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Implementing a Managed OnSave Event Sink

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

The following samples catch the OnSave Method and write information to a log file. See Store Event Sink Bit Flags and Building Managed Event Sink DLLs for more information.

Visual Basic.NET


Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

' Add project references to the System.EnterpriseServices, ADODB,
' Interop.Exoledb, and SignedExevtsnk .NET components.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.EnterpriseServices
Imports Exoledb = Interop.Exoledb
Imports ExevtsnkLib = SignedExevtsnk
Imports ADODB
Imports System.Reflection

Namespace ExchangeSDK.Snippets.VBNet

Public Class AsyncEvents
        Inherits ServicedComponent
        Implements Exoledb.IExStoreAsyncEvents

        ' Logfile path.
        Private Const LOGFILE As String = "C:\\evtlog.txt"

        Public Sub OnSave(ByVal pEventInfo As Interop.Exoledb.IExStoreEventInfo, _
                          ByVal bstrURLItem As String, _
                          ByVal lFlags As Integer) _
                   Implements Interop.Exoledb.IExStoreAsyncEvents.OnSave

            ' Variables.
            Dim sr As StreamWriter
            Dim rec As ADODB.Record
            Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

            ' Open the log file, append text to file.
            sr = File.AppendText(LOGFILE)

                sr.WriteLine("[VB.NET Event Sink]   OnSave()")

                ' Write the URL of the item to the log.
                sr.WriteLine("URL of item: " + bstrURLItem)

                ' Write the event flag to the log.
                sr.WriteLine("lFlags: " & lFlags)

                ' Get the record object representing the item.
                rec = New ADODB.Record
                conn = New ADODB.Connection

                ' Open the connection
                conn.Provider = "EXOLEDB.DataSource"
                conn.Open(bstrURLItem, "", "", 0)

                ' Open the record.
                rec.Open(bstrURLItem, _
                        conn.ConnectionString, _
                        ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeRead, _
                        ADODB.RecordCreateOptionsEnum.adFailIfNotExists, _
                        ADODB.RecordOpenOptionsEnum.adOpenSource, _
                        "", "")

                ' Write the DAV:href property value of the item to the log.
                sr.WriteLine("DAV:displayname value: " & CType(rec.Fields("DAV:displayname").Value, String))

                ' Determine the cause of the OnSave event.
                If (8 = (lFlags And ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_IS_DELIVERED)) Then

                    ' A mail item was delivered.
                    sr.WriteLine("The EVT_IS_DELIVERED bit is set.")

                ElseIf (256 = (lFlags And ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_MOVE)) Then

                    ' An item was saved because of a move.
                    sr.WriteLine("The EVT_MOVE bit is set.")

                ElseIf (512 = (lFlags And ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_COPY)) Then

                    ' An item was saved because of a copy.
                    sr.WriteLine("The EVT_COPY bit is set.")
                End If


            Catch ex As Exception

                ' Write exception info to the log.
                sr.WriteLine("Exception message: " & ex.Message)

            End Try

            ' Clean up.
        End Sub

        Public Sub OnDelete(ByVal pEventInfo As Interop.Exoledb.IExStoreEventInfo, _
                            ByVal bstrURLItem As String, _
                            ByVal lFlags As Integer) _
                   Implements Interop.Exoledb.IExStoreAsyncEvents.OnDelete

           ' Implement OnDelete code here.

       End Sub
    End Class

End Namespace



using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Exoledb = Interop.Exoledb;
using ADODB;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
using System.IO;

namespace ExchangeSDK.Snippets.CSharp
   class AsyncEvents : ServicedComponent, Exoledb.IExStoreAsyncEvents
      // Logfile path.
      private const string LOGFILE = "C:\\evtlog.txt";

      public void OnSave(Exoledb.IExStoreEventInfo pEventInfo, string bstrURLItem, int lFlags)
         // Variables.
         StreamWriter sr;
         ADODB.Record rec;
         ADODB.Connection conn;

         // Open the log file, append text to file.
         sr = File.AppendText(LOGFILE);

            sr.WriteLine ("[C# Event Sink]   OnSave()");

            // Write the URL of the item.
            sr.WriteLine("URL of item: " + bstrURLItem);

            // Write the event flag.
            sr.WriteLine("lFlags: " + lFlags);

            // Get the record object representing the item.
            rec = new ADODB.RecordClass();
            conn = new ADODB.ConnectionClass();

            // Open the connection.
            conn.Provider = "EXOLEDB.DataSource";
            conn.Open(bstrURLItem, "", "", 0);

            // Open the record.
                     "", "");

            // Write the DAV:href property value of the item to the log.
            sr.WriteLine("DAV:displayname value: " + rec.Fields["DAV:displayname"].Value);

            // Determine the cause of the OnSave event.
            if( 8 == (lFlags & (int)ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_IS_DELIVERED))
               // A mail item was delivered.
               sr.WriteLine("The EVT_IS_DELIVERED bit is set.");
            if(256 == (lFlags & (int)ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_MOVE))
               // An item was saved because of a move.
               sr.WriteLine("The EVT_MOVE bit is set.");
            if(512 == (lFlags & (int)ExevtsnkLib.EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_COPY))
               // An item was saved because of a copy.
               sr.WriteLine("The EVT_COPY bit is set.");


            // Clean up.

         catch(Exception ex)
            // Write exception info to the log.
            sr.WriteLine("Exception message: " + ex.Message);

     // Close the stream writer.

      public void OnDelete(Exoledb.IExStoreEventInfo pEventInfo, string bstrURLItem, int lFlags)
     // Implement OnDelete code here.