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Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace


  Class Description
Public class ActiveConferenceService Obsolete. Represents a service that the participant may be using and indicates whether the service is active.
Public class AddToDefaultRoutingOptions Represents the options to customize adding an endpoint to the MCU default routing.
Public class ApplicationEndpoint ApplicationEndpoint is a specialization of LocalEndpoint for communication on behalf of services and applications.
Public class ApplicationEndpointOwnerPropertiesChangedEventArgs Represents owner properties that have changed on an endpoint.
Public class ApplicationEndpointPresenceServices
Public class ApplicationEndpointPresenceSettings Represents the automatic presence publishing information and settings for RemotePresenceView.
Public class ApplicationEndpointSettings Represents the settings needed to initialize an ApplicationEndpoint.
Public class ApplicationEndpointSettingsDiscoveredEventArgs Represents the information received when an application endpoint owner is discovered.
Public class ApplicationTopologyData Represents topology information related to the application.
Public class AutoAcceptNeededEventArgs AutoAcceptNeededEventArgs is the event argument for the AutoAcceptNeeded event in InstantMessagingCall and ConferenceInvitation.
Public class BackToBackCall Represents a logical SIP network element that resides between two Calls to mediate SIP signaling between both ends of the call.
Public class BackToBackCallSettings Represents the settings for one call leg for a BackToBackCall instance.
Public class BackToBackCallStateChangedEventArgs Represents the information associated with a BackToBackCall state transition.
Public class BackToBackCallTerminateOptions Optional parameters for terminating the BackToBackCall.
Public class Call
Public class CallAcceptOptions Optional parameters for accepting the incoming call.
Public class CallDeclineOptions Optional parameters for declining the incoming call.
Public class CallDialogContext Represents information specific to a dialog.
Public class CallEstablishOptions Optional parameter for establishing the call.
Public class CallForwardOptions Optional parameter for forwarding the call.
Public class CallForwardReceivedEventArgs Represents information received when a call is forwarded by the remote endpoint.
Public class CallMessageData Represents protocol requests and responses relevant to the operation that completed.
Public class CallMessageReceivedEventArgs Represents the information associated with a message received on Call.
Public class CallOperationFailureException Defines the exception to capture error conditions associated with call failures.
Public class CallOrbit Represents orbit details for parking and retrieving a call.
Public class CallParkOptions Optional parameters for parking the call.
Public class CallParkResponseData Represents response data associated with the call park operation.
Public class CallParticipantEndpointProperties Represents the properties of the call remote endpoint.
Public class CallProvisionalResponseOptions Optional parameter for sending the provisional response on incoming call.
Public class CallProvisionalResponseReceivedEventArgs Represents information associated with the reception of a provisional response (advanced usage.)
Public class CallReceivedEventArgs<TCall> Contains information regarding an incoming call.
Public class CallReceivedEventArgsBase Contains information regarding an incoming call.
Public class CallSendMessageRequestOptions Optional parameters for sending message request in a call.
Public class CallSendMessageResponseOptions Optional parameters for sending response for incoming message request in a call.
Public class CallStateChangedEventArgs Represents the information associated with a Call state transition.
Public class CallTerminateOptions Optional parameters for terminating the call.
Public class CallTransferNotificationOptions Optional parameters for sending explicit transfer notifications.
Public class CallTransferOptions Optional parameters for transfering the call.
Public class CallTransferReceivedEventArgs Represents information associated with the reception of a transfer.
Public class ClientPlatformSettings Represents the settings typically used for creating a client platform instance.
Public class CollaborationPlatform Represents an instance of the SIP stack.
Public class CommandFailureReasons Constants defining known command failure codes.
Public class ComposingStateChangedEventArgs Event arguments that contain the data related to composing state of the remote participant. on the InstantMessagingCall.
Public class Conference Full conference information.
Public class ConferenceCommandOptions Represents common options that an application can set to customize a specific conference command.
Public class ConferenceCommandResponse Contains basic information about a completed command.
Public class ConferenceFailureException Defines the exception to capture error conditions associated with conference commands.
Public class ConferenceInvitation Receives and responds to an invitation to join a conference.
Public class ConferenceInvitationAcceptOptions A data struture containing options which can be applied when accepting a ConferenceInvitation.
Public class ConferenceInvitationDeclineOptions A data structure containing options which can be applied when declining a ConferenceInvitation.
Public class ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions Optional parameter for delivering a conference invitation.
Public class ConferenceInvitationDialOutOptions Options to be used when a ConferenceInvitation falls back to a dial-out from the conference.
