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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

This function is similar to WideCharToMultiByte, which maps a UTF-16 (wide character) string to a new character string. The new character string is not necessarily from a multibyte character set.

int MNLS_WideCharToMultiByte(
  UINT uCodePage, 
  DWORD dwFlags,
  LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,
  int cchWideChar,
  LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,
  int cchMultiByte,
  LPCSTR lpDefaultChar,
  BOOL FAR *lpfUsedDefaultChar);


  • uCodePage
    [in] Code page to use in performing the conversion.

  • dwFlags
    [in] Flags indicating the conversion type.

  • lpWideCharStr
    [in] Pointer to the Unicode string to convert.

  • cchWideChar
    [in] Flags indicating the conversion type.

  • lpMultiByteStr
    [out] Optional. Pointer to a buffer that receives the converted string.

  • cchMultiByte
    [in] Size, in bytes, of the buffer indicated by lpMultiByteStr.

  • lpDefaultChar
    [in] Optional. Pointer to the character to use if a character cannot be represented in the specified code page.

  • lpfUsedDefaultChar
    [out] Optional. Pointer to a flag that indicates if the function has used a default character in the conversion.

Return Value

Returns the number of bytes written to the buffer pointed to by lpMultiByteStr if successful.


This function wraps the WideCharToMultiByte function. For more information, see WideCharToMultiByte.

See Also

Other Resources
