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The ReportService2010 Web service enables developers to programmatically manage objects on a report server that is configured for either SharePoint integrated mode or native mode.


  Klasse Beschreibung
Öffentliche Klasse ActiveState Represents information about the active state of a subscription. An ActiveState object is returned by methods that query subscription properties.
Öffentliche Klasse CacheRefreshPlan Represents a cache refresh plan.
Öffentliche Klasse CacheRefreshPlanState Contains properties that indicate the state of a cache refresh plan.
Öffentliche Klasse CatalogItem Represents an item in a report server database or SharePoint library.
Öffentliche Klasse DailyRecurrence Represents the intervals at which a scheduled report runs. Intervals are specified in days.
Öffentliche Klasse DataRetrievalPlan Represents settings that are required to retrieve data from the delivery query for data-driven subscriptions.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSetDefinition Represents information about a set of data to display in a report.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSource Represents a data source in a report server database or SharePoint library.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSourceCredentials Represents data source credentials.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSourceDefinition Represents a data source definition.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSourceDefinitionOrReference Represents a data source definition or a reference to a shared data source.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSourcePrompt Represents the name of a data source and the prompt to display to a user.
Öffentliche Klasse DataSourceReference Represents a reference to a shared data source.
Öffentliche Klasse DaysOfWeekSelector Represents the days of the week on which a scheduled report runs.
Öffentliche Klasse Event Represents an event registered with the report server.
Öffentliche Klasse ExpirationDefinition Represents the expiration setting for a cached report.
Öffentliche Klasse Extension Represents an extension that is registered with the report server.
Öffentliche Klasse ExtensionParameter Represents a setting for an extension.
Öffentliche Klasse ExtensionSettings Represents a delivery extension and its configurable settings.
Öffentliche Klasse Field Represents a field in a dataset of a report.
Öffentliche Klasse InvalidDataSourceReference Represents a state in which a data source reference is no longer valid.
Öffentliche Klasse ItemHistorySnapshot Represents an item history snapshot.
Öffentliche Klasse ItemNamespaceHeader Represents the identifier that is used to retrieve item properties.
Öffentliche Klasse ItemParameter Represents an item parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse ItemReference Represents a reference to a catalog item.
Öffentliche Klasse ItemReferenceData Represents the reference data to a catalog item.
Öffentliche Klasse Job Represents a user or system job that a report server is actively processing.
Öffentliche Klasse MinuteRecurrence Represents the intervals, in minutes, at which a scheduled report runs.
Öffentliche Klasse ModelCatalogItem Used to provide a listing of all model perspectives for a model.
Öffentliche Klasse ModelDrillthroughReport Provides information about a model drillthrough report.
Öffentliche Klasse ModelItem Provides the semantic definition of the model item.
Öffentliche Klasse ModelPerspective Provides information about a perspective of a model.
Öffentliche Klasse MonthlyDOWRecurrence Represents the dates on which a scheduled report runs, typically by month, week, and day of the week.
Öffentliche Klasse MonthlyRecurrence Represents the days of the month on which a scheduled report runs.
Öffentliche Klasse MonthsOfYearSelector Represents the months of the year in which a scheduled report runs.
Öffentliche Klasse NoSchedule Represents a state in which no schedules are associated with the execution or snapshot history settings of a report.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterFieldReference Represents a field name that a report server uses to retrieve the value for a parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterValue Represents data that is used in parameterized reports or in delivery extension settings.
Öffentliche Klasse ParameterValueOrFieldReference Represents a user-supplied value or a field name that represents the value of a parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse Policy Represents groups and users and their roles, which are associated with items in a report server database or SharePoint library.
Öffentliche Klasse Property Represents the properties of an item.
Öffentliche Klasse QueryDefinition Represents a query that retrieves the data for a subscription.
Öffentliche Klasse RecurrencePattern Represents the recurrence pattern of a schedule definition.
Öffentliche Klasse ReportingService2010 Contains the methods and properties that can be used to call the Reporting Services Web service when it is running in both native mode and SharePoint integrated mode.
Öffentliche Klasse Role Represents a role for use in Reporting Services security.
Öffentliche Klasse Schedule Represents a schedule and its properties.
Öffentliche Klasse ScheduleDefinition Represents a defined schedule.
Öffentliche Klasse ScheduleDefinitionOrReference Represents a schedule definition or a reference to a shared schedule.
Öffentliche Klasse ScheduleExpiration Represents a schedule that defines when a cached copy of a report expires.
Öffentliche Klasse ScheduleReference Represents a reference to a shared schedule.
Öffentliche Klasse SearchCondition Represents the properties of an item for which to search in the report server database or SharePoint library.
Öffentliche Klasse ServerInfoHeader Represents information about the report server.
Öffentliche Klasse Subscription Represents a subscription.
Öffentliche Klasse SYSTEMTIME Represents a date and time using individual members for the month, day, year, weekday, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
Öffentliche Klasse Task Represents a task managed by the report server.
Öffentliche Klasse TimeExpiration Represents the time, in minutes, that defines when a cached copy of a report expires.
Öffentliche Klasse TimeZoneInformation Specifies information specific to the time zone.
Öffentliche Klasse TrustedUserHeader This class is not used.
Öffentliche Klasse ValidValue Represents a valid value for an extension setting or report parameter.
Öffentliche Klasse Warning Represents a list of errors or warnings that are returned when a report is published or processed.
Öffentliche Klasse WeeklyRecurrence Represents the number of weeks and the days of the week on which a scheduled report runs.


  Enumeration Beschreibung
Öffentliche Enumeration BooleanOperatorEnum Describes the logical operators that connect search conditions in a report server database or SharePoint library search.
Öffentliche Enumeration ConditionEnum Describes the type of comparison to perform between a SearchCondition object and the properties and values of items in the report server database or SharePoint library.
Öffentliche Enumeration CredentialRetrievalEnum Describes the credential retrieval settings for a data source.
Öffentliche Enumeration DrillthroughType Specifies the type of a drillthrough report.
Öffentliche Enumeration ItemNamespaceEnum Describes the namespace identifier used to retrieve property information for an item in a report server database.
Öffentliche Enumeration SensitivityEnum Describes the sensitivity of a given type: kanatype, case, width, or accent.
Öffentliche Enumeration WeekNumberEnum Describes the week of the month in which a scheduled report runs.