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Migrate to another farm by using the Central Administration Web site (Search Server 2008)

Before you perform this procedure, confirm that:

  • You have read the article Migrating servers and server farms (Search Server 2008).

  • Your system is running Microsoft Search Server 2008.


    Membership in the Farm Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

    You must make the database access account a member of the Administrators group on the database server during the restore process. This is required for the account to replicate the security setting for the databases. This access level can be removed after the restore process is complete.

This section guides you through the Search Server 2008 migration process by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. It describes how to migrate your data to a new or different server farm. For more information about restoring to the original server farm, see Restore a farm by using built-in tools (Search Server 2008).

This task addresses two possible situations, migrating to a new server farm or migrating to an existing server farm.

Migrating to a new server farm

Use this procedure to migrate to a new server farm. The term new means that you are restoring to a server with a name that is different than the original. This procedure assumes that Search Server 2008 has already been installed. For more information about installing Search Server 2008, see Installieren von Search Server 2008 oder Search Server 2008 Express.

This procedure describes how to migrate a backup of Search Server 2008 to a server farm that has no developed and previously working installation of Search Server 2008; in other words, it is new.

Migrate by using Central Administration

  1. On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, on the Operations page, in the Backup and Restore section, click Restore from Backup.

  2. On the Select Backup File page, under Backup File Location, type the UNC path to the backup folder, and then click OK.

  3. On the Select Backup Package to Restore page, choose the target backup package, and then click Continue Restore Process.

  4. On the Select Component to Restore page, choose the restore level, and then click Continue Restore Process.

  5. On the Select Restore Options page, select New Configuration, and then click OK.

  6. In the Login names and passwords section, enter the user name and password for the Web applications listed on the page.

  7. In the New names section, to create copies for the restored content, specify the Web application URL and name, the database server name, the file location on the server, and the new names for the new databases.

  8. Click OK.

  9. You can view the restore job status on the restore status page, by clicking Refresh. Backup and recovery is a Timer service job, so it may take few seconds for the recovery to start.

  10. When the recovery has finished, restart Internet Information Services (IIS) to make sure that the settings are propagated to the IIS metabase.

  11. If you receive any errors, you can find more information by looking in the sprestore.log file at the UNC path you specified above.

Migrating to an existing server farm

When migrating to an existing farm, the steps are the same as migrating to a new farm, but first you must decide if you will add your content database to one of the existing Web applications or if you will add it to a newly created Web application. If you do not need to create a new Web application and want to use one of the existing Web applications, you can skip ahead to the section “Performing the migration.”


You must grant the sysadmin fixed server role to the database access account during the migration process. This is required for the account to replicate the security setting for the databases. This access level can be removed after the migration process is complete.

There are a number of reasons why you might choose to create a new Web application, but perhaps the most common is that the content that you are migrating requires a different kind of authentication than is offered on the existing server. For example, the existing server is configured to authenticate Windows users but the new content requires forms-based authentication. In this case, you would need to create a new Web application. You might also need to extend your Web application and in that case, you will also need to create a new Web application.

If you are in an extranet environment where you want different users to access content by using different domains, you might also need to extend a Web application to another IIS Web site. This action exposes the same content to different sets of users by using an additional IIS Web site to host the same content.

Creating a new Web application

A Web application contains an IIS site with a unique application pool. When you create a new Web application, you also create a new database and define the authentication method used to connect to the database. When migrating, you restore to this newly created database.

Create a new Web application

  1. On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, on the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

  2. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, click Create a new Web application.

  3. On the Create New Web Application page, in the IIS Web Site section, configure the settings for your new Web application.

    1. To choose to create a new Web site, select Create a new IIS Web site, and type the name of the Web site in the Description box.

    2. In the Port box, type the port number you want to use to access the Web application. If you are creating a new Web site, this field is filled with a suggested port number. If you are using an existing Web site, this field is filled with the current port number.

    3. In the Host Header box, type the URL you want to use to access the Web application. This is an optional field.

    4. In the Path box, type the path to the site directory on the server. If you are creating a new Web site, this field is filled with a suggested path. If you are using an existing Web site, this field contains the current path.

  4. In the Security Configuration section, configure authentication and encryption for your Web application.

    1. In the Authentication Provider section, choose either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM.


      To enable Kerberos authentication, you must perform additional configuration. For more information about authentication methods, see Planen von Authentifizierungsmethoden (Office SharePoint Server).

    2. In the Allow Anonymous section, choose Yes or No.

    3. In the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) section, select Yes or No. If you choose to enable SSL for the Web site, you must configure SSL by requesting and installing an SSL certificate.


      If you use SSL, you must add the appropriate certificate on each server by using IIS administration tools. For more information about using SSL, see Planen von sicherer Kommunikation innerhalb einer Serverfarm (Office SharePoint Server).

  5. In the Load Balanced URL section, type the URL for the domain name for all sites that users will access in this Web application. This URL domain will be used in all links shown on pages within the Web application. By default, the box is filled with the current server name and port.

