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Request-Processing Constants


This topic describes the constants that are defined in the Httpserv.h header file.

Request Processing Constants

Deterministic Request-Level Notification Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetRequestNotifications method to specify which sequential request-level notifications an HTTP module will process.

Constant Bitmask Description
RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST 0x00000001 Indicates that IIS began processing a request.
RQ_AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST 0x00000002 Indicates that IIS authenticated a request.
RQ_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST 0x00000004 Indicates that IIS authorized a request.
RQ_RESOLVE_REQUEST_CACHE 0x00000008 Indicates that IIS satisfied a request from the cache.
RQ_MAP_REQUEST_HANDLER 0x00000010 Indicates that IIS mapped the handler for request.
RQ_ACQUIRE_REQUEST_STATE 0x00000020 Indicates that IIS acquired the state for a request.
RQ_PRE_EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER 0x00000040 Indicates that IIS will execute a request handler.
RQ_EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER 0x00000080 Indicates that IIS executed a request handler.
RQ_RELEASE_REQUEST_STATE 0x00000100 Indicates that IIS released the state for a request.
RQ_UPDATE_REQUEST_CACHE 0x00000200 Indicates that IIS updated the cache.
RQ_LOG_REQUEST 0x00000400 Indicates that IIS logged the request.
RQ_END_REQUEST 0x00000800 Indicates that IIS ended a request.

Nondeterministic Request-Level Notification Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetRequestNotifications method to specify which nonsequential request-level notifications an HTTP module will process.

Constant Bitmask Description
RQ_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION 0x10000000 Indicates that a custom request-level notification occurred.
RQ_SEND_RESPONSE 0x20000000 Indicates that IIS sent a response.
RQ_READ_ENTITY 0x40000000 Indicates that IIS read data from the request entity.
RQ_MAP_PATH 0x80000000 Indicates that IIS mapped a URL to a physical path.

Global Notification Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetGlobalNotifications method to specify which global-level notifications an HTTP module will process.

Constant Bitmask Description
GL_STOP_LISTENING 0x00000002 Indicates that IIS stopped accepting new requests.
GL_CACHE_CLEANUP 0x00000004 Indicates that IIS cleaned up the cache.
GL_CACHE_OPERATION 0x00000010 Indicates that a cache operation occurred.
GL_HEALTH_CHECK 0x00000020 Indicates that a health check occurred.
GL_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE 0x00000040 Indicates that the IIS configuration changed.
GL_FILE_CHANGE 0x00000080 Indicates that a file changed.
GL_PRE_BEGIN_REQUEST 0x00000100 Indicates that a request will enter the integrated request-processing pipeline.
GL_APPLICATION_START 0x00000200 Indicates that an application started.
GL_APPLICATION_RESOLVE_MODULES 0x00000400 Indicates that IIS resolved the modules for an application.
GL_APPLICATION_STOP 0x00000800 Indicates that an application exited.
GL_RSCA_QUERY 0x00001000 Indicates that a Run-Time Status and Control query was issued.
GL_TRACE_EVENT 0x00002000 Indicates that an IIS trace event was raised.
GL_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION 0x00004000 Indicates that a custom global-level notification occurred.
GL_THREAD_CLEANUP 0x00008000 Indicates that IIS cleaned up a thread.

Priority Alias Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetPriorityForRequestNotification and IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetPriorityForGlobalNotification methods to specify the priority level for notifications.


The priority levels are inverted for RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notifications.

Constant Value Description
PRIORITY_ALIAS_FIRST L"FIRST" Indicates that the module should be processed before all other modules. For RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notifications, indicates that the module should be processed after all other modules.
PRIORITY_ALIAS_HIGH L"HIGH" Indicates that the module should be processed with high priority. For RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notifications, indicates that the module should be processed with low priority.
PRIORITY_ALIAS_MEDIUM L"MEDIUM" Indicates that the module should be processed with medium priority.
PRIORITY_ALIAS_LOW L"LOW" Indicates that the module should be processed with low priority. For RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notifications, indicates that the module should be processed with high priority.
PRIORITY_ALIAS_LAST L"LAST" Indicates that the module should be processed after all other modules. For RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notifications, indicates that the module should be processed before all other modules.

Context-Cloning Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpContext::CloneContext method to specify which sections of the context should be cloned.

Constant Value Description
CLONE_FLAG_BASICS 0x01 Indicates that the URL, query string, and HTTP method should be cloned.
CLONE_FLAG_HEADERS 0x02 Indicates that the request headers should be cloned.
CLONE_FLAG_ENTITY 0x04 Indicates that the entity body should be cloned.
CLONE_FLAG_NO_PRECONDITION 0x08 Indicates that any "range" and "if-" headers for the request should not be included in the clone operation.
CLONE_FLAG_NO_DAV 0x10 Indicates that any WebDAV headers for the request should not be included in the clone operation.

Request-Execution Constants

The following constants are used with the IHttpContext::ExecuteRequest method to specify the execution behavior for a child context.

Constant Value Description
EXECUTE_FLAG_NO_HEADERS 0x01 Indicates that the HTTP headers for the child request should be suppressed.
EXECUTE_FLAG_IGNORE_CURRENT_INTERCEPTOR 0x02 Indicates that the current script map handler for this request chain should be ignored.
EXECUTE_FLAG_IGNORE_APPPOOL 0x04 Indicates that the request should be executed, even if the child request is not in the same application pool.
EXECUTE_FLAG_DISABLE_CUSTOM_ERROR 0x08 Indicates that the custom errors for the child request should be disabled.
EXECUTE_FLAG_SAME_URL 0x10 Indicates that the URL for the child request is the same as the URL for the parent request.
EXECUTE_FLAG_BUFFER_RESPONSE 0x20 Indicates that the child response should be returned to the parent request and not be flushed.
EXECUTE_FLAG_HTTP_CACHE_ELIGIBLE 0x40 Indicates that the child response is still eligible for caching by Http.sys.

See Also

Web Server Core Constants
Web Server Core API Reference
IHttpContext::CloneContext Method
IHttpContext::ExecuteRequest Method
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetGlobalNotifications Method
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetPriorityForRequestNotification Method
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetPriorityForGlobalNotification Method
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo::SetRequestNotifications Method