.gif) |
Admin.ArchiveOpcode |
Specifies the type of object to save to the Archive database. |
.gif) |
Admin.CompatibilityModes |
Used to specify the Project Professional version that is compatible with Project Server 2010. |
.gif) |
Admin.UserSyncSettings |
Specifies the user synchronization settings. |
.gif) |
ADSyncFrequencyUnit |
Specifies the time unit for synchronization of Project Server groups or the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory directory services. |
.gif) |
ADSyncStatus |
Status of the Enterprise Resource Pool synchronization with Active Directory directory service groups. |
.gif) |
Assignment.OtherType |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Specifies other types of assignments. |
.gif) |
AssnHistoryItemType |
Specifies the assignment history item type. |
.gif) |
AttributeOlapRole |
Specifies the role of an attribute in an on-line analytical processing schema. |
.gif) |
BuiltInFieldsGroup |
Specifies field grouping for display. |
.gif) |
CacheType |
Specifies the type of cache. |
.gif) |
CalendarConstants.CalendarExceptionNumericalPosition |
Specifies the numerical calendar exception position. |
.gif) |
CalendarConstants.CalendarRecurrenceDays |
Represents the days of the week for recurring calendar exceptions. |
.gif) |
CalendarConstants.CalendarRecurrenceType |
Specifies the recurrence type for calendar exceptions. |
.gif) |
CBS_CFNames |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Contains constants that the cube build service (CBS) uses to validate custom field names. |
.gif) |
Classification |
Specifies the Classification property of the Property class. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.BuildStage |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.CbsProcessErrorId |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.MessageLevel |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.MessageStatus |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.OlapDatabaseErrorReturn |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CubeStatus.OlapDatabaseStatus |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
CustomField.AcceptableMaxValues |
Specifies the acceptable maximum value for a custom field. |
.gif) |
CustomField.LocalType |
Specifies the type for a Project local custom field. |
.gif) |
CustomField.Prefix |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
CustomField.Range |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
CustomField.Scope |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
CustomField.SummaryRollup |
Specifies the summary roll-up type. |
.gif) |
CustomField.Type |
Specifies the type for a Project enterprise custom field. |
.gif) |
DatabaseTimeoutType |
Specifies the type of database timeout. |
.gif) |
DataStoreEnum |
Specifies the Project Server database: Draft, Published, Archive, or Reporting. |
.gif) |
DelegationFilterType |
Selects assignments that can be delegated. |
.gif) |
EpmBaselineIndex |
Specifies the database concept of baseline values. |
.gif) |
EpmCubeEntityType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
FieldEditType |
Specifies the field access level. |
.gif) |
Filter.FieldOperationType |
Specifies the operation type for a filter field. |
.gif) |
Filter.LogicalOperationType |
Specifies the logical operation type for a filter. |
.gif) |
Filter.MatchType |
Specifies the match type for a filter. |
.gif) |
Filter.PropertyTypeEnum |
Specifies the custom field property type for a filter. |
.gif) |
Filter.SortOrderTypeEnum |
Specifies the sort order for column names returned by a filter. |
.gif) |
HttpUriValidationResult |
Specifies the results of a URI validation. |
.gif) |
LookupTables.LocalMaskSequence |
Indicates the sequence or type of data for the lookup table of a local custom field. |
.gif) |
LookupTables.MaskSequence |
Specifies the sequence or type of data for a lookup table. |
.gif) |
LookupTables.SortOrder |
Specifies the preferred sort order for lookup tables. |
.gif) |
Notification.RecipientType |
Defines whether the team member, manager, or both receive this reminder notification. |
.gif) |
Notification.ReminderCategory |
Specifies the category of the reminder notification. |
.gif) |
Notification.ReminderFrequencyType |
Indicates the frequency at which a particular reminder is sent. |
.gif) |
Notification.ReminderOriginType |
Specifies the origin of the reminder notification. |
.gif) |
OlapCubeType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.AnalysisType |
Specifies the type for an optimizer analysis. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.AutoWeights |
Specifies whether the optimizer should use auto-weighting of project metrics in the analysis. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.CommittedDecisionResult |
Specifies the whether an item is included in an optimizer function. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.DecisionResult |
Specifies the whether the item is included in an optimizer function. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.DependencyPositions |
Specifies whether a project is a master or dependant project. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.DependencyTypes |
Specifies the dependency relationships between tasks. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.ForceStatus |
Specifies whether a project is enforced in a solution. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.MetricType |
Specifies the type of chart metric being used. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.MetricUsage |
Specifies the analysis metric. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.OptimizationStep |
