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BargeIn Property

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Gets or sets whether playback of the DialogPrompt control can be interrupted by user speech or telephone keypad input. Read/write.


ASP.NET markup: <speech:Prompt BargeIn="..." />
Get value: Boolean = DialogPrompt.BargeIn;
Set value: DialogPrompt.BargeIn = Boolean;
Data type: System.Boolean
Required: No; Default: True


A BargeIn value of True enables the DialogPrompt to be interrupted; a value of False prevents it from being interrupted.

Specify the BargeInType with a Param control contained in a Params collection.


In the following example, the DialogPrompt contained in the first QA control can be interrupted by successful recognition of a city name. The DialogPrompt contained in the second QA control cannot be interrupted.

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
  <speech:semanticmap id="TheSemanticMap" runat="server">
    <speech:semanticitem id="siDest" runat="server"
       targetattribute="value" targetelement="tbColor">
  <speech:QA runat="server" id="QADest" >
    <Prompt InlinePrompt="Please select a destination city" ID="DialogPrompt1">
          <speech:Param Name="bargeintype">final</speech:Param>
      <speech:Answer SemanticItem="siDest" ID="AnsDest" XPathTrigger="/SML/CITY">
    <Reco Reject="0.5" InitialTimeout="3000" BabbleTimeout="10000"
        EndSilence="1000" MaxTimeout="30000">
        <speech:Grammar Type="application/srgs+xml" Lang="en-US"
          Src="Grammars/Cities.grxml" >
  <speech:QA id="ThankYouQA" runat="server" PlayOnce="True">
    <Prompt InlinePrompt="Thank You" BargeIn="False" ID="SayThankYou"></DialogPrompt>

See Also

DialogPrompt Class | DialogPrompt Constructor | DialogPrompt Members | DialogPrompt Properties | DialogPrompt Methods | DialogPrompt Events | DialogPrompt Remarks