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Msocstate Enumeration

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Specifies component state flags.

enum {
   msocstateModal = 1,
   msocstateRedrawOff = 2,
   msocstateWarningsOff = 3,
   msocstateRecording = 4


  • msocstateModal
    The modal state.

  • msocstateRedrawOff
    The redraw-off state.

  • msocstateWarningsOff
    The warnings-off state.

  • msocstateRecording
    The recording state.


When the host or a component is notified that another entity (component or host) is entering or exiting a state identified by one of these state IDs, the host or component should take appropriate action, as follows:

  • msocstateModal (modal state)—If the application is entering the modal state, the host or component should disable its top-level windows, and reenable them when the application exits this state. Also, when this state is entered or exited, the host or component should notify appropriate in-place objects by calling the IOleInPlaceFrame::EnableModeless method.

  • msocstateRedrawOff (redraw-off state)—If the application is entering the redraw-off state, the host or component should disable repainting of its windows, and reenable repainting when the application exits this state.

  • msocstateWarningsOff (warnings-off state)—If the application is entering the warnings-off state, the host or component should disable the presentation of any user warnings, and reenable them when the application exits this state.

  • msocstateRecording (recording state)—This state is used to notify the host or component when recording is turned on or off. There are no specific actions required by the host or component for this state.

See Also


IMsoComponentManager::FOnComponentExitState Method

IMsoComponentManager::OnComponentEnterState Method

IMsoComponent::OnEnterState Method