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Liest die Arbeitszeittabellen-Überwachung Protokollieren von Transaktionen, die während der angegebenen Audit und Arbeitszeittabellen Period Zeitspannen auftreten.

Namespace:  WebSvcAdmin
Assembly:  ProjectServerServices (in ProjectServerServices.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "",  _
    ResponseNamespace := "",  _
    Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Function ReadTimesheetAuditLog ( _
    auditStart As DateTime, _
    auditFinish As DateTime, _
    periodStart As DateTime, _
    periodFinish As DateTime, _
    auditType As AuditType _
) As TimesheetAuditExportDataSet
Dim instance As Admin
Dim auditStart As DateTime
Dim auditFinish As DateTime
Dim periodStart As DateTime
Dim periodFinish As DateTime
Dim auditType As AuditType
Dim returnValue As TimesheetAuditExportDataSet

returnValue = instance.ReadTimesheetAuditLog(auditStart, _
    auditFinish, periodStart, periodFinish, _
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "", 
    ResponseNamespace = "", 
    Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public TimesheetAuditExportDataSet ReadTimesheetAuditLog(
    DateTime auditStart,
    DateTime auditFinish,
    DateTime periodStart,
    DateTime periodFinish,
    AuditType auditType


  • periodStart
    Typ: System.DateTime

    Das Datum für den Anfang der Periode zu überwachen.

  • periodFinish
    Typ: System.DateTime

    Das Datum für das Ende der Periode zu überwachen.


Typ: WebSvcAdmin.TimesheetAuditExportDataSet
Enthält die Überwachungsdaten für den festgelegten Datumsangaben angegeben wird.


Frühere Versionen von Project Server erforderlich, dass eine SQL-Abfrage auf die Berichtsdatenbank zum Sammeln von Audit Log Transaktionen ausgeführt werden. Die Verwendung des ReadTimesheetAuditLog ermöglicht eine-Methodenaufrufs Inline an anstelle einer Abfrage verwenden.

Project Server-Berechtigungen




Ermöglicht einem Benutzer das Erstellen und Ändern der Definitionen von Arbeitszeittabellen und Geschäftszeiträume Period. Die globale Berechtigung.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird das aktuelle Arbeitszeittabelle Überwachungsprotokoll liest und schreibt die Ergebnisse in einer XML-Datei. Im Beispiel wird den SvcAdmin -Namespace in der Assembly für ProjectServerServices.dll Proxy verwendet.


The ConfigClientEndpoints method uses an app.config file for setting the WCF binding, behavior, and endpoint. For information about creating a PSI proxy assembly and an app.config file, see Prerequisites for WCF-Based Code Samples.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Xml;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
using SvcAdmin;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.TestAdmin
    class Program
        private const string ENDPOINT = "basicHttp_Admin";
        private const string OUTPUT_FILES = @"C:\Project\Samples\Output\";

        private static SvcAdmin.AdminClient adminClient;
        private static string outFilePath;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            outFilePath = OUTPUT_FILES + "TimeSheetAuditLog.xml";

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the timesheet audit log...");

            // Get the audit log transactions for the current instance of Project Web Access.  

            // To set the parameters for reading the audit log, define
            // the start date and end date for the audit and for the 
            // associated timesheet period. This sample uses the same
            // dates for both, so that for the specified timesheet period, 
            // all of the log entries are read.
            // The audit type indicates that both the resource and the adjuster are involved in the audit.

                int startmonth = 2;
                int startday = 1;
                int startyear = 2011;
                int finishmonth = 2;
                int finishday = 28;
                int finishyear = 2011;

                DateTime auditStart = new DateTime(startyear, startmonth, startday);
                DateTime auditFinish = new DateTime(finishyear, finishmonth, finishday);
                DateTime periodStart = new DateTime(startyear, startmonth, startday);
                DateTime periodFinish = new DateTime(finishyear, finishmonth, finishday);

                SvcAdmin.TimesheetAuditExportDataSet timeSheetAuditLog = adminClient.ReadTimesheetAuditLog(auditStart, auditFinish, periodStart, periodFinish, AuditType.ByBoth);

                // Write the audit log to an XML file.

            catch (FaultException fault)
                // Use the WCF FaultException, because the ASMX SoapException does not 
                // exist in a WCF-based application.
                Console.Write("\nThe attempt to access the timesheet audit log has failed.");

            Console.WriteLine("\nSee XML output of the timesheet audit log at:\n\t{0}",
            Console.Write("\nPress any key to exit... ");


        // Extract a PSClientError object from the WCF FaultException object, and
        // then display the exception details and each error in the PSClientError stack.

        private static void WriteFaultOutput(FaultException fault)
            string errAttributeName;
            string errAttribute;
            string errOut;
            string errMess = "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\n"
                + "Error details: " + "\r\n";

            PSLibrary.PSClientError error = Helpers.GetPSClientError(fault, out errOut);
            errMess += errOut;

            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo thisError;

            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                thisError = errors[i];
                errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSClientError output:\r\n";
                errMess += thisError.ErrId.ToString() + "\n";

                for (int j = 0; j < thisError.ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
                    errAttributeName = thisError.ErrorAttributeNames()[j];
                    errAttribute = thisError.ErrorAttributes[j];
                    errMess += "\r\n\t" + errAttributeName
                        + ": " + errAttribute;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

        // Use the endpoints that are defined in app.config to configure the client.
        public static void ConfigClientEndpoints(string endpt)
            adminClient = new SvcAdmin.AdminClient(endpt);

    // Helper method: GetPSClientError.
    class Helpers

        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a PSClientError object from the ServiceModel.FaultException,
        /// for use in output of the GetPSClientError stack of errors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="errOut">Shows that FaultException has more information 
        /// about the errors than PSClientError has. FaultException can also contain 
        /// other types of errors, such as failure to connect to the server.</param>
        /// <returns>PSClientError object, for enumerating errors.</returns>
        public static PSLibrary.PSClientError GetPSClientError(FaultException e,
                                                               out string errOut)
            const string PREFIX = "GetPSClientError() returns null: ";
            errOut = string.Empty;
            PSLibrary.PSClientError psClientError = null;

            if (e == null)
                errOut = PREFIX + "Null parameter (FaultException e) passed in.";
                psClientError = null;
                // Get a ServiceModel.MessageFault object.
                var messageFault = e.CreateMessageFault();

                if (messageFault.HasDetail)
                    using (var xmlReader = messageFault.GetReaderAtDetailContents())
                        var xml = new XmlDocument();

                        var serverExecutionFault = xml["ServerExecutionFault"];
                        if (serverExecutionFault != null)
                            var exceptionDetails = serverExecutionFault["ExceptionDetails"];
                            if (exceptionDetails != null)
                                    errOut = exceptionDetails.InnerXml + "\r\n";
                                    psClientError =
                                        new PSLibrary.PSClientError(exceptionDetails.InnerXml);
                                catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                                    errOut = PREFIX + "Unable to convert fault exception info ";
                                    errOut += "a valid Project Server error message. Message: \n\t";
                                    errOut += ex.Message;
                                    psClientError = null;
                                errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is a ServerExecutionFault, "
                                    + "but does not have ExceptionDetails.";
                            errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is not a ServerExecutionFault.";
                else // No detail in the MessageFault.
                    errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e does not have any detail.";
            errOut += "\r\n" + e.ToString() + "\r\n";
            return psClientError;

Es folgt ein Beispiel eines Teils der ReadTimesheetAuditLog.xml-Datei, die die Anwendung speichert.


Der im Beispiel zurückgegebene Informationen im Überwachungsprotokoll ist speziell für das Projekt, das in einer Instanz einer Project Web App definiert wurde.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<TimesheetAuditExportDataSet xmlns="">

Siehe auch


Admin Klasse

