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The Table object represents a SQL Server table.



Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<PhysicalFacetAttribute> _
<EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)> _
Public NotInheritable Class Table _
    Inherits TableViewBase _
    Implements ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IColumnPermission, IObjectPermission, ICreatable,  _
    IAlterable, IDroppable, IRenamable, ITableOptions, IDmfFacet
Dim instance As Table
public sealed class Table : TableViewBase, 
    ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IColumnPermission, IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, 
    IDroppable, IRenamable, ITableOptions, IDmfFacet
public ref class Table sealed : public TableViewBase, 
    ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IColumnPermission, IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, 
    IDroppable, IRenamable, ITableOptions, IDmfFacet
type Table =  
        inherit TableViewBase 
        interface ISfcSupportsDesignMode 
        interface IColumnPermission 
        interface IObjectPermission 
        interface ICreatable 
        interface IAlterable 
        interface IDroppable 
        interface IRenamable 
        interface ITableOptions 
        interface IDmfFacet 
public final class Table extends TableViewBase implements ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IColumnPermission, IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, IDroppable, IRenamable, ITableOptions, IDmfFacet

Der Table-Typ macht folgende Elemente verfügbar.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode Table() Initializes a new instance of the Table class.
Öffentliche Methode Table(Database, String) Initializes a new instance of the Table class on the specified database and that has the specified name.
Öffentliche Methode Table(Database, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the Table class on the specified database and that has the specified name and schema.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft AnsiNullsStatus Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether ISO NULL handling is enabled on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ChangeTrackingEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether change tracking is enabled for the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Checks Represents a collection of Check objects. Each Check object represents a check constraint defined on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Columns Gets a column collection. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft CreateDate Gets the date and time when the table was created.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DataSpaceUsed Gets the storage space used by the rows of the referenced table in kilobytes.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DateLastModified Gets the date and time when the table was last modified.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DistributionName Gets or sets the name of the distribution scheme defined by the federation.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Events Gets the events that are associated with the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ExtendedProperties Gets an extended property collection. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FakeSystemTable Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the table references a system table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FederationColumnID Gets the ID of the column for the federation key.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FederationColumnName Gets or sets the name of the column for the federation key.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileGroup Gets or sets the filegroup in which the table is stored.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileStreamFileGroup Gets or sets the filegroup for FILESTREAM data.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileStreamPartitionScheme Gets or sets the partition scheme for FILESTREAM data.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileTableDirectoryName Gets or sets the directory name of the FileTable.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileTableNameColumnCollation Gets the column collation of the FileTable name.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileTableNamespaceEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the FileTable namespace is enabled.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ForeignKeys Represents a collection of ForeignKey objects. Each ForeignKey object represents a foreign key defined on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FullTextIndex Gets the full text index on the table or view. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasAfterTrigger Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has any after triggers.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasClusteredIndex Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has a clustered index.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasCompressedPartitions Gets a value indicating whether the table uses compressed partitions
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasDeleteTrigger Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has a delete trigger.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasIndex Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has at least one index.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasInsertTrigger Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has an insert trigger.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasInsteadOfTrigger Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has any instead of triggers.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasUpdateTrigger Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table has an update trigger.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ID Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Indexes Gets the specified index of collection in the table. (Überschreibt TableViewTableTypeBase.Indexes.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IndexSpaceUsed Gets the space used by the index, in KB.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsFileTable Gets a value that indicates whether a table is FileTable.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsIndexable Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether an index can be placed on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsPartitioned Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table is partitioned.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsSchemaOwned Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table schema is owned.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsSystemObject Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the table is a system object.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft IsVarDecimalStorageFormatEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether var decimal storage is enabled.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft LockEscalation Gets or sets the type of lock escalation that is used on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MaximumDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets the maximum number of processors to use in a parallel plan execution that includes the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Name Gets or sets a String value that specifies the name of the view table type. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft OnlineHeapOperation Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the table supports online heap or index operations.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Owner Gets or sets the owner of the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Parent Gets the Database object that is the parent of the Table object.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft PartitionScheme Gets or sets the name of the partition scheme that is configured for the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft PartitionSchemeParameters Represents a collection of PartitionSchemeParameter objects. Each PartitionSchemeParameter object represents a partition scheme parameter defined on the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft PhysicalPartitions Gets the physical partitions in which the table data is stored.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft QuotedIdentifierStatus Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether identifiers delimited by double quotation marks are Transact-SQL reserved keywords or contain characters not usually allowed by the Transact-SQL syntax rules.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Replicated Gets the Boolean property that specifies whether the table is replicated.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft RowCount Gets the number of rows in the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft RowCountAsDouble Gets the number of rows in the table as a floating point value.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Schema Gets or sets a String value that specifies the name of the schema that contains the view table type. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft State Gets the state of the referenced object. (Geerbt von SmoObjectBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Statistics Represents a collection of Statistic objects. Each Statistic object represents a statistic counter that is defined on the table or view. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft TextFileGroup Gets or sets the filegroup that is used to maintain long, variable-length data stored in the table.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft TrackColumnsUpdatedEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Database Engine (Datenbankmodul) track columns update is enabled.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Triggers Represents a collection of Trigger objects. Each Trigger object represents a trigger that is defined on the table or view. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (Geerbt von SmoObjectBase.)

