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Viewing Object and Control Information

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Speech Debugging Console displays information about Microsoft ASP.NET Speech Controls and Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) objects contained within a speech-enabled Web application. Although this information is read-only within Speech Debugging Console, it clarifies how objects and controls behave at various stages in the application.

Note  This topic assumes that Break on Listen Start is active. When Break on Listen Start is active, application execution breaks when each listen element starts. Toggle this option from the Speech Debugging Console toolbar, or apply a default setting while configuring Speech Debugging Console.

  • Viewing Listen Element Properties
  • Viewing QA Control Information
  • Viewing Answers, ExtraAnswers, and Confirms Information
  • Viewing DTMF Information
  • Viewing Grammar Information

Viewing Listen Element Properties

The SALT listen element configures the speech recognizer, performs recognition, and handles recognition events. The Listen tab of Speech Debugging Console displays information about the listen element that is attached to the current recognition process.

The Listen tab displays information about the listen element being used, and the Listen area at the top of the console enables developers to define sample user input using text or audio.

To submit sample input using text

  1. On the Input text box, type the sample input.
  2. Click Use Text to send the input to the application.

To submit sample input using audio

  1. To the right of the Input text box, click Use Audio.
  2. Speak sample input into the microphone.

Note  After clicking Use Audio to submit sample audio input, the audio meter appears in Microsoft Internet Explorer, as shown in the following image. The appearance of the audio meter indicates that audio input is ready to be accepted. When audio input is detected, volume indicators rise and fall to reflect the audio levels of the input. The audio meter displays in Internet Explorer for the amount of time specified by the initialtimeout property of the listen element.

The audio meter also appears in Internet Explorer when an application that accepts spoken input is run by typing the URL into the Address box of Internet Explorer, regardless of whether Speech Debugging Console is also running.

Audio Meter

After submitting the sample input, the Listen tab displays information about the next listen element.

Viewing QA Control Information

The Current QA tab of Speech Debugging Console displays information about the current Speech QA (QA) control, in addition to any Speech Command (Command) controls. QA Type will always display as voice-only.

Note  The Current QA tab is not available while debugging a SALT application or SALT tags that do not use Speech Controls.

The QA Info area displays information about the current QA control, and the Commands area displays information about Command controls that are available within the current QA control.

Note  If an ID is not explicitly assigned to a Reco, Prompt, or Dtmf object, Speech Application Platform automatically generates a unique ID for it.

Viewing Answers, ExtraAnswers, and Confirms Information

The Answers tab of Speech Debugging Console displays information about current applicable Answer objects, in addition to any ExtraAnswers or Confirms collections. These objects and collections semantically link recognition results to the controls on a speech-enabled Web page.

The value in the Text field represents the text held by the Reco object related to the current Answer object. The value in the State field is "NeedConfirmation" if the text in the Text field needs to be confirmed before the application can continue.

If the user confirms that the information is correct, the application provides a confirmation prompt, and the application ends. The Answers tab is then empty. If the user does not confirm the information, the application goes back to the first prompt, and information in the Answers tab appears again.

Viewing DTMF Information

The DTMF tab of Speech Debugging Console enables developers to send sample dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) data to an application. The tab also displays various DTMF control properties. The DTMF tab can only be used when the application implements DTMF.

The Collection field displays the collection of user input so far. When the user presses the final digit, the Collection field empties. The value of the Status field is "Collection Active" during the collection of DTMF input. The value is "Collection Finished" after the application collects and submits DTMF input.

Note  If an ID is not explicitly assigned to the DTMF control, Speech Platform automatically generates a unique ID for it.

The Result field above the DTMF tab displays the value of the last successful DTMF recognition. After the application ends, the Status field contains a value of "Collection Finished."

Viewing Grammar Information

The Grammar tab of Speech Debugging Console displays properties of the current grammar. The current grammar can be opened and viewed in Visual Studio .NET 2003.

To open and edit a grammar in the development environment

  • In Speech Debugging Console, click View. The grammar with the ID displayed in the Grammars field opens in a new instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003.

See Also

Debugging Speech Applications | Debugging the Tutorial Application