CustomFieldDataSet.CustomFieldsRow Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents an enterprise custom field.
The CustomFieldDataSet.CustomFieldsRow type exposes the following members.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion]
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Specifies the rollup type for a custom field.
Specifies the type of entity (project, task, or resource) for the custom field.
Specifies the unique identifier of the lookup table to use for the custom field.
Specifies the unique identifier of the user who has the custom field checked out for modification.
Specifies the date and time that the custom field was checked out for modification.
Specifies the unique identifier of the default value in a lookup table for a custom field.
Formula that calculates the value of a custom field.
Definition of a graphical indicator for a custom field.
Specifies the tooltip text for the graphical indicator.
Integer identifier of the enterprise custom field.
Assignment custom field identifier for resource and task custom fields.
Specifies whether the custom field value must be a leaf node in the lookup table.
Specifies whether the custom field is required when the entity (project, resource, or task) is created.
Specifies whether the custom field has a single value or uses a multi-value lookup table.
Name of the custom field.
Definition of the project summary graphical indicator for the custom field.
Specifies whether the resource or task custom field rolls down to assignments.
Definition of the custom field graphical indicator for the summary task.
Type of the custom field.
Specifies the unique identifier of the custom field.
Specifies the unique identifier for the assignment custom field, for resource and task custom fields.
Specifies whether to use the resource custom field for matching generic resources.
Date and time the custom field was most recently modified.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Determines whether the rollup type for a custom field is set to a null value.
Determines whether the unique identifier specifying the rollup type for a custom field is set to a null value.
Determines whether the unique identifier that represents the user who has the custom field checked out for modification is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_CHECKOUTDATE property used to specify the date and time that the custom field was checked out for modification, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the unique identifier of the default value in a lookup table for a custom field is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP property, used to store the formula that calculates the value of a custom field, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property, used to indicate a graphical indicator for a custom field, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property, used to define a graphical indicator for a custom field, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP property, used to determine the tooltip for a graphical indicator, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_ID property, used to uniquely identify the enterprise custom field, is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_IS_LEAF_NODE_ONLY property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_IS_REQUIRED property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_MAX_VALUES property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_PROJ_SUMM_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_ROLLDOWN_TO_ASSN property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_SUMM_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_UID_SECONDARY property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MD_PROP_USE_FOR_MATCHING property is set to a null value.
Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a null value.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetColumnError(String, String)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetColumnError(DataColumn, String)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Determines whether the MD_AGGREGATION_TYPE_ENUM property is set to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_IS_LEAF_NODE_ONLY property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_CHECKOUT() property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_CHECKOUTDATE property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_FORMULA property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_ID_SECONDARY property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_ID property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_IS_LEAF_NODE_ONLY property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_IS_REQUIRED property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_MAX_VALUES property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_PROJ_SUMM_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_ROLLDOWN_TO_ASSN property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_SUMM_GRAPHICAL_INDICATOR property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_UID_SECONDARY property to a null value.
Sets the MD_PROP_USE_FOR_MATCHING property to a null value.
Sets the MOD_DATE property to a null value.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)