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Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls Namespace

Provides server controls for rendering SharePoint sites, pages, forms, and lists that are accessible from mobile devices such as SmartPhones or Pocket PCs.


  Class Description
SPMobileAttachmentsField Renders a field that holds one or more attachments to files.
SPMobileBaseChoiceField Provides core functionality for controls that render fields whose value is usually selected by users from a set of options, such as a drop-down list, a set of option buttons, or a set of check boxes.
SPMobileBaseFieldControl Provides rendering of a field, including conditional rendering relative to page type.
SPMobileBaseNumberField Renders a field that holds a number value (a Double).
SPMobileBaseNumberFieldValidator Provides validation of the Double values of controls that are derived from SPBaseNumberField.
SPMobileBaseTextField Renders a field that holds a string value.
SPMobileBooleanField Renders a field that holds a Boolean value.
SPMobileButtonNavigation Renders a clickable control, usually in the Footer (Navigation) section of a mobile page, that performs a function and causes a postback.
SPMobileCalculatedField Renders a field that holds a calculated value.
SPMobileCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a form for a mobile site.
SPMobileCategoryPicker Renders a control for selecting a category from the Categories list on a mobile blog site.
SPMobileChoiceField Renders a field that gets a value when a user picks exactly one option from a finite number of options.
SPMobileCommentsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a create comment form for a mobile blog site.
SPMobileCommentsDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable Delete control on a Delete Comment form for a mobile blog site.
SPMobileCommentsDeletePageNavigation Renders a hyperlink to a page on a mobile blog site on which a comment can be deleted.
SPMobileCommentsItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current comment by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobileCommentsListItemIterator Renders a list of comments on a mobile blog site that are returned by a query.
SPMobileCommentsListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list of comments for a post on a mobile blog site.
SPMobileCommentsNavigation Renders a link to a Comments-oriented page on a mobile blog site.
SPMobileCommentsNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new comment for a post on a mobile blog site.
SPMobileCommentsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create comment" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves the comment.
SPMobileCommentsTitleControl Renders a control for the title of a list of comments on a mobile blog site.
SPMobileComponent Provides the common behaviors of mobile rendering controls in Windows SharePoint Services.
SPMobileCompositeField Specifies the ID of a RenderingTemplate for composite fields on mobile web sites.
SPMobileComputedField Renders, on a mobile page, a field whose value is computed at run time.
SPMobileControlContainer Groups child controls together to improve the chance that they are not split by pagination and to enable common formatting.
SPMobileCreationType Renders the creation type of a list item by using a child label control.
SPMobileCurrencyField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a currency value.
SPMobileCurrentDateTimeSpecificField Renders a field for a date and time value on a mobile page, in a way that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display; and this class also supplies the current local time to the appropriate field on the New page.
SPMobileDateTimeField Renders on a mobile page a field for a date time value in a manner that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
SPMobileDateTimeFieldValidator Verifies the value of a SPFieldDateTime on a mobile page.
SPMobileDeleteMessageLabel Renders the text of the confirmation message that is presented to the user after an attempt to delete a list item.
SPMobileDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable delete control on a form for a mobile Web site.
SPMobileDeletePageNavigation Renders a hyperlink to a page on a mobile web site on which a list item can be deleted.
SPMobileDiscussionBoardSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create discussion board" form, for a mobile Web site, that saves the discussion board.
SPMobileDiscussionFieldIterator Renders the fields for a discussion folder item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobileDispFormNavigation Renders a link to a form that displays a particular item from a list.
SPMobileEditFormNavigation Renders a link to a form that enables the editing of a particular item from a list.
SPMobileEventsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable Cancel control on a create event or edit event form for a mobile site.
SPMobileEventsEditFormNavigation Renders a link to a form that enables the editing of a particular event.
SPMobileEventsListItemIterator Renders a list of events that are returned by a query.
SPMobileEventsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create event" or "edit event" form that saves the event on a mobile web site.
SPMobileFieldLabel Renders the label for a column value for a list item.
SPMobileFieldMetaData Provides two crucial properties DisplayName, and InternalName, that needed by all field-rendering controls on mobile pages in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
SPMobileFieldProperty Renders a property of a field in a mobile context.
SPMobileFieldPropertyLabel Renders the name of a property of the current field by using a child label control.
SPMobileFieldValidator Verifies that the value (in the UI) of a particular field for a particular list item meets any restrictions on values for that field.
SPMobileFileField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that holds a file.
SPMobileFolder Renders the name of a folder by using a child label control.
SPMobileFolderFieldIterator Renders the fields for a folder item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobileForm Groups mobile controls together.
SPMobileFormattedString Renders a string to which composite formatting is applied.
SPMobileFormDigest Inserts a security validation in a mobile Web site page.
SPMobileHomePageNavigation Renders a link to the home page of a mobile web site.
SPMobileImageSizeSpecificField Represents a field (column) in a list of images that contains the dimensions of an image.
SPMobileItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current list item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobileLinkNavigation Renders, on a mobile page, usually in the Footer (Navigation) section, a link control that opens a page.
SPMobileList Renders a list on a mobile page.
SPMobileListContents Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main content area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
SPMobileListField Renders the value of a particular field (column) in a particular row, either as a simple label control or, depending on the field type and page type, as a UI element.
SPMobileListFieldIterator Specifies a template for rendering the fields of a list item or folder.
SPMobileListFieldRendering Specifies the <RenderingTemplate> that renders a field on a mobile list view or form.
SPMobileListFieldSelector Specifies the name of the <RenderingTemplate> element to be used when rendering a field on a mobile form.
