.gif) |
AgentIdentity |
Represents the data to identify a contact. |
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AuthenticationException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when an authentication-related error occurs. |
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CollectionChangedEventArgs<T> |
Event information for collection changes. |
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CollectionExtensions |
Represents extensions to the Collection class. |
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ConnectionAuthorizationRequestedEventArgs |
Represents information needed to authorize a connection. |
.gif) |
ConnectionContext |
Represents information for customizing connections. |
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ConnectionFailureException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when a network connection could not be made. Applications may want to prompt for a new URI (host and port) or a server name. |
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ConnectionPool |
Represents a connection pool. Each pool is identified by a destination tuple that consists of the hostname, the listening port of that host, and the transport type (TCP or TLS). The pool consists of 0 or more connections at any time and can grow to a maximum number of connections set by the application. The connection pool only represents outgoing connections and is not used to represent incoming connections as they are not used for pooling. |
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ContentDescription |
Represents the base class for all media descriptions. |
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DiagnosticHeader |
Represents the diagnostic information received as ms-diagnostic header in the response. |
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DiagnosticsInformation |
Represents diagnostics information. |
.gif) |
DialogContext |
Contains information related to a dialog. |
.gif) |
EndpointStateChangedEventArgs |
Indicates changes in EndpointState. |
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FailureRequestException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when a failure message is received as a SIP request message. |
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FailureResponseException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when a failure response is received. |
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FromToHeader |
Exposes the parsed value of the "From" and "To" header of a SIP message. |
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IncomingConnectionAddedEventArgs |
Contains event information for connections being added. |
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IncomingConnectionRemovedEventArgs |
Contains event information for connections being removed. |
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InvitationAcceptedEventArgs |
Represents the class used when InvitationAccepted event is raised. This gives access to the headers in the response in addition to informing the appplication that the invitation has been accepted. The headers exposed in this event are the same as the one returned when the application calls the EndEnter methods to fetch headers. If the application registers for this event, it is responsible for sending the acknowledgement in a timely manner. If the application does not send Ack, the platform will send it when the application returns from this event. |
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MessageParsingException |
Defines the exception associated with a parsing of header. |
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MessageReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the argument for relay events. |
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NameValuePair |
This class holds generic name value information. |
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OfferInInviteResponseEventArgs |
Used with the HandleOfferInInviteResponse call in IOfferAnswer. This will expose the media offer from the remote participant and gives the ability to send the media answer in the acknowledgement. |
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OfferInReInviteEventArgs |
Used with the HandleReInviteOfferReceived call in IOfferAnswer. This will expose the media offer from the remote participant and gives the ability to send the media answer. |
.gif) |
OperationFailureException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when an operation fails. The FailureReason property indicates the cause of operation failure. |
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OperationTimeoutException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when an operation times out. Generally this is caused when no response is received within a given time. |
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Participant |
Contains all the common properties of a participant. |
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ParticipateStateChangedEventArgs |
Indicates changes in ParticipateState. |
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ProvisionalResponseReceivedEventArgs |
Class contains information for reporting received provisional responses. |
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PublishSubscribeException |
Defines the exception associated with a DataSession operation error. |
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RealTimeAddress |
Defines the structure identifying a session target. |
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RealTimeClientConnectionManager |
Provides services for managing client connections. |
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RealTimeConnection |
Represents an outgoing connection used by the endpoints. The connection itself does not know with which endpoint it is associated. |
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RealTimeConnectionManager |
Provides connection management, message dispatching, and other miscellaneous services to endpoints. |
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RealTimeEndpoint |
Represents an identifiable endpoint from which you can publish or subscribe to data using data sessions or send and receive invitations using signaling sessions. Each such endpoint is uniquely identified by a URI and an endpoint ID, or a GRUU URI. |
.gif) |
RealTimeException |
Represents the base class for all exceptions defined in the UCMA API. |
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RealTimeInvalidOperationException |
Thrown when the operation is currently invalid, but the application may be able to take further action based on reason. |
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RealTimeServerConnectionManager |
Represents the server-class connection manager that enables listening for incoming connections. |
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RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager |
Provides advanced connection management for using endpoints. This class provides the same functionality as RealTimeConnectionManager and adds the ability to listen for incoming TCP connections. |
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RealTimeServerTlsConnectionManager |
Provides advanced connection management for using endpoints. This class provides the same functionality as RealTimeConnectionManager and adds the ability to listen for incoming TLS connections. |
.gif) |
RedirectingEventArgs |
Exposes the redirect target URI and lets the application try the URI depending upon the State property. |
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ReferNotifier |
Lets the application set the various Refer states indicating progress. This is used by the application that is receiving the Refer request. |
.gif) |
ReferReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the argument for the Refer state changed event. |
.gif) |
ReferStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents the event argument for Refer state changed event. |
.gif) |
ReferStatus |
Represents the state of the Refer operation. This object is created by the application sending the Refer message to track the status of the Refer as carried out by the remote endpoint. The notifications sent by the remote endpoint are reflected in this instance. |
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RegisterException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when an error occurs in the register operation. |
