Design Specifications and Guidelines - Integrating with the System
Using System Settings and Notifications
The system provides standard metrics and settings for user interface aspects, such as colors, fonts, border width, and drag rectangle (used to detect the start of a drag operation). The system also notifies running applications when its settings change. When your application starts, query the system to set your application's user interface to match the system parameters. This ensures visual and operational consistency. Also, design your application to adjust itself appropriately when the system notifies it of changes to these settings.
More Information
The GetSystemMetrics, GetSysColor, and SystemParametersInfo functions and the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message are important to consider when supporting standard system settings. For more information about these system interfaces, see the Microsoft Platform SDK on the MSDN Online Web site at
Fundamentals of Designing User Interaction
Windows Interface Components
Design Specifications and Guidelines
Appendixes and References