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System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.

The System.Data.SqlServerCe namespace is the .NET Compact Framework Data Provider for SQL Server CE.

The .NET Compact Framework Data Provider for SQL Server CE describes a collection of classes that can be used to access a database in SQL Server CE from Windows CE-based devices in the managed environment.

With System.Data.SqlServerCe, you can create SQL Server CE databases on a device and also establish connections to SQL Server databases that are on a device or on a remote server.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
SqlCeCommand Represents an SQL statement to execute against a data source.
SqlCeCommandBuilder Provides a means of automatically generating single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated SQL Server CE database. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeConnection Represents an open connection to a data source.
SqlCeDataAdapter Represents a set of data commands and a database connection that are used to fill the DataSet and update the data source.
SqlCeDataReader Provides a way of reading a forward-only stream of data rows from a data source. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeEngine Represents the properties, methods, and other objects of the SQL Server CE Engine. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeError Collects information relevant to a warning or error returned by the data source. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeErrorCollection Collects all errors generated by the .NET Compact Framework Data Provider for SQL Server CE. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeException The exception that is thrown when the underlying provider returns a warning or error from a SQL Server CE data source. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeInfoMessageEventArgs Provides data for the InfoMessage event. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeParameter Represents a parameter to a SqlCeCommand and optionally, its mapping to a DataSet column. This class cannot be inherited.
SqlCeParameterCollection Collects all parameters relevant to a SqlCeCommand as well as their respective mappings to DataSet columns.
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeRemoteDataAccess object. For more information about Remote Data Access, see the SQL Server CE Books Online.
SqlCeReplication Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeReplication object. For more information on replication, see SQL Server Books Online. For more information on merge replication in SQL Server CE, see the SQL Server CE Books Online.
SqlCeRowUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the RowUpdated event.
SqlCeRowUpdatingEventArgs Provides data for the RowUpdating event.
SqlCeTransaction Represents an SQL transaction to be made at a data source. This class cannot be inherited.


Delegate Description
SqlCeInfoMessageEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the InfoMessage event of a SqlCeConnection.
SqlCeRowUpdatedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the RowUpdated event of a SqlCeDataAdapter.
SqlCeRowUpdatingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the RowUpdating event of a SqlCeDataAdapter.


Enumeration Description
AddOption Specifies the source of the newly created SQL Server CE database.
DbRangeOptions Options used by SetRange when specifying the index range over which to Seek.
DbSeekOptions Options that specify how to Seek on an index.
DropOption Specifies whether to leave or delete the SQL Server CE database during a drop subscription.
ExchangeType Specifies whether data merges up to the Publisher or in both directions between the Publisher and the Subscriber
NetworkType Specifies the network protocol used.
RdaBatchOption Specifies whether or not the rows associated with the Push should be batched together in a single transaction.
RdaTrackOption Specifies whether or not the table being pulled to the device is tracked.
SecurityType Specifies the mode of security enforced.
ValidateType Specifies the type of data validation to perform.

See Also

.NET Framework Class Library

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1.
Documentation version 1.1.1.

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