Gewusst wie: Filtern des Änderungsprotokolls nach Objekttyp
Letzte Änderung: Dienstag, 11. August 2009
Gilt für: SharePoint Foundation 2010
Dieses Beispiel ist eine Konsolenanwendung, die das Änderungsprotokoll nach allen Änderungen an SPField- und SPContentType-Objekten innerhalb des Bereichs einer Websitesammlung abfragt.
Beachten Sie, dass der Beispielcode, um die GUID für das geänderte Objekt zu erhalten, zuerst jedes SPChange-Objekt in eine bestimmte Unterklasse umwandelt, entweder SPChangeField oder SPChangeContentType, bevor auf die Id-Eigenschaft zugegriffen wird.
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace Test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("https://localhost"))
SPTimeZone tz = site.RootWeb.RegionalSettings.TimeZone;
// Construct a query.
SPChangeQuery query = new SPChangeQuery(false, // Specify object types
true // All change types
// Specify object types.
query.Field = true;
query.ContentType = true;
// Get the fields and content types in this site.
SPFieldCollection fields = site.RootWeb.Fields;
SPContentTypeCollection contentTypes = site.RootWeb.AvailableContentTypes;
long total = 0;
while (true)
SPChangeCollection changes = site.GetChanges(query);
total += changes.Count;
foreach (SPChange change in changes)
string name = String.Empty;
string id = Guid.Empty.ToString();
if (change is SPChangeField)
SPChangeField changedField = change as SPChangeField;
id = changedField.Id.ToString();
name = fields[changedField.Id].InternalName;
catch (ArgumentException)
name = "deleted field";
if (change is SPChangeContentType)
SPChangeContentType changedContentType = change as SPChangeContentType;
id = changedContentType.Id.ToString();
name = contentTypes[changedContentType.Id].Name;
catch (NullReferenceException)
name = "deleted content type";
Console.WriteLine("\nDate: {0}", tz.UTCToLocalTime(change.Time).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Object type: {0}", change.GetType().ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", id);
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name);
Console.WriteLine("Change type: {0}", change.ChangeType);
if (changes.Count < query.FetchLimit)
query.ChangeTokenStart = changes.LastChangeToken;
changes = site.GetChanges(query);
Console.WriteLine("\nTotal changes: {0}", total);
Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint
Module ConsoleApp
Sub Main()
Using site As SPSite = New SPSite("https://localhost")
Dim tz As SPTimeZone = site.RootWeb.RegionalSettings.TimeZone
' Construct a query.
Dim query As SPChangeQuery = New SPChangeQuery(False, True)
' Specify object types.
query.Field = True
query.ContentType = True
' Get the fields and content types in this site.
Dim fields As SPFieldCollection = site.RootWeb.Fields
Dim contentTypes As SPContentTypeCollection = site.RootWeb.AvailableContentTypes
Dim total As Long = 0
While True
Dim changes As SPChangeCollection = site.GetChanges(query)
total += changes.Count
Dim change As SPChange
For Each change In changes
Dim name As String = String.Empty
Dim id As String = Guid.Empty.ToString()
If TypeOf change Is SPChangeField Then
Dim changedField As SPChangeField = change as SPChangeField
id = changedField.Id.ToString()
name = fields(changedField.Id).InternalName
name = "deleted field"
End Try
End If
If TypeOf change Is SPChangeContentType Then
Dim changedContentType As SPChangeContentType = change as SPChangeContentType
id = changedContentType.Id.ToString()
name = contentTypes(changedContentType.Id).Name
name = "deleted content type"
End Try
End If
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Date: {0}", tz.UTCToLocalTime(change.Time).ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Object type: {0}", change.GetType().ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", id)
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name)
Console.WriteLine("Change type: {0}", change.ChangeType)
If changes.Count < changes.FetchLimit Then
Exit While
End If
query.ChangeTokenStart = changes.LastChangeToken
changes = site.GetChanges(query)
End While
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Total changes: {0}", total)
End Using
Console.Write(vbCrLf + "Press ENTER to continue...")
End Sub
End Module
Siehe auch
Gewusst wie: Filtern des Änderungsprotokolls nach Änderungstyp