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RegistrationStateChangedEventArgs |
Defines state change EventArgs for Registration state changes. |
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RequestOrResponseReceivedEventArgs |
Represents a request or response received. |
.gif) |
ResponseCode |
Represents possible well-known response codes that can be used when sending responses. |
.gif) |
RouteSetRecoverySettings |
Represents the settings for driving route set recovery behavior. |
.gif) |
RouteSetStatusChangedEventArgs |
Represents event args for conveying the route status. |
.gif) |
Sdp<TGlobalDescription, TMediaDescription> |
Parses or builds an SDP as defined by RFC 2327. Note: All public static members of this type are thread-safe. All instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe. |
.gif) |
SdpAttribute |
Represents the "a" line from the SDP. |
.gif) |
SdpBandwidth |
Represents the "b" line from the SDP. |
.gif) |
SdpConnection |
Contains either an IP address or a hostname found in the SDP. |
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SdpDescription |
Applies an alias for the generic class for simplicity. |
.gif) |
SdpEncryptionKey |
Represents a "k" line from the SDP. |
.gif) |
SdpGlobalDescription |
Contains components of the global section of the SDP. |
.gif) |
SdpMediaDescription |
Represents a media section of the SDP. |
.gif) |
SdpOrigin |
Represents the "o" line in the SDP. |
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SdpParseStatus |
Stores state and provides utility routines on state that is common to the various parsing routines. |
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SdpWriter |
Represents a class that is passed to functions that will serialize the SDP attribute. |
.gif) |
SendMessageOptions |
Represents options for customizing message send behavior. |
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SendProvisionalResponseOptions |
Represents the options for sending a provisional response. |
.gif) |
ServerPolicyException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when an operation is rejected due to server policy. |
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SessionReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the argument for the incoming session event. |
.gif) |
SignalingContentDescription |
Obsolete. This class is obsolete in UCMA 3.0 and will be removed from later versions. As an alternative, applications can use the ContentDescription class.Describes a content description and additional negotiation information. |
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SignalingHeader |
Represents the signaling header that can be added by the applications. Signaling headers allow applications to supply SIP headers as name-value pairs. These headers are exposed for incoming messages and used for attaching headers in outgoing messages. |
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SignalingHeaderParser |
Assists in parsing a SignalingHeader object to decompose a header into parts such as displayname, URI, and parameters. If any component does not exist in the given header, it will be null. |
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SignalingParticipant |
Represents a participant in a session. |
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SignalingPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Returns information indicating which properties have changed. |
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SignalingSession |
This class represents an Invite based two party session. The session is normally used for offer answer negotiation and signaling call control. |
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SignalingSessionAcceptOptions |
Represents the options when establishing a session. |
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SignalingSessionEstablishOptions |
Represents the options when establishing a session. |
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SignalingSessionSettings |
Represents the configuration settings for a SignalingSession. |
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SignalingStateChangedEventArgs |
Indicates changes in SignalingState. |
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SipCredentialCache |
Provides storage for multiple name-password pairs and associates these with the realm. |
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SipDialogContext |
Contains information related to a dialog. |
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SipEndpoint |
Represents a registration server based endpoint. All messages are routed to this server. The endpoint caches the connection created to communicate with the server. |
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SipMessageData |
Captures information in a SIP message (request or response). It gives access to information that is common to request or response. |
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SipPeerToPeerEndpoint |
Represents an endpoint with no registration server. |
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SipRequestData |
Captures information in an incoming SIP request. It gives access to the message type in addition to what is exposed in a SipMessageData class. This class is used only to expose an incoming request and cannot be used to create an outgoing request. |
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SipRequestReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the class used when the event is raised for received SIP request. |
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SipResponseData |
Captures information in a SIP response. It gives access to the response code and response text in addition to what is exposed in SipMessageData. |
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SipResponseReceivedEventArgs |
Represents the class used when the event is raised with response data. |
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SipServiceRequest |
This class is no longer being maintained. Instead of using the methods on this class, developers are advised to use the BeginSendMessage and EndSendMessage methods on the RealTimeEndpoint class. Sends a service request to the server. It allows a user to add the message body and content type on a service request. Also provides an overload to send a custom "To" Header and accepted Headers. |
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SipSubscription |
Provides low-level subscription and notification. Users of this class need to pass the ISubscriptionProcessor interface to interact with the subscription. It automatically refreshes the subscription, 15 minutes before the expiry. Users of SipSubscription can also refresh the subscription themselves. |
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SipUriParameter |
Represents a general URI parameter. |
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SipUriParser |
Provides means to parse a sip URI. |
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StateChangedEventArgs<T> |
Represents a Generic class for reporting state changed event. This class provides the old and new state. |
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SubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs |
Returns information relevant to a subscription state change. |
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TimerItem |
Defines a timer item to set up a timer. When the timer expires, a supplied callback is called. The timer item needs access to a TimerWheel in which the timer item is managed. |
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TimerWheel |
Provides support for managing a large number of timers represented by TimerItem instances. The timer wheel is optimized so that add/remove operations for timer items is constant time (O(1)). |
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TlsFailureException |
Defines the exception to be thrown, when there is a connection issue due to the use of TLS. |
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UnhandledExceptionManager |
Provides a way for the application to register for a handler to catch any unhandled exceptions uncaught from a worker thread initiated by the platform. |
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WarningCode |
Represents possible well-known warning codes that can be used when sending responses. |
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WarningHeader |
Represents the diagnostic information received as Warning header. Warning is a general SIP header, which conveys the warnings from the remote. |