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode Alter Updates any Table object property changes on the instance of SQL Server. 
Öffentliche Methode AlterWithNoCheck Updates any Table object property changes on the instance of SQL Server without checking the property values first. 
Öffentliche Methode ChangeSchema Changes the schema on the referenced table.
Öffentliche Methode CheckIdentityValue Verifies the integrity of all identity columns in the referenced table.
Öffentliche Methode CheckTable Tests the integrity of database pages for the table and indexes defined on the table.
Öffentliche Methode CheckTableDataOnly Tests the integrity of database pages for the table data defined on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Create Creates a table on the instance of SQL Server as defined by the Table object.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee and other users to whom the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[]) Denies the specified set of permissions to the grantee on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) Denies the specified permission for the specified grantees on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[]) Denies the specified set of permissions for the grantees on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[], Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee and other users to whom the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees and other users to whom the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode DisableAllIndexes Disables all the indexes that are on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Discover Discovers a list of type Object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Drop Removes the table from the database.
Öffentliche Methode EnableAllIndexes Enables all indexes.
Öffentliche Methode EnumColumnPermissions() Enumerates a list of column permissions for the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumColumnPermissions(String) Enumerates a list of column permissions for a specified grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumColumnPermissions(ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of column permissions for a specified permission on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumColumnPermissions(String, ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of column permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumForeignKeys Enumerates a list of primary keys in which the table is referenced as a foreign key.
Öffentliche Methode EnumFragmentation() Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode EnumFragmentation(FragmentationOption) Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view with the option to specify how detailed the results should be. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode EnumFragmentation(FragmentationOption, Int32) Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view on a specified partition, and with the option to specify how detailed the results should be. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode EnumLastStatisticsUpdates() Enumerates a list of information about the most recent statistics updates.
Öffentliche Methode EnumLastStatisticsUpdates(String) Enumerates a list of information about the most recent statistics updates for the specified statistic counter.
Öffentliche Methode EnumObjectPermissions() Enumerates a list of object permissions for the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumObjectPermissions(String) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumObjectPermissions(ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified permission on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumObjectPermissions(String, ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the table.
Öffentliche Methode EnumScript() Returns an IEnumerable<string> object that has the script for the passed objects
Öffentliche Methode EnumScript(ScriptingOptions) Returns an IEnumerable<string> object that has the script for the passed objects.
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode FormatSqlVariant Formats an object as SqlVariant type. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetContextDB Gets the context database that is associated with this object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetDBName Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode GetPropValue Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetPropValueOptional Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode GetServerObject Gets the server of the SqlSmoObject object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the specified grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) Grants the specified set of permissions to the specified grantees on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean) Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other uses for the specified grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[]) Grants access to the specified permission on the specified columns for the specified grantee on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other uses for the specified grantees on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[]) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantees to the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantee and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the table under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[], Boolean) Grants the specified permission to the grantee and the ability to grant the specified set of permissions to other users on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantees and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the table under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantees and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[], Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantee and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the specified columns on the table under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantees and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the specified columns on the table under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Initialize() Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Initialize(Boolean) Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode IsObjectInitialized Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Geschützte Methode IsObjectInSpace Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Rebuild() Rebuilds the table.
Öffentliche Methode Rebuild(Int32) Rebuilds the specified table partition.
Öffentliche Methode RebuildIndexes Rebuilds the indexes on the table.
Öffentliche Methode RecalculateSpaceUsage Recalculates the space that is used on the table.
Öffentliche Methode ReCompileReferences Recompiles any view or trigger that depends on the base SMO object. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode Refresh Refreshes the View object or Table object properties. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode Rename Renames the table.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a list of grantees on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[]) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[]) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a list of grantees on the specified columns on the table.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee on the table and any other users to whom the grantee has granted the specified set of permissions. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from grantees on the table and any other users to whom the grantees have granted the specified set of permissions. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee from the table and any other users to whom the grantee has granted the specified set of permissions. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from grantees on the specified columns on the table and any other users to whom the grantees have granted the specified set of permissions. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from grantees on the table and any other users to whom the grantees have granted access. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean, Boolean) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from grantees on the specified columns on the table and any other users to whom the grantees have granted the specified set of permissions. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a grantee on the specified columns on the table and any other users to whom the grantee has granted the specified set of permissions. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from the grantees for the specified columns on the table and any other users to whom the grantee has granted access. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke other users' access under an assumed role.
Öffentliche Methode Script() Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the database object. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Öffentliche Methode Script(ScriptingOptions) Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the database object with the specified scripting options. (Geerbt von TableViewTableTypeBase.)
Geschützte Methode SetParentImpl Sets the parent of the SqlSmoObject to the newParent parameter. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode SwitchPartition(Table) Switches the partition of the table to the specified target table.
Öffentliche Methode SwitchPartition(Int32, Table) Switches the specified partition of the table to the specified target table specified (assuming the target table is not partitioned).
Öffentliche Methode SwitchPartition(Table, Int32) Switches the table to the partition with the specified partition number of the specified target table.
Öffentliche Methode SwitchPartition(Int32, Table, Int32) Switches the specified source partition of the table to the specified target of the specified target table.
Öffentliche Methode ToString Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliche Methode TruncateData Truncates the data in the table.
Öffentliche Methode UpdateStatistics() Updates statistics for the table or view. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target and the type of scan performed. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, and the sample size. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32, Boolean) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, the sample size, and whether to recompute the statistics. (Geerbt von TableViewBase.)
Öffentliche Methode Validate Validates the state of an object. (Geerbt von SmoObjectBase.)

