Report Definition XML Elements
The report definition for a report contains elements that define the data and appearance of the report.
A report definition file can contain additional elements that are not used by the report server. For example, Report Designer places an element in the report definition that is only used by Report Designer.
In This Section
Element | Parent | Description |
DataSet |
Indicates whether the data is accent-sensitive. |
DataPoint, Image, Textbox |
Defines a hyperlink, bookmark link, or drillthrough action. |
ReportParameter |
Indicates whether the value for the parameter can be an empty string. |
Report |
Specifies the name of the person who created the report. |
Report |
Specifies the rate, in seconds, at which a report rendered in HTML refreshes. |
CategoryAxis, ValueAxis |
Defines properties for labels, titles, and gridlines on an axis. |
Style |
Describes the background color of the item. |
Style |
Specifies the end color of the background gradient. |
Style |
Specifies the type of background gradient. |
Style |
Provides information about the background image. |
BackgroundImage |
Indicates how the background image fills the available space. |
Report |
Contains the visual elements of the report. |
Chart, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Provides a bookmark that users can jump to using a link defined as a bookmark action. |
Action |
Contains the ID of a bookmark within the report. |
Style |
Indicates the border color of the item. |
Style |
Indicates the style of the border of the item. |
Style |
Indicates the width of the border of the item. |
BorderColor |
Describes the color of the bottom border of the item. |
BorderStyle |
Describes the style of the bottom border of the item. |
BorderWidth |
Describes the width of the bottom border of the item. |
Report |
Describes the width of the bottom margin of the report. |
Style |
Specifies the calendar to use to format dates. |
Textbox |
Indicates whether the size of the text box can increase according to its content. |
Textbox |
Indicates whether the size of the text box can decrease according to its content. |
Title |
Contains the text of the title. |
DataSet |
Indicates whether the data is case-sensitive. |
Chart |
Defines the category axis of the chart. |
CategoryGroupings |
Defines a category level for a category grouping in a chart. |
Chart |
Defines a set of category groupings for the chart. |
Matrix |
Contains the name of the data element for a matrix cell in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Matrix |
Indicates whether the matrix cell appears in output rendered by the XML rendering extension. |
ReportItems |
Defines a chart region to be included in the report. |
Chart |
Defines the data values for the chart. |
Chart |
Indicates whether the element containing the chart data points appears in output rendered by the XML rendering extension. |
Chart |
Defines a set of data points for a series. |
Classes |
Contains information about a class to instantiate. |
Report |
Contains classes to instantiate during report initialization. |
Class |
Contains the name of the class to instantiate. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates whether the data series are displayed along distinct rows in a three-dimensional chart. |
Report |
Contains definitions for custom functions to be used in the report. |
CodeModules |
Contains the name of the code module to load. |
Report |
Contains the names of code modules to load for use in expressions. |
DataSet |
Describes the locale that the report server uses to sort data. |
Style |
Describes the foreground color of the item. |
TableCell |
Indicates the number of columns that the table cell spans. |
ColumnGroupings |
Defines a column header region in a matrix. |
Matrix |
Contains the set of column groupings for a matrix. |
Body |
Defines the default number of columns in the report. |
Body |
Defines the spacing between each column. |
Query |
Specifies the query that the report server executes to retrieve data for the report. |
Query |
Indicates the type of query that is contained in the CommandText element. |
DataSource |
Provides information about the data source. |
ConnectionProperties |
Contains the connection string for the data source. |
Matrix |
Contains the items in the corner region of a matrix. |
Axis |
Indicates the value at which to cross the other axis. |
Chart, Grouping, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Report, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Contains custom information to be passed to the rendering extension. |
ReportItems |
Defines a custom report item to be drawn in the report. |
Grouping |
Contains the name of the data element of the collection containing all instances of the group in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, DataPoint, Grouping, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Report, Subreport, Subtotal, Table,Textbox |
