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SignatureSetup Members

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Include Inherited Members

Represents the information used to set up a signature packet.

The SignatureSetup type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdditionalXml Gets or sets any additional XML information added to the signature during setup. Read/write.
Public property AllowComments Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the signer can enter comments in the Sign dialog box. Read/write.
Public property Application (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Application Gets an Application object that represents the container application for the SignatureSetup object. Read-only.
Public property Creator (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Creator Gets a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the SignatureSetup object was created. Read-only.
Public property Id Gets the ID of the signature provider for a document. Read-only.
Public property ReadOnly Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the SignatureSetup object is read-only. Read-only.
Public property ShowSignDate Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the date the document was signed should be displayed. Read/write.
Public property SignatureProvider Gets a value identifying an installed signature provider add-in. Read-only.
Public property SigningInstructions Gets or sets the instructions for signing the document. Read/write.
Public property SuggestedSigner Gets or sets the name of the principle signer of the document. Read/write.
Public property SuggestedSignerEmail Gets or sets the e-mail address of the signer of the document. Read/write.
Public property SuggestedSignerLine2 Gets or sets the second line of suggested signer information (for example, title). Read/write.


See Also


SignatureSetup Interface

Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace