Objects (Windows Script Host)
The following sections include information about the Windows Script Host objects.
In This Section
- Scripting.Signer Object
Enables an author to sign a script with a digital signature and a recipient to verify the signature's authenticity and trustworthiness.
- WScript Object
Provides access to most of the objects, methods, and properties in the WSH object model.
- WshArguments Object
Gives you access to the entire collection of command-line parameters — in the order in which they were originally entered.
- WshController Object
Exposes the method CreateScript() that creates a remote script process.
- WshEnvironment Object
Gives you access to the collection of Microsoft Windows system environment variables.
- WshNamed Object
Provides access to the named command-line script arguments within the WshArguments object.
- WshNetwork Object
Gives you access to the shared resources on the network to which your computer is connected.
- WshRemote Object
Provides access to the remote script process.
- WshRemoteError Object
Exposes the error information available when a remote script (a WshRemote object) terminates as a result of a script error.
- WshScriptExec Object
Provides status and error information about a script run with Exec, along with access to the stdIn, stdOut, and stdErr channels.
- WshShell Object
Gives you access to the native Windows shell functionality.
- WshShortcut Object
Allows you to create a shortcut programmatically.
- WshSpecialFolders Object
Allows you to access the Windows Special Folders.
- WshUnnamed Object
Provides access to the unnamed command-line script arguments within the WshArguments object.
- WshUrlShortcut Object
Allows you to create a shortcut to an Internet resource, programmatically.
Related Sections
- WSH Reference
List of elements that make up WSH Reference.
- Windows Script Host Basics
Learn the basics of WSH.