Contains the name of the data element or attribute for a report item or the name of the top-level element for a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, DataPoint, Grouping, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Subtotal, Table, Textbox |
Indicates whether the item appears in output rendered by the XML rendering extension. |
Report,Textbox |
Indicates whether a text box within the report should be rendered as an element or as an attribute when the report is rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
List |
Indicates whether the list appears in output rendered by the XML rendering extension. |
List |
Contains the name of the data element for a list in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Field |
Name of a field in a query. |
DataPoint |
Defines the data labels to display for data values. |
DataPoints |
Defines a single data point for a chart. |
ChartSeries |
Defines the data points for a chart series. |
ConnectionProperties |
Specifies the data processing extension to use for the data source. |
Report |
Contains the namespace to use in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
DataSets |
Contains information about a dataset used in the report. |
DataSetReference |
Indicates which dataset to use for the dataset reference. |
List, Matrix, Chart, Table |
Indicates which dataset to use for the data region. |
DefaultValue, ValidValues |
Defines a dataset that contains a list of valid parameter values and for a default parameter. |
Report |
Describes the data in the report. |
DataSources |
Describes a source of data for the report. |
Query |
Contains the name of the data source for the query. |
DataSource |
Contains the path to a shared data source. |
Report |
Describes the data sources for the report. |
Report |
Contains the location and file name of a transformation to apply to a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
ReportParameter |
Specifies the data type of a parameter. |
DataValues |
Defines a single value for a data point. |
DataPoint |
Contains a set of data values for the y-axis. |
BorderColor |
Describes the default color of the border of the item. |
BorderStyle |
Describes the default style of the border of the item. |
BorderWidth |
Describes the default width of the border of the item. |
ReportParameter |
Specifies the default value to use for the parameter. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the ratio of height to width. |
Report |
Provides a long description of the report. |
Table |
Contains the name of the data element of the collection containing all instances of the group in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Table |
Contains the name of the data element for instances of the group in a report rendered using a data rendering extension, such as XML or CSV. |
Table |
Indicates whether the details appear in output rendered by the XML rendering extension. |
Table |
Defines the details rows for a table. |
SortBy |
Indicates whether the items are sorted in ascending or descending order. |
Style |
Specifies the direction of text and matrices. |
ThreeDProperties |
Specifies shape of the columns or bars in a three-dimensional chart. |
Action |
Contains a reference to a report to be opened through a drillthrough action. |
CategoryGrouping |
Defines the a category level that repeats with each category group in a chart. |
ColumnGrouping |
Defines dynamic column headings for a grouping. |
RowGrouping |
Defines dynamic row headings for a grouping. |
SeriesGrouping |
Defines a series level that repeats with each series group in a chart. |
EmbeddedImages |
Contains an image that is embedded within a report. |
Report |
Contains the images that are embedded within a report. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates whether the chart is three-dimensional. |
Fields |
Describes a field in the dataset. |
DataSet |
Contains the fields in the dataset. |
Filters |
Contains a list of filters that restrict rows of data in a dataset or data region, or restrict group instances in a grouping. |
Filter |
Contains an expression that is evaluated for each row of data or group. |
Chart, DataSet, Grouping, List, Matrix, Table |
Contains a collection of filter lists to apply to a dataset, data region, or grouping. |
FilterValues |
Contains a value to compare against a filter expression. |
Filter |
Contains a collection of values to compare against a filter expression. |
Style |
Contains the name of the font for the item. |
Style |
Indicates the point size of the font for the item. |
Style |
Indicates the style of the font for the item. |
Style |
Indicates the weight of the font for the item. |
Table, TableGroup |
Defines the footer rows for a table or group. |
Style |
Contains the Microsoft .NET Framework formatting string for the item. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the percent depth gap between three-dimensional bars and columns. |
GroupExpressions |
Defines an individual expression by which to group the data. |
Grouping |
