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Controlling Prompt Output

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Use Speech Debugging Console to debug prompts and recordings in an application.

Viewing Prompt Information

The Prompt tab in Speech Debugging Console displays the values of properties that are related to the current prompt.

Viewing Recording Session Properties

The Record tab in Speech Debugging Console displays the results of audio recordings that are spoken into Speech Debugging Console.

Recording is available only when the Enabled property of the RecordSound control is True.

To enable audio recording while debugging

  1. On Speech Control Editor, right-click a Speech QA (QA) control, and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
  2. On the Properties window, expand the Reco heading.
  3. Under the Reco heading, expand the Record heading.
  4. On the Enabled list, select True.

Record sample user input during a debugging session by clicking Use Audio and speaking into the microphone. Recording stops automatically after speech detection ends.

The Answer object binds the recorded file location to the Speech SemanticItem (SemanticItem) of an input control the same way that it binds recognition results.

See Also

Debugging Speech Applications | Debugging the Tutorial Application