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Sets the order in which transport providers are called to deliver a message.

HRESULT MsgServiceTransportOrder(
  ULONG ulFlags    


  • cUID
    [in] The count of unique identifiers in the lpUIDList parameter.

  • lpUIDList
    [in] A pointer to an array of unique identifiers that represent transport providers. The array contains one identifier for each transport provider configured in the current profile.

  • ulFlags
    [in] Reserved; must be zero.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The transport order was set successfully.

    The value in the cUID parameter differs from the number of transport providers actually in the profile.

    One or more of the MAPIUID structures passed in the lpUIDList parameter do not refer to a transport provider currently in the profile.


The IMsgServiceAdmin::MsgServiceTransportOrder method sets the delivery order of transport providers in a profile. The lpUIDList parameter must contain a sorted list of transport-provider entry identifiers obtained from the PR_PROVIDER_UID (PidTagProviderUid) property of the table returned from the IMsgServiceAdmin::GetProviderTable method. A client application must pass the complete list in lpUIDList.

SetTransportOrder overrides transport provider preferences such as the STATUS_XP_PREFER_LAST flag set in the PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS (PidTagResourceFlags) property.

See Also



IMsgServiceAdmin : IUnknown