.gif) |
ActiveUserStatisticsLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
ActiveUserStatisticsLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
ActiveUserStatisticsLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
ActiveUserStatisticsLogPath |
.gif) |
AdminDisplayName |
(Inherited from ADConfigurationObject.) |
.gif) |
AdminDisplayVersion |
.gif) |
AntispamAgentsEnabled |
.gif) |
AntispamUpdatesEnabled |
.gif) |
AutoDatabaseMountDial |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairIntervalEndWindow |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairLogDirectorySizeLimit |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairLogEnabled |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairLogFileAgeLimit |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairLogPath |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairLogSubjectLoggingEnabled |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairMissingItemFixDisabled |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairSchedule |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairWorkCycle |
.gif) |
CalendarRepairWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
ConnectivityLogEnabled |
.gif) |
ConnectivityLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
ConnectivityLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
ConnectivityLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
ConnectivityLogPath |
.gif) |
ContentConversionTracingEnabled |
.gif) |
CurrentConfigDomainController |
.gif) |
CurrentDomainControllers |
.gif) |
CurrentGlobalCatalogs |
.gif) |
CurrentServerRole |
.gif) |
CustomerFeedbackEnabled |
.gif) |
CustomReferralServerList |
.gif) |
DatabaseAvailabilityGroup |
.gif) |
DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy |
.gif) |
Databases |
.gif) |
DataPath |
.gif) |
DelayNotificationTimeout |
.gif) |
DeltaSyncClientCertificateThumbprint |
.gif) |
DialPlans |
.gif) |
DistinguishedName |
Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Domain |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncAdamSslPort |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncCookies |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncCredentials |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncLease |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncSourceGuid |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncStatus |
.gif) |
Edition |
.gif) |
EmptyDomainAllowed |
.gif) |
ErrorReportingEnabled |
.gif) |
ExchangeLegacyDN |
.gif) |
ExchangeVersion |
Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ExternalDNSAdapterEnabled |
.gif) |
ExternalDNSAdapterGuid |
.gif) |
ExternalDNSProtocolOption |
.gif) |
ExternalDNSServers |
.gif) |
ExternalHostFqdn |
.gif) |
ExternalIPAddress |
.gif) |
FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
.gif) |
Fqdn |
.gif) |
GatewayEdgeSyncSubscribed |
.gif) |
GrammarGenerationSchedule |
.gif) |
Guid |
Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Heuristics |
.gif) |
HomeRoutingGroup |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogEnabled |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogFilePath |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogLoggingLevel |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
HttpProtocolLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
HttpTransportSyncProxyServer |
.gif) |
Identity |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
InstallPath |
.gif) |
InternalDNSAdapterEnabled |
.gif) |
InternalDNSAdapterGuid |
.gif) |
InternalDNSProtocolOption |
.gif) |
InternalDNSServers |
.gif) |
InternalTransportCertificate |
.gif) |
InternalTransportCertificateThumbprint |
.gif) |
InternetWebProxy |
.gif) |
IntraOrgConnectorProtocolLoggingLevel |
.gif) |
IntraOrgConnectorSmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection |
.gif) |
IrmLogEnabled |
.gif) |
IrmLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
IrmLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
IrmLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
IrmLogPath |
.gif) |
IsClientAccessServer |
.gif) |
IsCoexistenceServer |
.gif) |
IsE14OrLater |
.gif) |
IsE14Sp1OrLater |
.gif) |
IsEdgeServer |
.gif) |
IsExchange2003OrLater |
.gif) |
IsExchange2003Sp1OrLater |
.gif) |
IsExchange2003Sp2OrLater |
.gif) |
IsExchange2003Sp3OrLater |
.gif) |
IsExchange2007OrLater |
.gif) |
IsExchange2007TrialEdition |
.gif) |
IsExpiredExchange2007TrialEdition |
.gif) |
IsHubTransportServer |
.gif) |
IsMailboxServer |
.gif) |
IsPhoneticSupportEnabled |
.gif) |
IsPreE12FrontEnd |
.gif) |
IsPreE12RPCHTTPEnabled |
.gif) |
IsProvisionedServer |
.gif) |
IsUnifiedMessagingServer |
.gif) |
IsValid |
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is configured correctly. (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.) |
.gif) |
JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
.gif) |
Languages |
.gif) |
Locale |
.gif) |
LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders |
.gif) |
LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders |
.gif) |
LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders |
.gif) |
LogPathForManagedFolders |
.gif) |
MajorVersion |
.gif) |
ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule |
.gif) |
ManagedFolderWorkCycle |
.gif) |
ManagedFolderWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
MAPIEncryptionRequired |
.gif) |
MaxAcceptedTransportSyncJobsPerProcessor |
.gif) |
MaxActiveTransportSyncJobsPerProcessor |
.gif) |
MaxCallsAllowed |
.gif) |
MaxConcurrentMailboxDeliveries |
.gif) |
MaxConcurrentMailboxSubmissions |
