Stop a crawl (Search Server 2008)
In this article:
- Stop a crawl of a particular content source
Falls nicht anders angegeben, beziehen sich die Informationen in diesem Artikel sowohl auf Microsoft Search Server 2008 als auch auf Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express.
Before you perform the following procedures, we recommend that:
- You have read the topic Crawl content (Search Server 2008).
You must be a search services administrator to perform the following procedures. For more information, see Hinzufügen oder Entfernen eines Suchdienstadministrators (Search Server 2008).
Stop a crawl of a particular content source
Use the following procedure to stop a crawl of a particular content source.
When you stop a crawl of any content source, the next time you crawl that content source, Microsoft Search Server 2008 automatically performs a full crawl of the content source. This is true even if you attempt to perform an incremental crawl. Therefore, carefully consider whether you should pause the crawl instead of stopping the crawl.
Stop a crawl of a particular content source
On the Search Administration page, in the Search section, click Search settings.
On the Configure Search Settings page, in the Crawl Settings section, click Content sources and crawl schedules.
On the Manage Content Sources page, point to the content source you want to crawl, click the arrow that appears, and then click Stop Crawl on the menu that appears.
A dialog box displays to remind you that if you stop this crawl, the only type of crawl you can execute next on this content is a full crawl.
Click OK in the dialog box to close the warning message. The value in the Status column for the content source that you stopped changes to Stopping.
To refresh the Status column, click Refresh on the toolbar. After the crawl is stopped, the value in the Status column for the content source that you stopped changes to Idle.
Depending on the content being crawled, this might take several minutes to complete. This is because the search service must flush all items that are currently being crawled.