The SQL Native Client ODBC driver extends SQLGetStmtAttr to expose driver-specific statement attributes. All driver-specific attributes are SQLINTEGER values.
The SQL_TEXTPTR_LOGGING attribute exposes logging of operations on columns containing text or image data.
Value | Description |
Logging of operations performed on text, ntext, and image data is disabled. |
Default. Logging of operations performed on text, ntext, and image data is enabled. |
The SQL_SOPT_SS_CURRENT_COMMAND attribute exposes the current command of a command batch. The return is an integer specifying the location of the command in the batch.
The SQL_SOPT_SS_HIDDEN_COLUMNS attribute exposes, in the result set, columns hidden in a SQL Server SELECT FOR BROWSE statement. The driver does not expose these columns by default.
Value | Description |
Default. FOR BROWSE columns are hidden from the result set. |
Exposes FOR BROWSE columns. |
The SQL_SOPT_SS_NCOUNT_STATUS attribute indicates the current setting of the NOCOUNT option, which controls whether SQL Server reports the numbers of rows affected by a statement when SQLRowCount is called.
Value | Description |
NOCOUNT is OFF. SQLRowCount returns number of rows affected. |
NOCOUNT is ON. The number of rows affected is not returned by SQLRowCount and the returned value is 0. |
If SQLRowCount returns 0, the application should test SQL_SOPT_SS_NOCOUNT_STATUS. If SQL_NC_ON is returned, the value of 0 from SQLRowCount only indicates that SQL Server has not returned a row count. If SQL_NC_OFF is returned, it means that NOCOUNT is off and the value of 0 from SQLRowCount indicates that the statement did not affect any rows.
Applications should not display the value of SQLRowCount when SQL_SOPT_SS_NOCOUNT_STATUS is SQL_NC_OFF. Large batches or stored procedures may contain multiple SET NOCOUNT statements so it cannot be assumed that SQL_SOPT_SS_NOCOUNT_STATUS remains constant. This option should be tested each time SQLRowCount returns 0.
The SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT attribute returns the message text for the query notification request.
The SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_OPTIONS attribute specifies the options used for the query notification request. These are specified in a string with name=value
syntax as specified below. The user is responsible for creating the service and reading notifications off of the queue.
The syntax of the query notifications options string is:
service=<service-name>[;(local database=<database>|broker instance=<broker instance>)]
For example:
service=mySSBService;local database=mydb
The SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT attribute specifies the number of seconds that the query notification is to remain active. The default value is 432000 seconds (5 days).
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ODBC API Implementation Details