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Aktualisiert: November 2007

Ruft die Konfiguration des Emulators im XML-Format der Geräteemulatorkonfiguration ab.

HRESULT GetConfiguration([out, retval] BSTR *lpbstrConfig);


  • [out, retvan] lpbstrConfig
    Ein Zeiger auf eine Zeichenfolge, die die Emulatorkonfiguration enthält.


Ein HRESULT-Wert, der das Ergebnis des Methodenaufrufs angibt.


Das Format der Ausgabe entspricht dem Format in Geräteemulator-Konfigurationsdateien. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter XML-Schemareferenz für Geräteemulatorkonfigurationen.


In diesem Beispiel wird der Pocket PC 2003-Emulator gestartet, die Konfiguration des Emulators wird abgerufen und festgelegt, und ein Warmstart wird mit dem IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID ausgeführt.

BOOL FindDevice(const CComBSTR& deviceIdentifier, IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID** pDeviceVMID);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        // HRESULT is used to determine whether method calls are successful
        HRESULT hr;
        CComPtr<IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID> pDevice = NULL;

        // Get the emulator by calling a helper function
        hr = FindDevice("Pocket PC 2003 SE Emulator", &pDevice);

        // If the emulator is found
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Connect to the emulator
            hr = pDevice->Connect();
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wprintf_s(L"Emulator is connected\n");


            // Output the Device Emulator's configuration.
            BSTR bstrConfig;
            hr = pDevice->GetConfiguration(&bstrConfig);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wprintf_s(L"Get the device's configuration\n");


            // Insert code here to modify the Device Emulator's configuration XML.

            // Set the Device Emulator's configuration
            hr = pDevice->SetConfiguration(bstrConfig);
            if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) wprintf_s(L"Set the device's configuration\n");

            // Perform a soft reset 
            hr = pDevice->Reset(true);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wprintf_s(L"Resetting the device\n");
    return 0;

// Helper method to find a device given name or VMID
BOOL FindDevice(const CComBSTR& deviceIdentifier, IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID** pDeviceVMID)
    HRESULT hr;

    // Instantiate DeviceEmulatorManager (DEM) object.
    //  This starts DvcEmuManager.exe in silent mode
    CComPtr<IDeviceEmulatorManager> pDeviceEmulatorManager;
    hr = pDeviceEmulatorManager.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DeviceEmulatorManager));
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        wprintf_s(L"Error: Unable to instantiate DeviceEmulatorManager. ErrorCode=0x%08X\n", hr);
        return FALSE;

    // For each of the four nodes in the Device Emulator Manager window
    // (Datastore, My Device Emulators, All Device Emulators, and Others)
    for (; SUCCEEDED(hr); (hr = pDeviceEmulatorManager->MoveNext()))
        CComPtr<IEnumManagerSDKs> pSDKEnumerator;

        // Get a list of SDKs/platforms in this node
        hr = pDeviceEmulatorManager->EnumerateSDKs(&pSDKEnumerator);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
        // For every SDK/platform in the list
        for (; SUCCEEDED(hr); (hr = pSDKEnumerator->MoveNext()))
            // Get the list of emulators in the SDK/platform
            CComPtr<IEnumVMIDs> pDeviceEnumerator;
            hr = pSDKEnumerator->EnumerateVMIDs(&pDeviceEnumerator);
            if (FAILED(hr)) {
            // For every emulator in the list
            for (; SUCCEEDED(hr); (hr = pDeviceEnumerator->MoveNext()))
                CComBSTR deviceName;
                CComPtr<IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID> pDevice;

                // Get the IDeviceEmulatorManagerVMID object.
                hr = pDeviceEnumerator->GetVMID(&pDevice);
                if (FAILED(hr)) {

                // Get the name of the emulator
                hr = pDevice->get_Name(&deviceName);
                if (FAILED(hr)){

                // If the name of the device matches the supplied name, 
                // then this is the device we are looking for. 
                if (deviceIdentifier == deviceName){
                    *pDeviceVMID = pDevice;
                    return TRUE;
    wprintf_s(L"Error: Unable to locate the device '%s'", deviceIdentifier);
    return FALSE;