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliches Ereignis PropertyChanged Represents the event that occurs when a property is changed. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Öffentliches Ereignis PropertyMetadataChanged Represents the event that occurs when property metadata changes. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)

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Explizite Schnittstellenimplementierungen

  Name Beschreibung
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.Discover Discovers any dependencies. Verweisen Sie nicht direkt im Code auf dieses Element. Unterstützt die SQL Server-Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.GetDomainRoot Returns the root of the domain. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.GetParent Gets the parent of this object. Verweisen Sie nicht direkt im Code auf dieses Element. Unterstützt die SQL Server-Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.GetPropertyType Gets the type of the specified property. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.GetPropertyValue Gets the value of the specified property. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.GetUrn Gets the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. Verweisen Sie nicht direkt im Code auf dieses Element. Unterstützt die SQL Server-Infrastruktur. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.Resolve Gets the instance that contains the information about the object from the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.SetObjectState Sets the object state to the specified SfcObjectState value. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IAlienObject.SetPropertyValue Sets the property value. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet Gets the interface reference to the set of properties of this object. (Geerbt von SqlSmoObject.)
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Eigenschaft ISfcSupportsDesignMode.IsDesignMode Nur für Informationszwecke identifiziert. Nicht unterstützt. Zukünftige Kompatibilität wird nicht sichergestellt. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object supports design mode.

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To get Table object properties, users can be a member of the public fixed server role.

To set Table object properties, users must have ALTER permission on the table.

To create a table, users must have CREATE TABLE permission on the parent database and ALTER permission in the schema.

To drop a table, users must have CONTROL permission on the table, or be a member of the db_ddladmin or db_owner fixed database roles.

To grant, deny, or revoke permission on the table to other users, users must have CONTROL permission on the table.


Erstellen, Ändern und Löschen von Tabellen


Alle öffentlichen static (Shared in Visual Basic)-Elemente dieses Typs sind Threadsicher. Für Instanzelemente wird die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.

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