SPMobileListItem Renders the title of an item on its display form and edit form by using a child label control.
SPMobileListItemIterator Renders a list of items that are returned by a query.
SPMobileListIterator Renders the list of lists for a mobile site.
SPMobileListNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
SPMobileListTemplateSelector Selects, based on the current type of list, a RenderingTemplate template to render a list on a mobile page.
SPMobileListTitle Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a mobile page or form other than the home page.
SPMobileListTitleControl Renders the title of a list on a mobile Web site by using a child label or link control.
SPMobileListView Renders the title of a mobile list view on the page by using a child label or child link control.
SPMobileListViewIterator Renders the list of mobile views for a list.
SPMobileListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list.
SPMobileLogoutPageNavigation Renders a clickable control, on a mobile page, that opens a logout page.
SPMobileLookupField Renders, on a mobile page, a lookup field in a manner that is appropriate to the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
SPMobileMailToSpecificField Renders a link that opens a new outgoing e-mail message.
SPMobileModStatField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that indicates the moderation status of a list item in a manner that is appropriate for the type of page, such as New, Edit, or Display.
SPMobileMultiChoiceField Renders a field, on a mobile page, in which users can select multiple values.
SPMobileMultipleLookupField Renders a lookup field, on a mobile page, for which users can select multiple values.
SPMobileMultiUserField Renders a field, on a mobile page, in which multiple users and groups can be selected.
SPMobileNavigation Renders a clickable control that performs some action on a mobile page; typically, the action is to open another page.
SPMobileNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new item for a list.
SPMobileNoteField Renders, on a mobile page, a field that holds a note.
SPMobileNoteFieldValidator Verifies the value of a field that holds a note.
SPMobileNumberField Renders a field, on a mobile page, that holds a Double.
SPMobileNumberFieldValidator Verifies the value in a field that holds a Double.
SPMobilePage Represents a page on a Web site that is designed for viewing on the small screens of mobile devices.
SPMobilePageContents Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main contents of a mobile Web page.
SPMobilePageNavigation Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the navigation (footer) area of a mobile Web page.
SPMobilePageTitle Specifies the ID of the entry point <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the title of a mobile Web page.
SPMobilePaginateNavigation Renders a control consisting of hyperlinks to the first and last pages of a paginated set.
SPMobilePhoneCallSpecificField Renders a telephone number.
SPMobilePostsCancelNavigation Renders a clickable cancel control on a Create Post form for a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsDeleteNavigation Renders a clickable delete control on a delete post form for a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsDispFormNavigation Renders a link to a page that displays a particular post on a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsHomePageNavigation Renders a link to the home page of a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current post by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobilePostsListItemIterator Renders a list of posts on a mobile blog site that are returned by a query.
SPMobilePostsListNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a list of posts on a mobile Web site.
SPMobilePostsListTitle Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a list of posts on a mobile web site.
SPMobilePostsListViewNavigation Renders a link to a page that shows a list of posts on a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsNewFormNavigation Renders a link to a form on which a user can create a new post on a mobile blog site.
SPMobilePostsRefreshNavigation Renders a clickable control, on the posts list page of a mobile blog site, that reloads the posts list page.
SPMobilePostsSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "create post" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves the post, but does not publish it.
SPMobilePublishNavigation Renders a clickable control on a "publish post" form, for a mobile blog site, that saves and (optionally) publishes the post; that is, makes it visible to other site visitors.
SPMobileRecurrenceField Renders, on a mobile page, a field on a list of meetings that indicates whether the item is a recurring meeting.
SPMobileRefreshNavigation Renders a clickable control on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 mobile page that reloads the current page.
SPMobileSaveNavigation Renders a clickable control on a SharePoint mobile web site page that will save the item the user has created, such as a list item, blog post, or blog comment.
SPMobileTemplateSelector Selects, based on current context information such as type of site and type of list, a RenderingTemplate template to render part of a mobile page.
SPMobileTextField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a single line of text.
SPMobileTextFieldValidator Verifies the value of a single line of text field on a mobile page.
SPMobileUpFolderNavigation Renders a link to the parent folder of the current subfolder on a mobile SharePoint site.
SPMobileUrlField Renders, on a mobile page, a field for a URL.
SPMobileUrlFieldValidator Verifies the value of a URL field on a mobile page.
SPMobileUrlRedirection Specifies the file name and URL of a page to which a mobile device should be redirected.
SPMobileUserField Renders, on a mobile page, a field in which a user is looked up in a list of users.
SPMobileWeb Renders the title of a mobile Web site by using a child label control.
SPMobileWebContents Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the main contents area of a mobile home page.
SPMobileWebNavigation Specifies the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the footer area of a mobile home page.
SPMobileWebPageLibraryItemFieldIterator Renders the fields in the current Web page library item by creating the controls for each field, subject to certain exclusions.
SPMobileWebTemplateSelector Selects, based on the type of the current site, a RenderingTemplate template to either render a section (Header, Contents, or Footer) of a mobile home page or redirect the mobile device to a home page.
SPMobileWebTitle Specifies, for a particular Web type (BLOG or STS, or a custom Web type), the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that is used when rendering the header area of a mobile home page.
SPMobileWebUrlRedirect Specifies, for a particular Web type (such as BLOG, WIKI, STS, MPS, or a custom Web type), the ID of the <RenderingTemplate> that identifies the file that serves as the site's home page for mobile devices.
SPMoblogPage Represents a page on a type of SharePoint site that is designed for viewing on the small screens of mobile devices.


  Enumeration Description
SPMobileListViewIteratorFormat Specifies the format of a list of mobile list views, either drop-down or paginated list.
SPMobilePageType Specifies the major types of SharePoint mobile web pages.