Contains an ordered list of expressions by which to group the data. |
Details, DynamicCategories, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, DynamicSeries, List, TableGroup |
Defines how the data is grouped. |
Matrix |
Indicates the number of instances of the outermost column group to appear outside the row headers. |
Table, TableGroup |
Defines the header rows for a table or group. |
Body, Chart, ColumnGrouping, CustomReportItem, Details, Footer, Header, Image, Line, List, Matrix, MatrixRow, PageFooter, PageHeader, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Indicates the height of the item. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the ratio of height to width. |
Visibility |
Indicates whether the item should initially be shown on the report. |
Textbox |
Indicates whether an item is displayed when its current value is the same as its value in the previous row. |
Action |
Contains the URL of the target object. |
ReportItems |
Contains an image to be displayed in the report. |
EmbeddedImage |
Contains encoded image data. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the angle of inclination. |
ToggleImage |
Determines the initial state of the toggle image. |
Legend |
Indicates whether the legend is drawn inside the plot area of a chart. |
Class |
Contains the name of the variable to which the class is assigned. |
ConnectionProperties |
Indicates whether the data source uses integrated security to connect. |
Report |
Specifies the default height of a report that is rendered in the HTML or GDI rendering extensions. |
Report |
Specifies the default width of a report that is rendered in the HTML or GDI rendering extensions. |
Axis |
Indicates whether alternating dark stripes are drawn between grid lines. |
DataSet |
Indicates whether the data is kanatype-sensitive. |
Chart, List, Matrix, Table |
Indicates whether all sections of the data region are kept together on one page. |
DynamicCategories, DynamicSeries, StaticMember |
Provides a label for items in a chart. |
ParameterValue |
Contains the label to display to the user for the parameter. |
Chart, Grouping, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Provides a user-friendly label for an instance of an item within a report. |
DataSetReference |
Contains the name of the field that displays a parameter value to the user. |
Report |
Indicates the primary language of the text in the report. |
Style |
Indicates the primary language of the text. |
Legend |
Determines the arrangement of labels within the legend. |
Matrix |
Indicates whether matrix columns read left-to-right or right-to-left. |
BorderColor |
Describes the color of the left border of the item. |
BorderStyle |
Describes the style of the bottom border of the item. |
BorderWidth |
Describes the width of the left border of the item. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Indicates the distance of the item from the left of the containing item. |
Report |
Specifies the width of the left margin of the report. |
Chart |
Defines the chart legend. |
ReportItems |
Defines a line to be drawn in the report. |
Style |
Describes the height of a line of text. |
Rectangle |
Contains the name of a child report item that is the target location for the document map label. |
ReportItems |
Defines a list region to be included in the report. |
Axis |
Indicates whether the axis is logarithmic. |
Axis |
Defines the major grid lines in the chart. |
Axis |
Indicates the interval between major gridlines on an axis. |
Axis |
Indicates the position of the major tick marks on the axis. |
Axis |
Indicates whether the chart contains an axis margin. |
DataPoint |
Defines a marker for displayed chart data values. |
ReportItems |
Defines a grid of regions that repeats with each column group and row group. |
MatrixCells |
Defines the contents of each detail cell in a matrix. |
MatrixRow |
Defines the set of cells in a row of the detail section of a matrix. |
MatrixColumns |
Defines a column in the detail section of a matrix. |
Matrix |
Defines a set of columns in the detail section of a matrix. |
MatrixRows |
Defines a row in the detail section of a matrix. |
Matrix |
Defines the set of rows in the detail section of a matrix. |
Axis |
Indicates the maximum value of the axis. |
Subreport |
Indicates whether transactions in the subreport are merged with transactions in the parent report when both reports use the same data sources. |
BackgroundImage, EmbeddedImage, Image |
Identifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the image. |
Axis |
Indicates the minimum value of the axis. |
Axis |
Defines the minor grid lines in the chart. |
Axis |
Indicates the interval between minor gridlines on an axis. |
Axis |
Indicates the position of the minor tick marks on the axis. |
Chart, List, Matrix, Subreport, Table |
Specifies the text to display when no rows are returned by the datasets in a subreport or data region. |
ReportParameter |
Indicates whether the value for the parameter can be null. |
Style |
