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Returns an HTML fragment containing an HTML image tag for a Microsoft® .NET Passport link. Each IMG source includes an associated HREF to sign in, refresh credentials, or sign out, as appropriate.

Important  This method takes advantage of the .NET Passport authentication capabilities that are built into Microsoft® Windows® XP. If you use this method to generate the Sign In button on a Web page, users who are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP will enter their credentials into the .NET Passport sign-in user interface (UI) that is integrated into the operating system. As a result, any customized cobranding you supply will not be displayed. If you want to ensure that all users sign in using the cobranding-enabled Web UI, use the LogoTag method. For more information, see PassportIdentity.LogoTag.

The LogoTag2 image is the Sign In or Sign Out image that contains a link to the .NET Passport sign-in or sign-out URL. If no valid Ticket cookie is detected, the link image displays Sign In; if a valid Ticket cookie is detected, displays Sign Out.

Overload list


Returns an HTML fragment containing an HTML image tag for a .NET Passport link.


Returns an HTML fragment containing an HTML image tag for a .NET Passport link.


Returns an HTML fragment containing an HTML image tag for a .NET Passport link.

See Also

Passport PassportIdentity Object