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Overview of application programming interface (API) code samples for the Tablet PC.

This section contains samples that show how the Tablet PC libraries can be used with C#, Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET, Microsoft Visual C++®, and Visual Basic 6.0 to work with ink.

By default, the samples are installed in <system drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK\Samples\.

Available Samples

Sample Description
Advanced Recognition Demonstrates some of the more advanced recognition features, such as explicit recognizer choice, factoids and more.
Auto Claims Form Demonstrates the use of two ink controls: the InkEdit control and the InkPicture control.
Basic Recognition Demonstrates how to build a simple handwriting recognition application, using the RecognizerContext object.
C++ Event Sinks Demonstrates templates in C++ for all Tablet Platform events, which can either be subclassed, or copied and pasted and used as template code.
Character Autocomplete Demonstrates how to implement character Autocomplete in Japanese by using the recognition APIs.
Ink Blog Web Sample Demonstrates how to create a managed user control that has inking capability and host that control in Internet Explorer
Ink Clipboard Demonstrates ink interoperability using the clipboard.
Ink Collection Demonstrates a simple Windows form application that uses the InkCollector object to collect ink.
Ink Divider Demonstrates how to use the Divider object to do ink analysis.
Ink Erasing Demonstrates the deletion of ink strokes in a Windows form application that uses the InkCollector object to collect ink.
Ink Hit Test Demonstrates two ways of hit testing ink.
Ink Recognition Demonstrates how you can build a simple handwriting recognition application.
Ink Serialization Demonstrates how to serialize ink to the ink serialized format (ISF).
Ink Web Control Sample Demonstrates how to create an Ink Control for use in a Web browser.
Ink Zoom Demonstrates how to properly zoom ink in an application.
Multiple Recognizers Demonstrates how to select from a variety of installed recognizers and then use the selected recognizer.
No-Touch Deployment Web Sample Demonstrates how to use the PenInputPanel object to make text input into your forms applications simpler. Extends the Auto Claims form sample.
PenInputPanel Demonstrates how to use the PenInputPanel object to make text input into your forms applications simpler. Extends the Auto Claims form sample.
RealTimeStylus Ink Collection Sample Demonstrates ink collection using the RealTimeStylus.
RealTimeStylus Plugin Sample Demonstrates working with RealTimeStylus.
Scanned Paper Form Demonstrates the use of a form scanned in as a bitmap and specified as the background image for an InkPicture control over the top of a form. Several regions have been enabled for the collection of ink (or, specified as "inkable").
Tablet PC Platform Info Demonstrates the use of the GetSystemMetrics() Windows API function to determine whether the application is running on a Tablet PC.