ResourceDataSet.ResourcesRow Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents an enterprise resource.
The ResourceDataSet.ResourcesRow type exposes the following members.
Specifies the default calendar to use when scheduling this resource.
Specifies the date this row was first created.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion]
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Specifies the last date updated information on this row was saved to the server.
Indicates how and when resource standard and overtime costs should accrue to the cost of a task.
Indicates the default booking type for the resource on this project.
Indicates whether resource leveling can be performed on a resource.
Specifies the unique ID of the user who has this resource checked out for modification.
Specifies the date the resource was checked out.
Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number you want to enter as part of a resource's information.
Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number you want to enter as part of a resource's information.
Specifies the unique ID of the resource that is the default owner of assignments to which this resource is assigned.
Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number you want to enter as part of a resource's information.
Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number you want to enter as part of a resource's information.
Indicates whether any notes are stored in the RES_NOTES property.
Specifies the date and time a resource was hired.
Specifies the URI for the hyperlink associated with this resource.
Specifies the display text for the hyperlink associated with this resource.
Specifies the anchor portion of the URI of the hyperlink associated with this resource.
Specifies an ordinal identifier of the resource.
Specifies a short name for the resource, such as the initials of a person.
Indicates whether a resource is designated as a member of a team assignment pool.
Indicates whether this resource is a Windows user.
Specifies text indicating units for this material resource.
Specifies the full name of the resource.
Specifies comments entered about a resource.
Specifies phonetic information in either hiragana or katakana for resource names.
Specifies comments entered about a resource.
Specifies the date and time after which the resource can no longer be used.
Specifies the unique ID of the timesheet manager for this resource.
Indicates whether this resource is a work, material, or cost resource and whether it is a budget or a generic resource.
Specifies the unique identifier for this resource.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Specifies Windows account information for a work resource.
Specifies the resource's e-mail address.
Specifies the language for e-mail messages to this resource.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from Object.)
Get calendar exceptions rows returns an array of calendar exceptions for this resource.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Get resource custom fields rows returns an array of custom fields for this resource.
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Determines whether the BaseCalendarUniqueId property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the CREATED_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Determines whether the RES_ACCRUE_AT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_BOOKING_TYPE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_CAN_LEVEL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_CHECKOUTBY property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_CHECKOUTDATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_CODE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_COST_CENTER property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_EXTERNAL_ID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_GROUP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_HAS_NOTES property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_HIRE_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_INITIALS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_IS_TEAM property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_IS_WINDOWS_USER property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_NOTES property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_PHONETICS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_RTF_NOTES property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_TERMINATION_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the RES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the WRES_ACCOUNT property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the WRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Determines whether the WRES_EMAIL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from Object.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Sets the BaseCalendarUniqueId property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetColumnError(String, String)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetColumnError(DataColumn, String)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Sets the CREATED_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the MOD_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation)
(Inherited from DataRow.)
Sets the RES_ACCRUE_AT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_BOOKING_TYPE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_CAN_LEVEL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_CHECKOUTBY property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_CHECKOUTDATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_CODE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_COST_CENTER property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_EXTERNAL() property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_GROUP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_HAS_NOTES property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_HIRE_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_INITIALS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_IS_TEAM property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_IS_WINDOWS_USER property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_NOTES property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_PHONETICS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_RTF_NOTES property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_TERMINATION_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the RES_TIMESHEET_MGR() property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the WRES_ACCOUNT property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the WRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Sets the WRES_EMAIL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
(Inherited from Object.)