Specifies the language to use to format numbers. |
Style |
Specifies the language variant to use to format numbers. |
Parameter |
Indicates that the parameter is ignored when a user opens a report using a drillthrough link on another report. |
Filter |
Specifies an operator by which to compare the values in the FilterExpression and FilterValues elements. |
Style |
Designates the amount of padding below the item. |
Style |
Designates the amount of padding to the left of the item. |
Style |
Designates the amount of padding to the right of the item. |
Style |
Designates the amount of padding above the item. |
Chart, Grouping, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Table |
Indicates that the rendering extension should insert a page break at the end of the item. |
Chart, Grouping, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Table |
Indicates that the rendering extension should insert a page break at the beginning of the item. |
Report |
Contains a footer that is rendered at the bottom of each page of the report. |
Report |
Contains a header that is rendered at the top of each page of the report. |
Report |
Specifies the default height of the report. |
Report |
Specifies the default width of the report. |
Chart |
Specifies the color palette for chart items. |
Parameters |
Contains a parameter to pass to a report or control. |
Drillthrough, Subreport |
Contains a list of parameters to pass to the report or control. |
ParameterValues |
Provides a hard-coded value for a parameter. |
ValidValues |
Provides a list of hard-coded values for a parameter. |
Grouping |
Identifies the parent group in a recursive hierarchy. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the percent of perspective. |
Chart |
Defines properties for the plot area of chart types with x- and y- axes. |
ChartSeries |
Indicates whether the series is plotted as a line on a column chart. |
Chart |
Specifies the width of columns and bars in a chart. |
DataLabel |
Indicates the position of the data label. |
Legend |
Indicates the position of the legend. |
Subtotal |
Indicates whether the subtotal rows or columns appear before or after the details rows or columns. |
Title |
Indicates the position of the title. |
PageFooter, PageHeader |
Indicates whether the page header is rendered on the first page of the report. |
PageFooter, PageHeader |
Indicates whether the page header is rendered on the last page of the report. |
ThreeDProperties |
Specifies the projection mode for the three-dimensional chart. |
ConnectionProperties |
Contains the text that the user interface displays when prompting the user for database credentials. |
ReportParameter |
Designates the text to display when the user interface prompts the user for parameter values. |
DataSet |
Contains query information for the dataset. |
QueryParameters |
Contains information about an individual parameter that is passed to the data source as part of a query. |
Query |
Contains a list of parameters to pass to the data source. |
ReportItems |
Defines a rectangle to be drawn in the report. |
Footer, Header |
Indicates whether the header or footer should be displayed with the table on each page. |
Image, Line, Rectangle, Textbox |
Provides the name of the data region with which to repeat the report item if the data region spans multiple pages. |
(none) |
Top-level element of the report. |
Body, Corner, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, List, MatrixCell, PageFooter, PageHeader, Rectangle, StaticColumn, StaticRow, Subtotal, TableCell |
Contains the report items that define the contents of a report region. |
Drillthrough, Subreport |
Contains the path and name of the target report. |
ReportParameters |
Describes an individual parameter in the report. |
Report |
Contains an ordered list of parameters in the report. |
Axis |
Indicates whether the axis direction is reversed. |
BorderColor |
Describes the color of the right border of the item. |
BorderStyle |
Describes the style of the right border of the item. |
BorderWidth |
Describes the width of the right border of the item. |
Report |
Specifies the width of the right margin of the report. |
DataLabel, ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the angle of rotation. |
RowGroupings |
Defines a row header region in a matrix. |
Matrix |
Contains the set of row groupings for a matrix. |
Axis |
Indicates whether the values on the axis are scalar. |
SeriesGroupings |
Defines a series level for a series grouping in a chart. |
Chart |
Defines a set of series groupings for the chart. |
ThreeDProperties |
Defines the shading of the three-dimensional chart. |
MajorGridLines, MinorGridLines |
Indicates whether gridlines are displayed in the chart. |
Marker |
Indicates the size of the marker. |
Image |
Determines the appearance of the image if it does not fit within the height and width of the Image element. |
Sorting |
Defines an individual expression by which to sort the data. |
SortBy |
Contains the expression by which to sort the data. |