Specifies the way projects and drivers are analyzed by the optimizer. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.OptimizerEntities |
Specifies the components of an optimizer analysis. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.PrioritizationType |
Specifies the prioritization type for an optimizer analysis. |
.gif) |
Optimizer.Solver |
Specifies the Optimizer component that is used for solving a portfolio management solution. This class is for internal use. |
.gif) |
Planner.ConstraintType |
Specifies the constraint on a solution row in a planner case. |
.gif) |
Planner.PlannerHiringType |
Specifies the type of hiring in a planner solution row. |
.gif) |
Planner.ProjectPlannerState |
Specifies the state of the planner. |
.gif) |
Project.CurrencySymbolPosition |
Specifies the placement of the currency symbol. |
.gif) |
Project.ProjectRelationship |
Specifies the status of a project to the published or working master. |
.gif) |
Project.ProjectType |
Specifies the type of project. |
.gif) |
Project.StaleFlags |
Specifies the flags that indicate which project elements need to be updated. |
.gif) |
Project.WorkFormat |
Specifies the work format. |
.gif) |
ProjectDataType |
Specifies the type of project data. |
.gif) |
ProjectDetailPages.PageType |
Specifies the page type in the project detail pages. |
.gif) |
ProjectPropertyCompareOperator |
Specifies the operators that compare project properties. |
.gif) |
ProjectSecurityRules |
Specifies the dynamic rules for projects in security categories. |
.gif) |
ProjectSummaryDataValidationLevel |
Specifies the level of project data validation. |
.gif) |
PropertyType |
Specifies the value types of project properties. |
.gif) |
ProposalListModerationStatus |
Specifies the moderation status of a proposal. |
.gif) |
PSDataType |
Specifies the type of Project Server data. |
.gif) |
PSDurationFormat |
Specifies the format type for a duration. |
.gif) |
PSErrorID |
Indicates error codes for Microsoft Project Server 2010. |
.gif) |
PSEventID |
Identifies a Project Server pre-event or post-event. |
.gif) |
PSGroupingTypeId |
Specifies how a project line item is handled in grouping operations. |
.gif) |
PWSListTemplateType |
Specifies the template type for the project site |
.gif) |
PWSWebPartViewType |
Specifies the Web Part view type for the project site |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.AdminAction |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.BlockPolicy |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.CorrelationPriority |
Specifies the correlation priority type. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.GroupState |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.JobState |
Specifies the status of a queue job. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.QueueID |
Specifies the queue identifier. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.QueueMsgPriority |
Specifies the queue message priority type. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.QueueMsgType |
Specifies a queue system message type. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.RendezvousState |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.SortColumn |
Specifies the column by which to sort the QueueStatusDataSet.StatusDataTable object. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.SortOrder |
Specifies how queue items are sorted. |
.gif) |
QueueConstants.StatType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Reminders.Type |
Specifies the type of a reminder. |
.gif) |
Reporting.AssignmentType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Reporting.RefreshJobStatus |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Reporting.TimesheetCustomFieldOrigin |
Specifies the origin of timesheet custom fields. |
.gif) |
Reporting.WSSReportingSyncTypes |
Specifies the synchronization types (issues, risks, and deliverables) for the Reporting database, with the SharePoint site for a project workspace. |
.gif) |
ReportingDBSynchronizationPhase |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Resource.AccrueAt |
Specifies how and when resource costs are to be charged to the cost of a task. |
.gif) |
Resource.BookingType |
Specifies how assignments are booked. |
.gif) |
Resource.DeletionConstratints |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Resource.OvertimeRateFormat |
Specifies the rate description format in which the overtime rate is displayed. |
.gif) |
Resource.ResourceDataTypes |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Resource.StandardRateFormat |
Specifes the rate description format in which the rate is displayed. |
.gif) |
Resource.TimePhasedRowType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Resource.Type |
Specifies the type of resource. |
.gif) |
Resource.WorkgroupMessaging |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
ResourceActiveFilter |
Specifies the resource filter type. |
.gif) |
ResourceFilter |
Specifies the type of resource filter. |
.gif) |
ResourcePlan.ResPlanStatus |
Specifies the status of a resource plan. |
.gif) |
ResourcePlan.UtilizationType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
ResourceSecurityRules |
Specifies the dynamic rules for resources in security categories. |
.gif) |
Rules.ConditionType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Rules.FieldSource |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Rules.OperatorType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Rules.RuleListItemType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Rules.RuleType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Rules.ValueType |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Security.FieldAccessID |
Specifies the field access type. |
.gif) |
