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Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Configuration Manager 2007, the DDRNew function begins a new data discovery record (DDR).



  • Architecture
    Name of the architecture. The name can refer to an existing or new architecture. The name is used to determine the resource class name. For example, specifying Car identifies the SMS_R_Car resource class.
  • AgentName
    Discovery agent that reports the DDR. This name, which should be unique, is added to the AgentName property array.
  • SiteCode
    Site where the resource was discovered. This site name is added to the AgentSite property array.

Return Values

The DDRNew function always returns S_OK.


You must call this function first for each DDR that you create; calling this function begins your DDR.

The sArchitecture string is used to identify your resource class name and can take one of the following forms:

  • A single word such as Car, which you can use to identify the SMS_R_Carresource class.

  • A multiword string such as Carpool Inventory, which you can use to identify the SMS_R_CarpoolInventory resource class.

  • A DMTF-formatted string such as ACME|Car|1.0, which you can use to identify the SMS_R_ACME_Car_1_0 resource class.

  • The string "System" identifies a computer system.

The agent name, sAgentName, should always be filled in and should identify the program used to generate the DDR.


Runtime Requirements



For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


How to Add New Properties to an Existing Resource Type
How to Create a Data Discovery Record


DDRPropertyFlagsEnum Enumeration
SMSResGen COM Automation Class
Extending Resource Discovery
How to Get the Unique Identifier Value for a Client
ISMSResGen Interface