ComboBox.NotInList Event (Access)
The NotInList event occurs when the user enters a value in the text box portion of a combo box that isn't in the combo box list.
expression .NotInList(NewData, Response)
expression A variable that represents a ComboBox object.
Name |
Required/Optional |
Data Type |
Description |
NewData |
Required |
String |
A string that Microsoft Access uses to pass the text the user entered in the text box portion of the combo box to the event procedure. |
Response |
Required |
Integer |
The setting indicates how the NotInList event was handled. The Response argument can be one of the following intrinsic constants:
To run a macro or event procedure when this event occurs, set the OnNotInList property to the name of the macro or to [Event Procedure].
This event enables the user to add a new value to the combo box list.
The LimitToList property must be set to Yes for the NotInList event to occur.
The NotInList event doesn't trigger the Error event.
The NotInList event occurs for combo boxes whose LimitToList property is set to Yes, after you enter a value that isn't in the list and attempt to move to another control or save the record. The event occurs after all the Change events for the combo box.
When the AutoExpand property is set to Yes, Microsoft Access selects matching values in the list as the user enters characters in the text box portion of the combo box. If the characters the user types match the first characters of a value in the list (for example, the user types "Smith" and "Smithson" is a value in the list), the NotInList event will not occur when the user moves to another control or saves the record. However, the characters that Microsoft Access adds to the characters the user types (in the example, "son") are selected in the text box portion of the combo box. If the user wants the NotInList event to fire in such cases (for example, the user wants to add the new name "Smith" to the combo box list), the user can enter a SPACE, BACKSPACE, or DEL character after the last character in the new value.
When the LimitToList property is set to Yes and the combo box list is dropped down, Microsoft Access selects matching values in the list as the user enters characters in the text box portion of the combo box, even if the AutoExpand property is set to No. If the user presses ENTER or moves to another control or record, the selected value appears in the combo box. In this case, the NotInList event will not fire. To allow the NotInList event to fire, the user should not drop down the combo box list.
The following example uses the NotInList event to add an item to a combo box.
To try this example, create a combo box called Colors on a form. Set the combo box's LimitToList property to Yes. To populate the combo box, set the combo box's RowSourceType property to Value List, and supply a list of values separated by semicolons as the setting for the RowSource property. For example, you might supply the following values as the setting for this property: Red; Green; Blue.
Next add the following event procedure to the form. Switch to Form view and enter a new value in the text portion of the combo box.
This example adds an item to an unbound combo box. When you add an item to a bound combo box, you add a value to a field in the underlying data source. In most cases you can't simply add one field in a new record — depending on the structure of data in the table, you probably will need to add one or more fields to fulfill data requirements. For instance, a new record must include values for any fields comprising the primary key. If you need to add items to a bound combo box dynamically, you must prompt the user to enter data for all required fields, save the new record, and then re-query the combo box to display the new value.
Private Sub Colors_NotInList(NewData As String, _
Response As Integer)
Dim ctl As Control
' Return Control object that points to combo box.
Set ctl = Me!Colors
' Prompt user to verify they wish to add new value.
If MsgBox("Value is not in list. Add it?", _
vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
' Set Response argument to indicate that data
' is being added.
Response = acDataErrAdded
' Add string in NewData argument to row source.
ctl.RowSource = ctl.RowSource & ";" & NewData
' If user chooses Cancel, suppress error message
' and undo changes.
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
End Sub
The following example shows how to use the NotInList event to add an item to a bound combo box.
Sample code provided by: Bill Jelen, | About the Contributors
Private Sub cboDept_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer, sMsg As String
Dim oRSClone As DAO.Recordset
Response = acDataErrContinue
If MsgBox("Add dept?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Set oRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDepartments", dbOpenDynaset)
oRS.Fields(1) = NewData
For i = 2 To oRS.Fields.Count - 1
sMsg = "What do you want for " & oRS(i).Name
oRS(i).Value = InputBox(sMsg, , oRS(i).DefaultValue)
Next i
cboDept = Null
DoCmd.OpenTable "tblDepartments", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataTable, "tblDepartments", acLast
End If
End Sub
The following example shows how to add an item to a bound combo box.
Sample code provided by: The Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference | About the Contributors
Private Sub cboMainCategory_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim intAnswer As Integer
intAnswer = MsgBox("""" & NewData & """ is not an approved category. " & vbcrlf _
& "Do you want to add it now?" _ vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Invalid Category")
Select Case intAnswer
Case vbYes
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tlkpCategoryNotInList (Category) "
& _ "Select """ & NewData & """;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Response = acDataErrAdded
Case vbNo
MsgBox "Please select an item from the list.", _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry"
Response = acDataErrContinue
End Select
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Error Description
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Sub
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