Public class ConferenceInvitationReceivedEventArgs Data structure containing the arguments for the ConferenceInvitationReceivedevent.
Public class ConferenceInvitationResponse Contains the remote participant’s response to the conference invitation.
Public class ConferenceInvitationSettings Captures the initial ConferenceInvitation settings.
Public class ConferenceInvitationStateChangedEventArgs ConferenceInvitationStateChangedEventArgs is the event argument for the StateChanged event.
Public class ConferenceJoinInformation Obsolete. This class will be removed from future versions. Instead, use ConferenceJoinOptions to customize joining a conference. Contains information to customize joining a conference.
Public class ConferenceJoinOptions Contains options to customize joining a conference.
Public class ConferenceParticipantEndpointProperties Reports property values for participant endpoints with the focus.
Public class ConferenceSession ConferenceSession enables an application to join a conference and perform other operations related to an activated conference.
Public class ConferenceSessionExtendedProperties Represents extended properties of the conference.
Public class ConferenceSessionProperties Properties of the conference.
Public class ConferencingCapabilities Conferencing capabilities.
Public class Conversation Represents a multi-party, multi-modal call contexts between a local participant and one or more remote participants.
Public class ConversationChangedEventArgs Represents the information supplied when a call is moved to a derived Conversation.
Public class ConversationContextChannel Represents a channel to communicate with a custom application running on remote endpoint.
Public class ConversationContextChannelDataReceivedEventArgs Represents the data received on a ConversationContextChannel.
Public class ConversationContextChannelEstablishOptions Represents optional parameters for establishing a ConversationContextChannel.
Public class ConversationContextChannelStateChangedEventArgs Represents the information associated with a ConversationContextChannel state transition.
Public class ConversationParticipant Represents a participant in the conversation.
Public class ConversationParticipantProperties Represents the properties of a conversation used for property changed event.
Public class ConversationPriority Conversation Priority values.
Public class ConversationProperties Represents the properties of a conversation used for property changed event.
Public class ConversationSettings Represents settings that can be applied when creating a conversation.
Public class ConversationTerminateOptions Represents optional parameters for terminating the conversation.
Public class DeliveryNotificationReceivedEventArgs Provides information regarding delivery status of a previously sent message.
Public class DiversionContext This class represents information available in an incoming call that indicates the forwarding parties before the call was received.
Public class DivertedDestination This class provides information regarding a diverted destination for an incoming call.
Public class EjectOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying the ejection of a participant.
Public class EscalateToConferenceRequestedEventArgs Data structure containing the arguments for the EscalateToConferenceRequested event.
Public class InstantMessageId Provides a unique identification (ID) for an instant message.
Public class InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs Gets the data in an incoming message from the conversation.
Public class InstantMessagingCall InstantMessagingCall is the class that supports instant messaging-based communication.
Public class InstantMessagingFlow
Public class InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs Represents EventArgs for the InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested event.
Public class InstantMessagingFlowProperties Represents properties for instant messaging flow.
Public class InstantMessagingFlowPropertiesChangedEventArgs Represents information received when the properties of an InstantMessagingFlow instance changes.
Public class InstantMessagingFlowTemplate Represents settings for an InstantMessagingFlow instance.
Public class InstantMessagingMcuParticipantEndpointProperties Class to hold properties for participants joined to the Instant Messaging MCU.
Public class InstantMessagingMcuSession Allows requests to be made to the Instant Messaging MCU.
Public class InstantMessagingMediaCapabilities Represents instant messaging media capabilities.
Public class InviteParticipantUpdateEventArgs Obsolete. This class will be removed from future versions. Data structure containing the arguments for the InviteRemoteParticipantUpdate event.
Public class LobbyAdmitOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize admitting lobby participants into a conference.
Public class LobbyDenyOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize denying lobby participants admission into the conference.
Public class LobbyManager Represents operations that a conference leader can perform with respect to the lobby and lobby participants.
Public class LobbyOperationResponse Represents the results of admitting or denying lobby participants.
Public class LobbyParticipantAttendanceChangedEventArgs Represents information about participants who land into the conference lobby and participants who were admitted into the conference from the lobby or who left the lobby.
Public class LocalEndpoint Represents an endpoint used by the current application to communicate and collaborate with other endpoints.
Public class LocalEndpointPresenceServices Represents the base class which provide presence services related to publication of local presence data and subscription to remote presentities.
Public class LocalEndpointSettings Represents the base type for settings needed to initialize an LocalEndpoint.
