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RemoteMailbox members

The RemoteMailbox type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RemoteMailbox()
Public method RemoteMailbox(ADUser)



  Name Description
Public property AggregatedMailboxGuids (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveDatabase Gets the database that contains the archive associated with this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveGuid This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveName This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveQuota Gets or sets the archive mailbox size at which messages will no longer be accepted. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveRelease (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveState
Public property ArchiveStatus This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ArchiveWarningQuota Gets or sets the archive mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property CalendarVersionStoreDisabled This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property DeliverToMailboxAndForward Gets a value that indicates whether messages sent to this user’s mailbox are forwarded to another address. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property DisabledArchiveDatabase Gets the database that contains the disabled archive mailbox associated with this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property DisabledArchiveGuid Gets the unique identifier (ID) of the disabled archive mailbox associated with this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property EndDateForRetentionHold Gets or sets the end date and time for retention hold for messaging records management (MRM). (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ExchangeGuid This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ExchangeUserAccountControl Gets the user account control flags for this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ExternalEmailAddress Gets or sets the external email address of this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ForwardingAddress Gets the email address to which messages sent to this mail user are forwarded. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ImmutableId Gets or sets the unique and immutable identifier (ID) in the form of a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address for a user’s mailbox that is used for federated delegation when requesting Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property InPlaceHolds (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property IsSoftDeletedByDisable (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property IsSoftDeletedByRemove (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property JournalArchiveAddress (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property LitigationHoldDate Gets or sets the date when the user’s mailbox is placed on litigation hold. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property LitigationHoldEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user’s mailbox is on litigation hold. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property LitigationHoldOwner Gets or sets the user who placed the mailbox on litigation hold. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MacAttachmentFormat Gets or sets the format of attachments sent to the mail user who is using the Mac OS. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxContainerGuid (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveBatchName Gets the name of the batch associated with moving the mailbox of this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveFlags Gets the flags associated with moving the mailbox of this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveRemoteHostName Gets the name of the remote host that is participating in the user’s mailbox move. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveSourceMDB Gets the Active Directory identifier (ID) of the source database from which the user’s mailbox is being moved. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveStatus Gets the status of a user’s mailbox move. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxMoveTargetMDB Gets the Active Directory identifier (ID) of the target database to which the user’s mailbox is being moved. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxProvisioningConstraint (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxProvisioningPreferences (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MailboxRelease (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MessageBodyFormat Gets or sets the message body format for messages that are sent to the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MessageFormat Gets or sets the format of messages that are sent to the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property MicrosoftOnlineServicesID Gets or sets the Microsoft Online Services ID associated with the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit
Public property PersistedCapabilities This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property ProtocolSettings Gets the protocol settings (POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP) for this mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RecipientLimits Gets or sets the maximum number of recipients for messages from the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RecoverableItemsQuota (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RecoverableItemsWarningQuota (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RemoteRecipientType
Public property RemoteRoutingAddress
Public property ResetPasswordOnNextLogon (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RetainDeletedItemsFor Gets or sets the length of time to keep deleted items. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RetentionComment Gets or sets the comment displayed in Outlook regarding the user’s retention hold status. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RetentionHoldEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether retention hold is enabled for messaging retention policies. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property RetentionUrl Gets or sets the URL or an external webpage with additional details about the organization's messaging retention policies. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property SamAccountName Gets or sets the logon name used to support clients and servers running on earlier versions of the operating system, such as Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95, and LAN Manager. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property SingleItemRecoveryEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to prevent the Recovery Items folder from being purged. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property SKUAssigned This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property StartDateForRetentionHold Gets or sets the start date and time for retention hold for messaging records management (MRM). (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UsageLocation This property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UseMapiRichTextFormat Gets or sets a value that indicates when text messages should use the MAPI Rich Text Format (RTF) for the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UsePreferMessageFormat Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the message format settings configured for the mail user override the global settings configured for the remote domain. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UserCertificate (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UserPrincipalName Gets or sets the user principal name (UPN) of the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property UserSMimeCertificate (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property WhenMailboxCreated Gets the date and time when the mailbox for this mail user was created. (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property WhenSoftDeleted (Inherited from MailUser.)
Public property WindowsLiveID Gets or sets the Windows Live ID associated with the mail user. (Inherited from MailUser.)


See also


RemoteMailbox class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management namespace