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Saving Messages into ADO Stream Objects

Saving Messages into ADO Stream Objects

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.To save a serialized message from a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) Message object to an ADO Stream object

  1. Retrieve the IDataSource interface on the Message object.
  2. Create or otherwise obtain a _Stream object reference on a Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Stream object.
  3. Use the IDataSource interface on the Message object to call OpenObject. Pass the _Stream object reference as the first argument, and the string "_Stream" as the second.

Visual Basic

' Reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
' Reference to Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Server Library

' Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are
' first obtained from the user or user interface.
Sub SaveMessageToFile(iMsg As CDO.Message, Filepath As String)
    Dim Stm As New Stream
    Stm.Type = adTypeText
    Stm.Charset = "US-ASCII"

    Dim iDsrc As IDataSource
    Set iDsrc = iMsg
    iDsrc.SaveToObject Stm, "_Stream"

    Stm.SaveToFile Filepath, adSaveCreateOverWrite

End Sub

C++, IDL

#import "c:\program files\common files\system\ado\msado15.dll" no_namespace
#import "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\cdo\cdoex.dll" no_namespace

// Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are
// first obtained from the user or user interface.
void Save_Message_to_File(IMessagePtr iMsg, bstr_t filename)
      ** This example shows a common use of the ADO Stream
      ** object with CDO, namely, saving a serialized
      ** message to disk using an ADO Stream object.
      _StreamPtr  pStm(__uuidof(Stream));
      IDataSourcePtr iDsrc;
      iDsrc = iMsg;

      _variant_t varOptional(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND,VT_ERROR);
      pStm->raw_Open(varOptional, adModeUnknown,
      pStm->Type = adTypeText;
      pStm->Charset = "US-ASCII"; // apparently, we need this!
      catch(_com_error error)
            throw error;

      try {
      catch(_com_error e)
            throw e;


' Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are
' first obtained from the user or user interface.
Sub SaveMessageToFile(iMsg, Filepath)
    Dim Stm
    Set Stm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    Stm.Type = adTypeText ' 2
    Stm.Charset = "US-ASCII"

    Dim iDsrc
    Set iDsrc = iMsg.DataSource
    iDsrc.SaveToObject Stm, "_Stream"

    Stm.SaveToFile Filepath, adSaveCreateOverWrite

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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