    The Zone box is automatically set to Default for a new Web application, and it cannot be changed from this page. To change the zone for a Web application, see “Extending an existing Web application” later in this article.

  6. In the Application Pool section, choose to create a new application pool for this Web application by selecting Create a new application pool.

    1. In the Application pool name box, type the name of the new application pool, or keep the default name.

    2. In the Select a security account for this application pool section, select Predefined to use an existing application pool security account, and then select the security account from the drop-down menu.

    3. Select Configurable to use an account that is not currently being used as a security account for an existing application pool. In the User name box, type the user name of the account you want to use, and type the password for the account in the Password box.

  7. In the Reset Internet Information Services section, choose whether to allow Windows SharePoint Services to restart IIS on other farm servers. The local server must be restarted manually for the process to finish. If this option is not selected and you have more than one server in the farm, you must wait until the IIS Web site is created on all servers and then run iisreset /noforce on each Web server. The new IIS site is not usable until that action is completed. The choice is unavailable if your farm only contains a single server.

  8. In the Database Name and Authentication section, choose the database server, database name, and authentication method for your new Web application. This will be the content database that you restore when migrating your content.

    Item Action

    Database Server

    Using the format <SERVERNAME\instance>, type the name of the database server and Microsoft SQL Server instance you want to use. You can also use the default entry.

    Database Name

    Type the name of the database, or use the default entry.

    Database Authentication

    Choose whether to use Windows authentication (recommended) or SQL authentication.

    • If you want to use Windows authentication, leave this option selected.

    • If you want to use SQL authentication, select SQL authentication. In the Account box, type the name of the account you want the Web application to use to authenticate to the SQL Server database, and then type the password in the Password box.

  9. Click OK to create the new Web application, or click Cancel to cancel the process and return to the Application Management page.

Extending an existing Web application

You can extend an existing Web application if you need to have separate IIS Web sites that expose the same content to users. This is typically used for extranet deployments where different users access content by using different domains. This option reuses the content database from an existing Web application.

Extend an existing Web application

  1. In Central Administration, on the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

  2. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web Application section, click Extend an existing Web application.

  3. On the Extend Web Application to Another IIS Web Site page, in the Web Application section, click the Web application link and then click Change Web application.

  4. On the Select Web Application page, click the Web application you want to extend.

  5. On the Extend Web Application to Another IIS Web Site page, in the IIS Web Site section, you can select Use an existing IIS Web site to use a Web site that has already been created, or you can choose to leave Create a new IIS Web site selected. The Description, Port, and Path boxes are filled for either choice. You can choose to use the default entries or type the information you want in the boxes.

  6. In the Security Configuration section, configure authentication and encryption for the extended Web application.

    1. In the Authentication Provider section, choose either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM.


      To enable Kerberos authentication, you must perform additional configuration. For more information about authentication methods, see Planen von Authentifizierungsmethoden (Office SharePoint Server).

    2. In the Allow Anonymous section, choose Yes or No.

    3. In the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) section, select Yes or No. If you choose to enable SSL for the Web site, you must configure SSL by requesting and installing an SSL certificate.


      If you use SSL, you must add the appropriate certificate on each server by using IIS administration tools. For more information about using SSL, see Planen von sicherer Kommunikation innerhalb einer Serverfarm (Office SharePoint Server).

  7. In the Load Balanced URL section, type the URL for the domain name for all sites that users will access in this Web application. This URL domain is used in all links shown on pages within the Web application. By default, the text box is filled with the current server name and port.

  8. In the Load Balanced URL section, under Zone, select the zone for the extended Web application from the drop-down menu. You can choose Intranet, Internet, Custom, or Extranet.

  9. Click OK to extend the Web application, or click Cancel to cancel the process and return to the Application Management page.

Performing the migration

You can use the following procedure to migrate a server farm, Web applications, or content databases.

Migrate by using Central Administration

  1. On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, on the Operations page, in the Backup and Restore section, click Restore from Backup.

  2. On the Select Backup File page, under Backup File Location, enter the UNC path to the backup folder, and then click OK.

  3. On the Select Backup Package to Restore page, choose the target backup package, and then click Continue Restore Process.

  4. On the Select Component to Restore page, choose the restore level, and then click Continue Restore Process.

  5. On the Select Restore Options page, select New Configuration, and then click OK in the dialog box that appears.

  6. In the Login names and passwords section, enter the user name and password for the Web applications listed on the page.

  7. In the New names section, to create copies for the restored content, specify the Web application URL and name, the database server name, the file location on the server, and the new name for the new databases.

  8. Click OK.

  9. You can view the restore job status on the restore status page, by clicking Refresh. Backup and recovery is a Timer service job, so it may take few seconds for the recovery to start.

  10. When the recovery has finished, restart IIS to make sure that the settings are propagated to the IIS metabase.

  11. If you receive any errors, you can find more information by looking in the sprestore.log file at the UNC path you specified above.

Siehe auch


Migrating servers and server farms (Search Server 2008)
Migrate to another farm by using the command line (Search Server 2008)
Migrate to another farm by using SQL Server (Search Server 2008)