Security.FieldGroupID |
Specifies the security group ID of a field. |
.gif) |
Security.PermissionID |
Specifies the type of security permissions applicable. |
.gif) |
Security.SecurityPrincipalType |
Specifies the principal security type. |
.gif) |
SRConstants.ReadMode |
Specifies the status report read mode of receiver or sender. |
.gif) |
SRConstants.SubmitStatus |
Specifies the submit state of the status report. |
.gif) |
StatusingReportingDisplay |
Specifies the reporting period types used by Statusing. |
.gif) |
StatusingReportingPeriod |
Specifies the reporting period type used by Statusing. |
.gif) |
StatusUpdateType |
Specifies the nature of a status update. |
.gif) |
SyncEntityUidType |
Specifies the type ID of an entity to be synchronized. |
.gif) |
SyncErrorSeverity |
Specifies the severity of a synchronization error. |
.gif) |
SyncErrorType |
Specifies the type of synchronization error. |
.gif) |
TableStrings.Operation |
Specifies the data row action. |
.gif) |
Task.AddPositionType |
Specifies where to add a task in a project. |
.gif) |
Task.ConstraintType |
Specifies the constraint type for a task. |
.gif) |
Task.DurationFormat |
Specifies the format type for a task duration. |
.gif) |
Task.EarnedValueMethod |
Specifies the type of earned value calculation. |
.gif) |
Task.FixedCostAccrual |
Specifies how and when fixed costs are to be charged to the cost of a task. |
.gif) |
TaskManagement.StatusApprovalType |
Specifies the status approval type of an update. |
.gif) |
TimeScaleClass.TimeScale |
Specifies the scale of the timephased data. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.Action |
Specifies the action to take on a timesheet. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.ActionState |
Specifies the state of a timesheet line for an action, such as getting a list of timesheet entries. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.AuditOperationType |
Specifies the audit operation type. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.AuditResType |
Specifies the type of resource that can audit timesheet entries. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.AuditType |
Specifies the audit type as by adjuster, resource, or both. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.DefaultDataEntryMode |
Specifies the default mode for data entry in the timesheet grid. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.EntryMode |
Specifies whether the timesheet entry mode is daily or weekly. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.LineClassState |
Specifies the state of a timesheet line. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.LineClassType |
Specifies the type of timesheet line. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.LineStatus |
Specifies the approval status of a timesheet line. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.ListSelect |
Filter timesheets returned by the ReadTimesheetList method. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.Navigation |
Specifies how to navigate a list of timesheet lines. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.PeriodState |
Specifies the state of a timesheet period for an action, such as getting a list of timesheet periods. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.PreloadOptionsForTimeSheet |
Specifies the types of timesheet lines that are preloaded when creating a timesheet. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.PreloadType |
Indicates the lines to preload into a timesheet. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.Process |
Specifies the process for a timesheet entry. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.ProjectTimesheetLineQueryType |
Specifies the timesheet line items to be included in a query. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.QueueJobStatus |
Specifies the status of a timesheet Queuing Service job. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.Status |
Specifies the status of a timesheet. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.TimeSheetDefaultDisplay |
Specifies whether to use standard overtime and non-billable time tracking, in addition to planned work. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.ValidationType |
Specifies the validation type of a timesheet line. |
.gif) |
TimesheetEnum.WorkReportingUnits |
Specifies the unit of time for reporting work on a timesheet. |
.gif) |
UpdateProjectStageStatusFieldValue |
Specifies the status of the project stage in a Project Server workflow. |
.gif) |
UserDelegationConsts.DelegationFilter |
Specifies the filter for finding user delegations. |
.gif) |
ValidationItemType |
Specifies the type of validation. |
.gif) |
ValidationStore |
Specifies the Project Server database in which to do validation. |
.gif) |
ViewConstants.CustomFieldCategory |
Reserved for internal use. Specifies the category of a custom field in a view. |
.gif) |
ViewConstants.FieldType |
Reserved for internal use. Specifies the type of field in a view. |
.gif) |
ViewConstants.ViewType |
Reserved for internal use. Specifies the type of view. |
.gif) |
WebObjectDatabaseType |
Specifies the database type of a web object. |
.gif) |
WebObjectLinkType |
Specifies the type of link between web objects in an ObjectLinkProviderDataSet object. |
.gif) |
WebObjectType |
Specifies the type of web object. |
.gif) |
Workflow.CustomFieldBehavior |
Specifies the nature of a workflow custom field. |
.gif) |
Workflow.StageStatus |
Specifies the status of a workflow for a stage. |
.gif) |
Workflow.StrategicImpactBehavior |
Specifies the behavior of a workflow on strategic impact values. |
.gif) |
Workflow.WorkflowState |
Specifies the state of a workflow. |