Public class LocalEndpointStateChangedEventArgs Represents the information associated with a LocalEndpoint state transition.
Public class LockConferenceOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize locking a conference.
Public class McuDialInOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize when dialing-out to a participant through a MCU.
Public class McuDialOutOptions MCU Dial-out options.
Public class McuInformation Describes an allocated conference MCU address.
Public class McuMediaChannel Represents a media for an MCU or Endpoint.
Public class McuSession Encapsulates common MCU operations and events.
Public class McuSessionProperties Used to communicate parsed MCU properties in an MCU implementation.
Public class McuTransferOptions MCU Transfer options.
Public class MediaChannelEstablishmentData Represents Media channel establishment data. This class provides establishment details about a particular media channel.
Public class MediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs for MediaFlow.StateChanged event.
Public class MediaTroubleshootingDataReportedEventArgs This class provides media troubleshooting information that can be used for monitoring purposes.
Public class MediaType The names of common media types.
Public class MessageDeliveryFailureData Provides information regarding delivery failure of a previously sent message to a specific participant.
Public class MimePartContentDescription Represents a part of a MIME body of a SIP message. A part can represent SDP part or a custom part or a mime/alternative part or a mime/mixed part of a mime body.
Public class ModifyConferenceConfigurationOptions Represents options to customize the operation of modifying a conference configuration.
Public class ModifyRoleOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize modifying the role of another conference participant.
Public class OfferAnswerException Indicates reason for offer/answer exception.
Public class ParticipantAttendanceChangedEventArgs Represents information regarding participants that get added or removed in a conversation or conference or MCU.
Public class ParticipantEndpoint Represents an endpoint for a participant in the conversation.
Public class ParticipantEndpointAttendanceChangedEventArgs<TProperties>
Public class ParticipantEndpointPropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties>
Public class ParticipantPropertiesChangedEventArgs Represents information about updated properties for a conversation participant.
Public class ParticipantPropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties>
Public class PlatformExtension Class which holds common functionality for all extensions to the platform.
Public class PlatformExtensionType The list of supported extension types
Public class PreferredServiceCapabilities Specifies what should be the initial device capabilities of the endpoint.
Public class PresenceSettings Represents the presence settings that must be used during endpoint establishment.
Public class PropertiesChangedEventArgs<TProperties> Represents properties that have changed on an object.
Public class ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings Represents the settings needed to create an automatically provisioned server platform.
Public class ProvisioningFailedEventArgs Represents the information received when a failure occurs in applying or accessing provisioning information.
Public class ProvisioningFailureException Defines the exception to be thrown when auto provisioning fails.
Public class RemoteMediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs Represents the event argument for RemoteMediaFlowStateChanged event in back to back call.
Public class RemoteParticipantChangedEventArgs Represents the information received when the remote participant of the call changes.
Public class RemoveFromDefaultRoutingOptions Represents the options to customize removing an endpoint from the MCU default routing.
Public class RePublishingRequiredEventArgs Defines EventsArgs to be passed for republishing a required event raised by local endpoint.
Public class SdpAnswer SdpAnswer, contains the Sdp answer message being send out or receceived from remote endpoint.
Public class SdpContentDescription SdpContentDescription class contains the contentId and content type and content body.
Public class SdpOffer SdpOffer, contains the sdp offer message received from the remote endpoint or sdp offer being send to the remote endpoint.
Public class SendInstantMessageResult Represents the result of sending an instant message to remote participants in a conversation.
Public class ServerPlatformSettings
Public class TerminationCountdownStatusChangedEventArgs Represents information about the status of automatic conference termination.
Public class ToastMessage Represents the toast message that can be sent along with an INVITE.
Public class TopologyConfiguration Represents various topology configuration data.
Public class TransferStateChangedEventArgs Represents the information associated with the status of a transfer accepted by the remote endpoint.
Public class TrustedDomain This class represents a domain and its type.
Public class UnlockConferenceOptions Represents options that an application can use to customize unlocking a conference.
Public class UserEndpoint UserEndpoint is a specialization of LocalEndpoint for communication on behalf of information workers.
Public class UserEndpointPresenceServices This class provides common presence services for UserEndpoint.
Public class UserEndpointSettings Represents the settings needed to initialize a User endpoint.
Public class UserPresenceSettings Represents the automatic presence publishing information and settings for RemotePresenceView.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate IncomingCallDelegate<TCall> Represents the delegate signature of a typical handler for an application to handle an incoming call of type TCall.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AttendanceAnnouncementsStatus Represents the different states for attendance announcements in a conference.
