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TEXT_SOURCE structure

[Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.]

Contains information about text for the word breaker to process.


typedef struct tagTEXT_SOURCE {
  const WCHAR       *awcBuffer;
  ULONG             iEnd;
  ULONG             iCur;


  • pfnFillTextBuffer
    A pointer to a function of type PFNFILLTEXTBUFFER. This function refills the awcBuffer member with text from the source document.

  • awcBuffer
    A pointer to a buffer that contains text from the source document for the word breaker to parse.

  • iEnd
    The position of the last character in awcBuffer.

  • iCur
    The position of the first character in awcBuffer.


The syntax of the pfnFillTextBuffer function is as follows.

typedef HRESULT ( __stdcall *PFNFILLTEXTBUFFER )( 
    struct tagTEXT_SOURCE *pTextSource);

Indexing Service populates elements of this structure when the word breaker is invoked and initialized. IWordBreaker::BreakText gets a pointer to TEXT_SOURCE structure and calls the function pointed to by the pfnFillTextBuffer parameter, to refill the awcBuffer member until all text from the source has been processed.

The PFNFILLTEXTBUFFER function returns an HRESULT value that includes both filtering and word-breaking return values. The filtering return values are FILTER_E_NO_MORE_VALUES, FILTER_E_NO_TEXT, FILTER_E_NO_VALUES, FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT, and FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS. For more information, see Filter-Interface Values. The word-breaking return value is WBREAK_E_END_OF_TEXT. For more information about word-breaking return values, see Word-Breaking Values.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]

End of client support

Windows 7

End of server support

Windows Server 2008 R2



See also
