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Returns the specified Web site from the site collection.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode OpenWeb() Returns the Web site that is associated with the URL that is used in an SPSite constructor.
Öffentliche Methode OpenWeb(Guid) Returns the Web site with the specified GUID.
Öffentliche Methode OpenWeb(String) Returns the Web site that is located at the specified server-relative or site-relative URL.
Öffentliche Methode OpenWeb(String, SPSiteOpenWebOptions) Gibt die Website, die befindet sich unter dem angegebenen serverrelativen oder websiterelative URL und wendet Optionen aus, um es angegeben.
Öffentliche Methode OpenWeb(String, Boolean) Returns the Web site that is located at the specified server-relative or site-relative URL based on a Boolean value that specifies whether the exact URL must be supplied.


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SPSite Klasse