Public enumeration AutomaticLeaderAssignment Defines which users are automatically promoted to leaders upon joining a conference.
Public enumeration BackToBackCallState Defines the state of the BackToBackCall.
Public enumeration CallOperationFailureReason Indicates the reason for the failure of a call operation.
Public enumeration CallState Defines the state of the call.
Public enumeration CallStateTransitionReason Defines the reasons for call state transitions.
Public enumeration CallTransferType Type of call transfer - Attended or Unattended.
Public enumeration CapabilitySupport Represents capabilities supported.
Public enumeration CommandStatusCode Contains the known command status codes.
Public enumeration ComposingState Represents the composing state for participant in a InstantMessagingCall.
Public enumeration ConferenceAccessLevel Represents the access levels used to control access to a conference.
Public enumeration ConferenceAccessMethod Represents whether the client is accessing from inside or outside the organization.
Public enumeration ConferenceAuthenticationMethod Represents the types of authentication methods.
Public enumeration ConferenceEndpointState Represents the status of the conference endpoint.
Public enumeration ConferenceInvitationState An enumeration of possible conference invitation states.
Public enumeration ConferenceInvitationStateTransitionReason Reasons for conference invitation state transition.
Public enumeration ConferenceInvitationStatus Obsolete. This enumerated type will be removed from future versions. Instead use BeginDeliver and EndDeliver methods on ConferenceInvitation. Represents the possible responses to a ConferenceInvitation.
Public enumeration ConferenceJoinMethod Represents how the conference was joined.
Public enumeration ConferenceRecordingPolicy Represents the policy set by the enterprise administrator for recording conferences.
Public enumeration ConferenceSessionState The state of the conference session.
Public enumeration ConferencingRole Represents the participant conferencing role, if applicable.
Public enumeration ConferencingRosterVisibility Represents the visibility of the participant in the conference roster.
Public enumeration ConversationChangedReason Enumerates the reasons when the conversation of the call will be changed.
Public enumeration ConversationContextChannelState Represents the state of a ConversationContextChannel.
Public enumeration ConversationContextChannelStateTransitionReason Represents the reasons for changes in ConversationContextChannel states.
Public enumeration ConversationState Represents the possible states for a conversation.
Public enumeration DiversionContextSource Represents sources from which from which the diversion context information is derived from.
Public enumeration EndpointSubtype Indicates the endpoint sub-type for an endpoint of type "Application".
Public enumeration EndpointType Advertises the type of endpoint in a communication.
Public enumeration InstantMessageConsumptionMode Indicates how the application handles instant messages.
Public enumeration InstantMessagingFormat Standard commonly used message formats.
Public enumeration JoinMode Represents the conference join mode.
Public enumeration LobbyBypass Represents types of users who bypass the lobby.
Public enumeration LobbyOperationFailureReason Enumerates the failure reasons on admitting or denying a participant access to the lobby.
Public enumeration LobbyRemovalReason Defines reasons for removing a participant from the lobby list.
Public enumeration LocalEndpointState Represents the different values of the local endpoint state.
Public enumeration LocalEndpointStateTransitionReason Indicates possible reasons for a LocalEndpoint's state transitions.
Public enumeration McuMediaChannelStatus Represents the SDP media direction attributes.
Public enumeration McuSessionState The states for the MCU.
Public enumeration MediaChannelEstablishmentDiagnosticsReason Represents various media channel establishment diagnostics reasons.
Public enumeration MediaChannelEstablishmentStatus Represents various media channel establishment status.
Public enumeration MediaFlowState Represents the possible states for a media flow.
Public enumeration OfferAnswerFailureReason Failure reason, used with OfferAnswerException to indicate the reason for the error.
Public enumeration OperationState Represents the state of an operation.
Public enumeration PrivacyOptions Various privacy options that will be part of Ms-Sensitivity-Header
Public enumeration ProvisioningFailureReason Indicates the reason for the failure of a provisioning operation.
Public enumeration RemoteMediaFlowState Provides hint for the state of the media flow between remote participants of a back to back call.
Public enumeration SchedulingTemplate Represents the method used in scheduling a conference.
Public enumeration SdpAnswerStatus Status of the SdpAnswer.
Public enumeration SourceNetwork Represents the network type from which a user is connecting.
Public enumeration TerminationCountdownStatus Represents the status of automatic conference termination timer.
Public enumeration TrustedDomainMode This enum represents the mode of interoperability with a trusted domain for audio calls.