Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.
Microsoft Speech Platform
Extends the ISpRecoGrammar interface.
Methods in Vtable Order
ISpRecoGrammar2 Methods | Description |
SetGrammarLoader | Is used to pass a pointer to an ISpeechResourceLoader interface into the Speech Platform to override the Speech Platform's default grammar loading function. |
SetSMLSecurityManager | Lets a the Speech Platform application manage its own security policy. |
GetRules | Is used to discover the list of public rules in the grammar. |
LoadCmdFromFile2 | Loads a grammar from a file. This is an extended version of the ISpRecoGrammar::LoadCmdFromFile method. |
LoadCmdFromMemory2 | Loads a compiled CFG binary from memory. This is an extended version of the ISpRecoGrammar::LoadCmdFromMemory method. |
SetRulePriority | Sets the priority on the specified rule. |
SetRuleWeight | Sets the weight on the specified rule. |