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Visual Basic Concepts

Using the ActiveX Controls

The topics in this chapter provide introductions to most of the ActiveX controls provided with Microsoft Visual Basic. For many of these, you will also find scenarios — along with code — featuring the controls in sample applications.


Using the Animation Control

Basic operation covers opening, playing, stopping, and closing silent .avi files.

Using the Communications Control

Describes how to use the Communications control with a modem to dial a phone number, interact with another modem, or add advanced communications functionality to your applications.

Using the CoolBar Control

The CoolBar control allows you to create user-configurable toolbars similar to those found in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Using the DateTimePicker Control

The DateTimePicker control provides a drop-down calendar to users, useful for date or time input.

Using the DataRepeater Control

Create a data-bound user control that allows the user to view one record in a database. The DataRepeater control "repeats" the user control by creating multiple instances of it in a scrolling view, allowing the user to view several records at once.

Using the FlatScrollBar Control

The FlatScrollBar control is an alternative to the original VScrollBar HScrollBar controls and features hot tracking — the scrollbar changes appearance as the cursor hovers over it.

Using the ImageCombo Control

Similar to the standard ComboBox control, the ImageCombo control additionally provides an image to rapidly distinguish items in a list.

Using the ImageList Control

Manage images by adding them to the ImageList control. Insert pictures at design time or run time, and access them at run time. Also covers using the ImageList with other controls.

Using the Internet Transfer Control

Transfer files to and from a remote computer using the HTTP or FTP protocol. Basic operation includes specifying a proxy server, invoking the OpenURL or Execute operation, and using the GetChunk method to retrieve data.

Using the ListView Control

Organize and view your data in any of four different views using the View property. Add items to be ListImages collection using the Add method, and customize the view by specifying images to be associated with the viewed items.

Using the MAPI Controls

Use the MAPI controls to sign-on to an electronic messaging system, access an Inbox, send or receive messages, or send file attachments.

Using the MaskedEdit Control

Describes how to use the MaskedEdit control to create mask patterns that prompt users for date, time, currency, or customized data input.

Using the MonthView Control

The MonthView control presents a graphical representation of a calendar for easy input of dates into any application.

Using the MSChart Control

Learn how to use the rich features of the control, including how to use combination charts, assign and edit backdrops, and load data from an array.

Using the Multimedia Control

Describes how to use the Multimedia control to manage the recording and playback of a variety of multimedia using a simple push-button interface.

Using the PictureClip Control

Describes how to use the PictureClip control to create an image resource for other Visual Basic controls by storing multiple images in a single image resource and then retrieving individual images by "clipping" specific regions.

Using the ProgressBar Control

Give the user feedback about a lengthy operation by associating the Value property with a metric of the operation. Set the Min and Max properties to actual values used in the operation.

Using the RichTextBox Control

Learn how to open and save RTF files in the control, and use the various text attribute properties to specify how text is displayed.

Using the Slider Control

Allow users to set values using the Slider control. Basic operation includes setting Min and Max values, and allowing the user to select a range of data.

Using the StatusBar Control

Add Panel objects to the Panels collection, and program text and images to be displayed in the StatusBar control. Set the Style property to automatically view keyboard status, time, and date.

Using the SysInfo Control

Describes how to use properties and events of the SysInfo control to determine the current operating system and version, and how to monitor and respond to system and Plug and Play events or changes in AC and battery power status.

Using the SSTab Control

Introduces the fundamentals of using this control to present several dialogs or screens of information on a single form using the same interface seen in many Microsoft Windows applications.

Using the TabStrip Control

Create tabs by adding Tab objects to the Tabs collection. Use an ImageList control to supply bitmaps for the tabs. Manage tabs by associating each tab with a container control such as the Frame control.

Using the ToolBar Control

Use at Toolbar to give users quick access to frequently used operations. Add Button objects to the control, and associate images, text, and ToolTips with each button. Allow the user to reconfigure the Toolbar by setting the AllowCustomize property.

Using the TreeView Control

Explanation of the Node objects and how they relate to each other. Add Node objects to the Nodes collection using a database table to supply the text.

Using the UpDown Control

Crate your own Spinner control by associating the UpDown control with a TextBox. Set the AutoBuddy property to automatically associate the control with another control.

Using the WinSock Control

Send data to remote computers using either the TCP or UDP protocol. Simple scenarios include building a "chat" application.