Erstellen von Add-Ins und Assistenten
Aktualisiert: November 2007
Although Visual Studio offers developers many tools and the power to accomplish almost every task, some developers require an additional or finer level of control. For example, they might have a task or series of tasks that they perform regularly and would like to automate. To address this issue, Visual Studio features a rich programming model, known as the Automation model, for extending and automating its integrated development environment (IDE). The Automation model provides the ability to automate the environment and provide extensions and new features to it.
To learn more about |
See |
Recording and running macros |
The three ways to access Visual Studio Automation |
Functional groups of objects in the automation object model |
How to create Add-ins |
How to reference the EnvDTE namespace and obtain an instance of the DTE object |
Registering an Add-in |
How to limit access to your project's .Addin XML registration file |
Exposing Add-ins on menus and toolbars |
Connecting add-ins to shortcut keys |
New changes in command bar functionality |
How to restore commands that disappear from a menu |
Loading, unloading, and controlling Add-ins in the environment |
Debugging Add-ins |
Exemplarische Vorgehensweise: Debuggen eines Add-In-Projekts |
Creating a Wizard |
Starting wizards programmatically |
Wizard (.vsz) files |
VSDir files, and how they affect the Add Item and New Project dialog boxes |
How to programmatically create a new instance of Visual Studio or attach to a specific instance of Visual Studio that is already running |
Gewusst wie: Erstellen einer Instanz und Anfügen an eine andere Instanz von Visual Studio |
How to upgrade automation projects from previous versions of Visual Studio to Visual Studio 2008. |
Migrieren und Aktualisieren von Add-Ins von Visual Studio 2005 auf Visual Studio 2008 |
Siehe auch
Diagramm "Automationsobjektmodell"
Visual Studio-Befehle und -Schalter