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EnrichedToHtml Members

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The EnrichedToHtml class converts enriched text to HTML.

The EnrichedToHtml type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method EnrichedToHtml The EnrichedToHtml constructor creates a new EnrichedToHtml object.



  Name Description
Public property DetectEncodingFromByteOrderMark The DetectEncodingFromByteOrderMark property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the encoding is detected from the byte order mark or determined by the InputEncoding property.
Public property FilterHtml The FilterHtml property gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the HTML will be stripped of executable scripts.
Public property Footer The Footer property gets or sets the text that will appear in the output after any other visible text.
Public property Header The Header property gets or sets the text that will appear in the output before any other visible text.
Public property HeaderFooterFormat The HeaderFooterFormat property gets or sets a HeaderFooterFormat enumeration value that indicates whether headers and footers will be interpreted as text or as HTML.
Public property HtmlTagCallback The HtmlTagCallback property gets or sets the HtmlTagCallback delegate that is called when specific tags are encountered.
Public property InputEncoding The InputEncoding property gets or sets a Encoding object that represents the encoding to use when reading enriched text input.
Public property InputStreamBufferSize The InputStreamBufferSize property gets or sets the internal input buffer size, in bytes, for stream input. (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Public property OutputEncoding The OutputEncoding property gets or sets a Encoding object that represents the encoding to use when writing HTML output.
Public property OutputHtmlFragment The OutputHtmlFragment property gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether or not this EnrichedToHtml object must output an entire HTML document or only a fragment of the HTML body content.
Public property OutputStreamBufferSize The OutputStreamBufferSize method gets or sets the internal output buffer size, in bytes, for stream output. (Inherited from TextConverter.)



  Name Description
Public method Convert(Stream, Stream) The Convert method converts the entire contents of sourceStream from its format to the format specified by this TextConverter object and stores the result in destinationStream. (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Public method Convert(Stream, TextWriter) The Convert method converts the entire contents of sourceStream from its format to the format of destinationWriter and writes the result to destinationWriter. (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Public method Convert(TextReader, Stream) The Convert method converts the entire contents of sourceReader from its format to the format of destinationStream and stores the result in destinationStream. (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Public method Convert(TextReader, TextWriter) The Convert method converts the entire contents of sourceReader from its format to the format of destinationWriter and writes the result to destinationWriter. (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Protected field locked (Inherited from TextConverter.)
Protected field testBoundaryConditions (Inherited from TextConverter.)
