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Class Browser Window

The Class Browser displays the classes in a class library or a form and the type library information in a .tlb, .olb, or .exe file. You can use the Class Browser to view, use, and manage classes and their user-defined members.

Tip   You can open the Class Browser shortcut menu by clicking the right mouse button on the Class Browser window or by pressing ALT+F10.

To use the Class Browser, choose Class Browserfrom the Tools menu and specify a file, or type DO (_BROWSER) in the Command Window.

Class Browser Buttons

Perform various Class Browser commands. Additional functionality is provided through the Class Browser Shortcut Menu.

  • Type Box
    Allows selection or entry of a class type or character string to filter the Move. The drop-down list shows the base classes. The list also keeps a history of class types and filters you have selected or entered for the current instance of the Class Browser.

  • Class Move Icon
    Displays an icon representing the selected class. The icon can be dragged to the main Visual FoxPro window to create an instance of the class. A user-defined bitmap can be assigned to the class move icon.

  • Class List
    Lists the classes and subclasses contained in a class library (.vcx) or a form (.scx) in a hierarchical or alphabetical view. A chevron (<<) next to a class indicates that the parent class is in a file not displayed in the current Class list. To see the parent class, choose Select ParentClass from the shortcut menu. To modify any class in the Class Designer, double-click the class name.

  • Member List
    Lists the user-defined properties and methods of the class or form selected in the Class list. You can filter this list by selecting options from the Member list shortcut menu.

    • Protected filter   If a protected icon (a key) is displayed beside the Protected filter shortcut menu item, protected members are displayed in the Member list. Protected members are also indicated by an asterisk (*).
    • Hidden filter   If a hidden icon (a lock) is displayed beside the Hidden filter shortcut menu item, hidden members are displayed in the Member list. Hidden members are also indicated by a caret (^).
    • Empty filter   If a check mark is displayed beside the Empty filter shortcut menu item, empty methods are displayed in the Member list. Empty methods are indicated by a tilde (~).
  • Class Description Box
    Displays a description for the selected class. This box is located at the bottom left of the Class Browser window. You can edit the description in this box.

  • Member Description Box
    Displays information about the selected member of a class. This box is located at the bottom right of the Class Browser window.

    For object members, the box is a read-only display of class and base class. For property or method members, the box displays a description you can edit. For instances, the box displays a read-only description that includes the variable scope (public or hidden), member names, and property values.

See Also

Adding Controls to Forms with the Class Browser | Browsing Classes with the Class Browser | Class Browser Buttons | Class Browser Methods | Class Browser Properties | Class Designer | Command Window | Customizing the Class Browser | Filtering the Class Browser Class List | Keyboard Shortcuts | Modifying Class Icons and Descriptions | Viewing Class Hierarchies