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IAnalogTVTuningSpace Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IAnalogTVTuningSpace Interface

The IAnalogTVTuningSpace interface provides methods for getting and setting parameters associated with analog TV tuning spaces. In Windows® XP, the Video Control uses these methods when building and controlling a WDM Analog TV filter graph.

In addition to the methods inherited from ITuningSpace, the IAnalogTVTuningSpace interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_CountryCode Gets the country/region code of the tuning space (based on TAPI country/region codes).
get_InputType Gets the input type (antenna or cable) intended for the tuning space.
get_MaxChannel Gets the highest channel number for this tuning space.
get_MinChannel Gets the lowest channel number for this tuning space.
put_CountryCode Sets the country/region code of the tuning space (based on TAPI country/region codes).
put_InputType Sets the input type (antenna or cable) intended for the tuning space.
put_MaxChannel Sets the highest channel number for this tuning space.
put_MinChannel Sets the lowest channel number for this tuning space.

See Also