Details, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, List, TableGroup |
Defines how to sort the data. |
BackgroundImage, Image |
Indicates the source of the image. |
CategoryGrouping |
Defines a category level with a fixed set of members. |
StaticColumns |
Defines a fixed column header region in a matrix. |
ColumnGrouping |
Defines static column headings for the grouping. |
StaticCategories, StaticSeries |
Defines a label to display for a static series or category member. |
StaticRows |
Defines a fixed row header region in a matrix. |
RowGrouping |
Defines static headings for the grouping. |
SeriesGrouping |
Defines a series level with a fixed set of members. |
Axis, Body, Chart, DataLabel, DataPoint, Image, Legend, Line, List, MajorGridLines, Marker, Matrix, MinorGridLines, PageFooter, PageHeader, PlotArea, Rectangle, Subreport, Subtotal, Table, Textbox |
Contains information about the style of an item. |
ReportItems |
Contains information about a report to be included within the report. |
DynamicColumns, DynamicRows |
Defines a subtotal column or row to be included in the matrix. |
Chart |
Indicates the subtype of the chart. |
ReportItems |
Defines a table to be included in the report. |
TableCells |
Defines the contents of each cell in a table. |
TableRow |
Defines a set of cells in a table. |
TableColumns |
Defines a column in a table. |
Table |
Contains a set of columns in a table. |
TableGroups |
Defines a group in a table. |
Table |
Contains a set of groups in a table. |
TableRows |
Defines a row in a table. |
Header, Footer, Details |
Contains an ordered list of table rows. |
Style |
Describes the horizontal alignment of the text of the item. |
ReportItems |
Defines a text box to be drawn in the report. |
Style |
Describes special text formatting for the item. |
Chart |
Defines a the three-dimensional properties of a chart. |
Query |
Specifies the number of seconds the query runs before timing out. |
Axis, Chart |
Contains the title of the item. |
Textbox |
Indicates that a toggle image is displayed as a part of the text box. |
Visibility |
Specifies the text box that users click to show or hide the current item. |
Chart, Image, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Contains a text label for the item. |
BorderColor |
Describes the color of the top border of the item. |
BorderStyle |
Describes the style of the top border of the item. |
BorderWidth |
Describes the width of the top border of the item. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Indicates the distance of the item from the top of the containing item. |
Report |
Specifies the top margin of the report. |
DataSource |
Indicates that the datasets using the data source should be executed in a single transaction. |
Chart |
Indicates the type of the chart. |
Marker |
Indicates the type of the marker. |
Style |
Indicates the level of bi-directional embedding. |
ReportParameter |
Indicates whether a report parameter is used in queries within the report. |
ReportParameter |
Provides a list of possible values for a parameter. |
DataLabel |
Contains the expression for the value labels. |
DataValue |
Contains the value of the data point. |
Field |
Contains an expression that evaluates to the value of the field. |
Image, BackgroundImage |
Identifies the source of the image. |
Parameter |
Contains the value for an individual parameter that is passed to a report or control. |
ParameterValue |
Contains a possible value for the parameter. |
QueryParameter |
Contains the value to pass to the data source. |
Textbox |
Contains the value of the text box. |
Values |
Contains the default value for a parameter. |
Chart |
Defines the value axis of the chart. |
DataSetReference |
Contains the name of the field that provides the valid values or the default value of the parameter. |
DefaultValue |
Contains the hard-coded default values for the parameter. |
Style |
Describes the vertical alignment of the text of the item. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, Details, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, TableColumn, TableGroup, TableRow, Textbox |
Indicates whether the item is displayed in the rendered report. |
Axis, DataLabel, Legend |
Indicates whether the item is displayed in the chart. |
ThreeDProperties |
Indicates the percent thickness of the outer walls of the three-dimensional chart. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, Image, Line, List, Matrix, MatrixColumn, Rectangle, Report, RowGrouping, Subreport, Table, TableColumn, Textbox |
Indicates the width of the item. |
DataSet |
Indicates whether the data is width-sensitive. |
Style |
Indicates whether the text is written horizontally or vertically. |
Chart, CustomReportItem, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, Textbox |
Indicates the drawing order of the item within the containing item. |
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Generating Report Definition Language Programmatically