Steuerelement in Windows Forms