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WebSvcProject Namespace

The WebSvcProject namespace is an arbitrary name for a reference to the Project.asmx Web service of the PSI in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

The Project class in the Web service includes methods that manage projects. Check out, check in, create, delete, read, or update projects in the Drafts or Published databases. Put a message on the queue for publishing. Create, update, or delete entities within projects (tasks, resources, assignments, and so forth). Get information about or updates the project team or workspace address.

Use Project methods to get project status, a list of projects in the Drafts database, all summary tasks, tasks available for assignment to a specified resource, or all projects where a resource has assignments. Create and manage commitments, create lightweight projects from Windows SharePoint Services task lists, or find relationships between projects and a master project.

Project methods typically use or return one of the following DataSet objects:


  Class Description
Public class Project Includes methods for managing projects and entities in projects such as tasks, resources, and assignments. Project class methods also manage deliverables, project proposals, and project/master-project relationships.
Public class ProjectContextDataSet Contains a list of projects related to specified projects or resources.
Public class ProjectContextDataSet.RelationshipsDataTable Contains information about related projects.
Public class ProjectContextDataSet.RelationshipsRow Contains information on a related project.
Public class ProjectContextDataSet.RelationshipsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet Specifies the primary dataset used throughout the WebSvcProject Web service.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsDataTable Contains custom field values related to specific ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow object rows.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value for a specific ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentDataTable Represents the relationship between a resource ([T:WebSvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow)] and a task ([T:WebSvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow)].
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow Represents the relationship between a single resource and a single task within a project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyDataTable Represents the dependency relationship between one task and another.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyRow Represents the dependency relationship between one task and another.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsDataTable Represents a custom field value for a project-level custom field.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value for a specific ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectDataTable Represents project data values for ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow rows.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsDataTable Represents a custom field value related to a specific project resource (ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow).
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value related to a particular ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow object.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceDataTable Represents resources assigned to a particular project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow Represents a local project resource or enterprise resource that can be used on this project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow Contains the properties of one project in a ProjectDataTable row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsDataTable Represents custom field values related to specific tasks (ProjectDataSet.TaskRow).
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value related to a particular ProjectDataSet.TaskRow object.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable Represents the tasks that make up a project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskRow Defines the properties, methods, and events of one task in a TaskDataTable.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectRelationsDataSet Represents master projects containing the specified project or projects.
Public class ProjectRelationsDataSet.ProjectRelationsDataTable Contains a row for each conflicting project which has this project as a subproject.
Public class ProjectRelationsDataSet.ProjectRelationsRow Represents a master project containing the specified project as a subproject.
Public class ProjectRelationsDataSet.ProjectRelationsRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.
Public class ProjectTeamDataSet Represents enterprise resource team members on a project.
Public class ProjectTeamDataSet.ProjectTeamDataTable Contains a row for each enterprise team member on the specified project.
Public class ProjectTeamDataSet.ProjectTeamRow Represents an enterprise resource team member on the project in question.
Public class ProjectTeamDataSet.ProjectTeamRowChangeEvent Describes event handler settings for the specified data.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ProjectContextDataSet.RelationshipsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.DependencyRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.TaskRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectRelationsDataSet.ProjectRelationsRowChangeEventHandler
Public delegate ProjectTeamDataSet.ProjectTeamRowChangeEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DataStoreEnum Specifies the Project Server database: Draft, Published, Archive, or Reporting.