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Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

The WebDAV UNLOCK Method is used to remove the lock on the resource at the request Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The UNLOCK Method may also be used to end a transaction that was initiated by the LOCK Method.

Removing a Lock

The lock token in the Lock-Token Header identifies the lock that is to be removed. The lock will be removed from the resource at the request URI and from all other resources included in the lock. If every resource that is locked under the submitted lock token cannot be unlocked, then the LOCK Method will fail.

Ending a Transaction

Ending a transaction is similar to removing a lock, except that the lock token submitted in the Lock-Token Header identifies a transaction. In the UNLOCK Method request XML body the client must also specify whether the transaction is to be committed or aborted. To commit the transaction, the commit XML Element must be included within the transactionstatus XML Element of the request body. To abort the transaction, the abort XML Element must be included within the transactionstatus XML Element of the request body.


See Authentication and Security Using WebDAV for more information.

The list of WebDAV Protocol Status Codes in the following table is not comprehensive. For information about 500-level status codes, see WebDAV Status Codes: 500s.

Status Codes

Status Code Meaning

204 (No Content)

The command succeeded. Used instead of a 200 (OK) because there is no response entity body.

400 (Bad Request)

The lock token submitted corresponds to a transaction and a request XML body was not submitted.

424 (Method Failure)

One of the methods in the transaction failed, therefore the entire transaction failed.


The following example uses the WebDAV UNLOCK Method to successfully remove the lock identified by the lock token "opaquelocktoken:e71d4fae-5dec-22df-fea5-00a0c93bd5eb1".

The following example uses the WebDAV UNLOCK Method to successfully commit the transaction identified by the lock token "opaquelocktoken:a31d4fce-5dec-17df-2da5-00c0c63bd4eb1".


UNLOCK /docs/myfile.doc HTTP/1.1
Lock-Token: <opaquelocktoken:e71d4fae-5dec-22df-fea5-00a0c93bd5eb1>
Authorization: Digest username="user",
   realm="", nonce="...",
   response="...", opaque="..."


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


UNLOCK /public/myfile.doc HTTP/1.1
Lock-Token: <opaquelocktoken:a31d4fce-5dec-17df-2da5-00c0c63bd4eb1>
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<D:transactioninfo xmlns:D="DAV:">


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content