.gif) |
MaxConnectionRatePerMinute |
.gif) |
MaxNumberOfTransportSyncAttempts |
.gif) |
MaxOutboundConnections |
.gif) |
MaxPerDomainOutboundConnections |
.gif) |
MaxTransportSyncDispatchers |
.gif) |
MessageExpirationTimeout |
.gif) |
MessageRetryInterval |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogEnabled |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogPath |
.gif) |
MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled |
.gif) |
MigrationLogExtensionData |
.gif) |
MigrationLogFilePath |
.gif) |
MigrationLogLoggingLevel |
.gif) |
MigrationLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
MigrationLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
MigrationLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
Name |
Gets or sets the name associated with this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
NetworkAddress |
.gif) |
ObjectCategory |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ObjectClass |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
OrganizationalUnit |
.gif) |
OrganizationId |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
OriginatingServer |
(Inherited from ADRawEntry.) |
.gif) |
OutboundConnectionFailureRetryInterval |
.gif) |
PickupDirectoryMaxHeaderSize |
.gif) |
PickupDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute |
.gif) |
PickupDirectoryMaxRecipientsPerMessage |
.gif) |
PickupDirectoryPath |
.gif) |
PipelineTracingEnabled |
.gif) |
PipelineTracingPath |
.gif) |
PipelineTracingSenderAddress |
.gif) |
PoisonMessageDetectionEnabled |
.gif) |
PoisonThreshold |
.gif) |
ProductID |
.gif) |
QueueMaxIdleTime |
.gif) |
ReceiveProtocolLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
ReceiveProtocolLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
ReceiveProtocolLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
ReceiveProtocolLogPath |
.gif) |
RecipientValidationCacheEnabled |
.gif) |
RemainingTrialPeriod |
.gif) |
ReplayDirectoryPath |
.gif) |
ResponsibleMTA |
.gif) |
RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
.gif) |
RootDropDirectoryPath |
.gif) |
RoutingTableLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
RoutingTableLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
RoutingTableLogPath |
.gif) |
SendProtocolLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
SendProtocolLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
SendProtocolLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
SendProtocolLogPath |
.gif) |
SerialNumber |
.gif) |
ServerSite |
.gif) |
ServerStatisticsLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
ServerStatisticsLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
ServerStatisticsLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
ServerStatisticsLogPath |
.gif) |
ServerType |
.gif) |
SharingPolicySchedule |
.gif) |
SharingPolicyWorkCycle |
.gif) |
SharingPolicyWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
SharingSyncWorkCycle |
.gif) |
SharingSyncWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
StaticConfigDomainController |
.gif) |
StaticDomainControllers |
.gif) |
StaticExcludedDomainControllers |
.gif) |
StaticGlobalCatalogs |
.gif) |
Status |
.gif) |
SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled |
.gif) |
SubmissionServerOverrideList |
.gif) |
TopNWorkCycle |
.gif) |
TopNWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
TransientFailureRetryCount |
.gif) |
TransientFailureRetryInterval |
.gif) |
TransportSyncAccountsPoisonAccountThreshold |
.gif) |
TransportSyncAccountsPoisonDetectionEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncAccountsPoisonItemThreshold |
.gif) |
TransportSyncAccountsSuccessivePoisonItemThreshold |
.gif) |
TransportSyncDispatchEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncExchangeEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncHubHealthLogEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncHubHealthLogFilePath |
.gif) |
TransportSyncHubHealthLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
TransportSyncHubHealthLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncHubHealthLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncImapEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogFilePath |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogLoggingLevel |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogFilePath |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxHealthLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogFilePath |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogLoggingLevel |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogMaxAge |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogMaxDirectorySize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMailboxLogMaxFileSize |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMaxDownloadItemsPerConnection |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMaxDownloadSizePerConnection |
.gif) |
TransportSyncMaxDownloadSizePerItem |
.gif) |
TransportSyncPopEnabled |
.gif) |
TransportSyncRemoteConnectionTimeout |
.gif) |
UMReportingWorkCycle |
.gif) |
UMReportingWorkCycleCheckpoint |
.gif) |
UseCustomReferralServerList |
.gif) |
UseDowngradedExchangeServerAuth |
.gif) |
VersionNumber |
.gif) |
WhenChanged |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenChangedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreated |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreatedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WindowsLiveContactTransportSyncEnabled |
.gif) |
WindowsLiveHotmailTransportSyncEnabled |