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Updating Earlier Code for CommandBars

In versions prior to Microsoft Outlook 2010, Outlook implemented the following items in the user interface as command bars:

  • Menu bars, toolbars, and shortcut menus.

  • Menus on menu bars and toolbars.

  • Submenus on menus, submenus, and shortcut menus.

Command bars are deprecated in Outlook 2010. Explorer and inspector windows no longer use menu bars and toolbars. Instead, they use the Microsoft Office Fluent ribbon. Programmatically, although your add-in or VBScript code that customized command bars in an explorer or inspector might still work in Outlook 2010, those who use your solution might not easily find the customizations that appear on the Add-ins tab of the customized ribbon in the explorer or inspector.

Instead of using the CommandBars property of the Explorer and Inspector objects, use ribbon extensibility to customize the ribbon and to customize any menus and submenus off the ribbon. Ribbon extensibility requires an add-in that implements the IRibbonExtensibility interface. For more information about customizing the ribbon in Outlook 2010, see Overview of Customizing the Ribbon.

Consistent with the deprecation of command bars in the explorer and inspector windows, do not rely on the CommandBar object for your custom menus; instead, use an add-in through the IRibbonExtensibility interface to extend them. For more information, see Customizing Shortcut Menus.

See Also


Office Fluent User Interface Extensibility for Outlook