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ShowWhatsThis Method

Displays the Whats This Help topic specified for an object with the WhatsThisHelpID property.


Return Value

  • Object
    Specifies the object for which the Whats This Help topic is displayed.


Applies To: CheckBox | ComboBox | CommandButton | CommandGroup | Container Object | Control Object | EditBox | Form | Grid | Image | Label | Line | ListBox | OLE Bound Control | OLE Container Control | OptionButton | OptionGroup | Shape | Spinner | TextBox | Timer | ToolBar

The ShowWhatsThis method is automatically called when the F1 key is pressed. If the WhatsThisHelp property is set to true (.T.), the Whats This Help topic for the object, specified with the WhatsThisHelpID property, is displayed. If the WhatsThisHelp property is set to false (.F.), the Help topic for the object, specified with the HelpContextID property, is displayed.

See Also


WhatsThisButton Property

WhatsThisMode Method

WhatsThisHelp Property

WhatsThisHelpID Property

Other Resources

Methods (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)