.gif) |
ActivationPreference |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
AdminDisplayName |
(Inherited from ADConfigurationObject.) |
.gif) |
AdministrativeGroup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Alias |
.gif) |
AllowFileRestore |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
AvailableNewMailboxSpace |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
BackgroundDatabaseMaintenance |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
BackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceDelay |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
BackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceSerialization |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
BackupInProgress |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
CachedClosedTables |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
CachePriority |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
CircularLoggingEnabled |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
CustomReferralServerList |
.gif) |
DatabaseCopies |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DatabaseCreated |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DatabaseExtensionSize |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DatabaseSize |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DataMoveReplicationConstraint |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DeletedItemRetention |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Description |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
DistinguishedName |
Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
EdbFilePath |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
EventHistoryRetentionPeriod |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ExchangeLegacyDN |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ExchangeVersion |
Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
FirstInstance |
.gif) |
Guid |
Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Identity |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
IsMailboxDatabase |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
IsPublicFolderDatabase |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
IssueWarningQuota |
Gets or sets the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the mailbox owner. (Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
IsValid |
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is configured correctly. (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.) |
.gif) |
ItemRetentionPeriod |
.gif) |
LastCopyBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LastDifferentialBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LastFullBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LastIncrementalBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LogBuffers |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LogCheckpointDepth |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LogFilePrefix |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LogFileSize |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
LogFolderPath |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaintenanceSchedule |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MasterType |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceInterval |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumCursors |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumOpenTables |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumPreReadPages |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumReplayPreReadPages |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumSessions |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumTemporaryTables |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaximumVersionStorePages |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MaxItemSize |
.gif) |
MimimumBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceInterval |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MountAtStartup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Mounted |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
MountedOnServer |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Name |
Gets or sets the name of the mailbox database. (Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ObjectCategory |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ObjectClass |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Organization |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
OrganizationId |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Organizations |
.gif) |
OriginatingServer |
(Inherited from ADRawEntry.) |
.gif) |
PreferredVersionStorePages |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ProhibitPostQuota |
.gif) |
PublicFolderHierarchy |
.gif) |
QuotaNotificationSchedule |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Recovery |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplayBackgroundDatabaseMaintenance |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplayBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceDelay |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplayCachePriority |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplayCheckpointDepth |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplayLagTimes |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ReplicationMessageSize |
.gif) |
ReplicationPeriod |
.gif) |
ReplicationSchedule |
.gif) |
ReplicationType |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
RpcClientAccessServer |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Server |
Gets the identifier of the server that contains the mailbox database. (Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
ServerName |
Gets the name of the server that contains the mailbox database. (Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
Servers |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
SnapshotLastCopyBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
SnapshotLastDifferentialBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
SnapshotLastFullBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
SnapshotLastIncrementalBackup |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
TemporaryDataFolderPath |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
TruncationLagTimes |
(Inherited from Database.) |
.gif) |
UseCustomReferralServerList |
.gif) |
WhenChanged |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenChangedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreated |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreatedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |