AnswerCall Remarks
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Answers a call using the Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) AnswerCall service.
The AnswerCallcontrol answers incoming calls from a telephony device. When activated, this object stops dialogue flow until an incoming call is answered.
In order to support applications that require CTI integration, the Established and Delivered events may contain CTI correlator data associated with the call. The Speech Platform places this information in the CorrelatorData of the CallInfo control.
Inherits from SmexMessageBase.
Preserving Call Information
The AnswerCall control will not function properly if the CurrentCall object has not been initialized with the correct call information, or if the call information has been lost in a page transfer. Whenever possible, application authors should transfer to a new page by using SpeechCommon.Navigate or the Redirect method of the AnswerCall control, both of which automatically persist call information across a page transfer. If it is necessary to use the Response.Redirect or window.navigate methods, authors must explicitly pass the call information to the new page using a query string, as shown in the following example.
"DeviceID=" + encodeURIComponent(RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("DeviceID")) +
"&CallID=" + encodeURIComponent(RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CallID")) +
"&CallingDevice=" + encodeURIComponent(RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CallingDevice")) +
"&CalledDevice=" + encodeURIComponent(RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CalledDevice")) +
"&MonitorCrossRefID=" + encodeURIComponent(RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("MonitorCrossRefID")) +
"&CallState=" + "Established"
For more information on CSTA standards, see Standard ECMA-269 (Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications Phase III) and Standard ECMA-323 (XML Protocol for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications Phase III).
See Also
AnswerCall Class | AnswerCall Constructor | AnswerCall Members | AnswerCall Properties | AnswerCall Methods | AnswerCall Events